2016年11月19日 星期六




美國社會學家Mark Granovetter以弱連結理論(Weak Ties Theory)指出,泛泛之交、宴會裡偶遇的陌生人、在Facebook短暫互動的網友,反而會比關係密切的親友、同事帶來多於58%的幫助。人際溝通儼然成為目前職場必備能力,這也是為什麼不管是新人或老手,在職場上都要妥善經營人脈的原因。Jon Levy用分析行為科學的經驗,輔以具體的理論,說明就算不是天生社交好手,也能培養4個習慣改善社交恐懼,拓展人脈更上手。

一、Give and Take:比起索取,不如當一個給予者





例如,你可以設定你願意一周工作40 – 50小時。然後,用這個設定作為檢查點。如果你感覺這樣的時間長度對你還是太大了,那麼可以縮小到以一天8小時為單位,並且設法提早15分鐘結束,並且檢查你這一天的工作進度。

Reduce work stress and consider how you can allocate time

When you want to reduce work stress, especially when you have been behind in work, you don't know how to do it. You must first assess how much work you can do.
For example, you can set up your willingness to work 40 to 50 hours a week. Then, use this setting as a checkpoint. If you feel that the length of time is too large for you, it can be reduced to 8 hours per day, and try to finish 15 minutes earlier, and check the progress of your day.
If you find that you can't achieve the goal of the work scheduled on schedule, then review it, what is hindering you: taking part in too many meetings? Too much interference? Lack of sufficient resources? Try to take necessary action against these problems.
At the beginning, you might feel uncomfortable. However, it is difficult to reduce the pressure of your work if it is not necessary to reduce the commitment to the work goal or to remove the obstacles.


  1. 我可以建議其他人嗎?花些功夫考慮誰適當代表你出席會議而不會讓別人會認為你在逃避責任。
  2. 我可以在會議前就做出貢獻嗎?用幾分鐘將你對會議議題的意見整理起來,然後請代表人為你發言,并聽取回饋。
  3. 我可以做半場的出席嗎?如果會議中有些議題和你無關,你可以要求只參加和你相關的議題討論。
How to refuse an invitation to a meeting without being rude?
It is sometimes your duty and honor to receive an invitation to a meeting. However, you may have scheduled other scheduled interactions during that period, or you may not have the extra energy to attend the meeting, or there are other reasons why you are not so willing to attend the meeting. So how do you turn down an invitation to a meeting without damaging your relationship or losing your manners? You can consider the following::
  1. Can I suggest someone else? Take