2016年9月1日 星期四


  1. 不要瞎猜。也許你會認為你知道他為何會犯錯,但是,不要遽然下結論。你應該坦誠的問他一些問題,以便了解究竟發生了什麼。
  2. 給與幫助。你的同事有可能因為一些臨時發生的狀況而犯下了錯誤。你可以先不要追究他的錯誤,而去幫助他去解決它所面臨的問題。如此做,通常會在事後得到回報。
  3. 重視彼此友好關係。好的工作關係在任何組織都是保證任務可以成功的關鍵因素。你可以直接而坦誠的告訴他,讓他知道這個錯誤如何影響了你的工作。但是你要謹慎維護彼此的友好關係
How do you get along with wrong colleagues?
In this age of division and cooperation, colleagues' mistakes can really affect your own work. It is necessary for you to find out his mistakes and communicate with him, but also to avoid damaging the relationship between you.
How should I be in a position? Please refer to:
  1. Don't guess. You may think you know why he makes mistakes, but don't jump to conclusions. You should ask him some questions frankly, so as to understand what has happened.
  2. Give help. Your colleagues may have made mistakes because of some temporary situations. You can not pursue his mistakes first and help him solve the problems he faces. Doing so is usually rewarded after the event.
  3. Attach importance to each other's friendly relations. Good working relationship is the key factor to ensure the success of any organization in any organization. You can tell him directly and honestly, and let him know how this mistake affects your work. However, you must be careful in maintaining friendly relations.

