2016年5月18日 星期三


  1. 感受強烈。這種經驗會觸發強烈的感覺。它出現的形式不一定會很戲劇性,但是對你的感受則非同一般。
  2. 很個人化。這種使命感通常與你的個人經驗有關,或是與你所關切的人有關。
  3. 願意堅持住。這種心理會驅使你不斷去關注,讓你坐在沙發上、或是在看電視時,或是正準備睡覺時,還是不斷盤踞在你的心裡。
Recognize your sense of mission
People usually deal with big problems successfully, usually in a particular event or time point where he feels he has to take action. These "mission" can drive you start to solve the problem, or you are likely to give up, help you hold on. Such a state of mind can shape your meaningful career and life.
Here are the symptoms of this sense of mission:
  1. Feel strong. This experience triggers a strong sensation. The way it appears is not necessarily dramatic, but it doesn't feel the same about you.
  2. Very personal. This sense of mission is usually associated with your personal experience, or with someone you care about.
  3. Willing to stick to it. It drives you to focus on sitting on the couch, watching TV, or getting ready to sleep, or getting stuck in your heart.

2016年5月17日 星期二


  1. 強調你的成就。不要自大,但是也不要對你的實際成就過於低調。清楚的陳述你對公司所作的貢獻。
  2. 謹慎的承認錯誤。指出最可能發生問題的領域,並且說明你將如何改正你的錯誤。
  3. 只關注你自己,不要牽扯他人。你會很有衝動來談到別人,尤其是你的進度受到別人耽誤的情況下。但是,記住這份報告是在做自我評估。不要以批評或是防衛的態度來議論你的同事。
Write your self-assessment report in the right tone
In modern enterprise personnel performance evaluation, many require employees to make a self-assessment report. Few people would love to self-evaluate. It will make people feel embarrassed. You are in difficult to draw the line between how the overblown and self-suppression modest grasp just perfect.
After that, try to do that when you're asked to make self-assessment:
  1. Emphasize your accomplishments. Don't be cocky, but don't be too low-key about your actual achievements. Make a clear statement of your contribution to the company.
  2. Be cautious in admitting mistakes. Point out the areas where the most likely problems occur, and explain how you will correct your mistakes.
  3. Pay attention to yourself, don't involve others. You will be very impulsive to talk about others, especially when your progress is delayed by others. But remember, this report is doing self-assessment. Don't talk about your colleagues in a critical or defensive way.

2016年5月16日 星期一


  1. 掌握要改變的主動權。不要等待別人來告訴你應該開始改變你自己,更不能對自己說我沒有能力改變自己。你必須告訴自己你願意改變,也能夠改變。
  2. 要有耐心。改變需要時間。但是,你必須抱持正面積極的態度,耐心等待改變的美好果實。然而,要知道你的期待不一定會以你原來的想象的形式出現,過程與條件會調整最後的成果形式。即使如此,你也要抱著感恩的態度來接受。這樣,你會更有動力去迎接下一個挑戰,并享受更多的美好。
  3. 接受改變過程中的困難。真正的改鬢,必須要你做出真正的努力。一旦決定要有改變,開始採取行動,就準備好你會遇到你無法意料到的意外狀況。
  4. 避免其他誘惑。許多時候,在你改變與發展的過程中,總會出現其他的誘惑,引導你去分心。你有必要弄清楚自己要達成的目標是什麼,優先次序是什麼,更重要的,是很實際的評估自己究竟有多少能量來承擔多樣的項目。
  5. 不要貪心,謹慎維護。一旦你開始看到了初期的成果,不要因此而輕易提高你急切的心理。要知道,後續可能會有各種狀況,會讓你承受不住高限的承擔能力。你只要享受得到小成果、階段的進步,勻稱的繼續做下去,這樣讓你可以改變的行動成為你可以掌握的模式。
Begin to change your behavior
To be a leader, whether you're a leader in an organization, an influential person in your circle of friends, or even a parent in your family, you have to start changing your behavior.
If don't change yourself, the worst phenomenon is that people don't think you want to accept them, and willing to lead and serve them. Well, why do they accept your leadership and respect your status?
From now on, start building your new behavior patterns:
  1. Master the initiative to change. Don't wait for others to tell you that you should start to change yourself, not to say to yourself that I have no ability to change myself. You have to tell yourself that you want to change, and you can change.
  2. Be patient. It takes time to change. But you must have a positive attitude and be patient to wait for the good fruit of change. However, know that your expectations will not necessarily appear in the form of your original imagination. The process and conditions will adjust the final form of results. Even so, you should also accept it with gratitude. In this way, you will be more motivated to meet the next challenge and enjoy more beautiful things.
  3. Accept difficulties in changes. Have a real change, you must make a real effort. Once you decide to change, start taking action, get ready, and you'll meet unexpected situations that you can't expect.
  4. Avoid other temptations. Many times, in the process of change and development, there will always be other temptations to guide you to distraction. You need to figure out what your goals are, what priorities are, and more importantly, actually assess how much energy you have in order to undertake multiple projects.
  5. Don't greedy, be cautious. Once you begin to see the initial results, do not easily increase your eagerness. You know, there may be a variety of situations, which will make you unable to bear the high limit with your ability. You just have to enjoy the little gains, the stages of progress, the symmetry to continue to do, so that you can grasp the patter of change.


  1. 我的缺點是什麼?同儕競爭通常是源自于嫉妒:你的對手有某些你欠缺,但是由很不情願的羨慕中的記錄或是技能。如果你發現自己非常在乎你的對手有這樣令你羞怒的狀態,你應該檢討如何強化自己的核心競爭力。
  2. 我的格局是否夠遠大?整天盯梢著對手可能會妨礙自己成長的可能性。如果他在發佈一項新產品,或是在啟動一項創意或活動,你是否也能夠做出有更大衝擊的項目呢?
Learn from your Competitors in the Office
It's boring and wasting time to compete with colleagues in the office. Why do you care so much about what he's doing? Why is he so concerned about what you've accomplished?
But such an office atmosphere can answer two important questions:
  1. What are my weaknesses? Peer competition usually comes from jealousy: your opponent has something you don't have, but you don't want to be jealous of your record or skill. If you find yourself concerned that your opponent has such a state of shame, you should review how to strengthen your core competencies.
  2. Do I ambitious enough? All the competitors may prevent the possibility of stalking their growth. If he's releasing a new product, or starting an idea or activity, are you able to make a bigger impact project?


  1. 弄清楚你究竟不喜歡什麼。你多半無法改變上級交付給你的工作任務,但是你可以盡量減少花在做這份工作上的時間。
  2. 多結交工作夥伴。和你的工作夥伴建立起友情聯繫會讓你對工作有比較正面的態度。多花時間與你喜歡的人在一起,而減少與你不喜歡的人相處的時間。
  3. 保持你開放選擇的機會。你可能會因為經濟蕭條或是在你的產業中很有限的機會所困厄住,但是大環境還是會繼續變化的。你要確保你的履歷以及在LinkedlnFacebook上的個人資料隨時更新,而你也願意繼續與不同的人見面。
Survive in a bad working environment
If you don't love the work, you don’t need to swallow to live, and you don't need to resign.
Here's how you can do it in an imperfect working environment:
  1.  Make sure you don't like what you don't like. You can't change the job that your superior gives you, but you can try to minimize the time you spend doing the job.
  2.  Make more work partners. Building friendships with your work partner will give you a more positive attitude towards work. Spend more time with the person you like, but less time with the person you don't like.
  3. Keep your options open. You may be because of the recession or in your industry is limited to living environment or distress, but will continue to change. You should ensure that your resume and personal data on Linkedln and Facebook are updated at any time, and you are willing to continue meeting with different people.

2016年5月15日 星期日


  1. 我是否坐立不安?如果你安靜的坐著而且認真的在聆聽,那就很好。但是,如果你不斷的晃動椅子,手指在桌上敲擊著,或是更糟的,你不斷的在看著你的手機,你的交談對象一定會感到你對他在說什麼一點兒也沒有興趣。
  2. 我是否老是打斷別人說話?在任何健康的爭論中,不免會發生中斷別人說話的狀況。但是,如果你老是去中斷別人的發言,或是你不斷的要強調你自己的主張,那麼人們會覺得你的談話不夠開放。
Know the impression your body language gives
Gestures and facial expressions leave strong signals to the person you're talking to. However, many people ignore the implications of his body language.
Later, when you're going to talk to people, ask yourself two questions:
  1. Am I on pins and needles? If you sit quietly and listen carefully, that's good. However, if you keep shaking fingers on the desk chair, beating, or worse, you are constantly watching your mobile phone, you will feel you talking to him in what little interest.
  2. Do I always interrupt people? In any health debate, interruptions may occur. But if you always interrupt someone else's speech, or you constantly emphasize your own opinion, then people will feel that your conversation is not open enough.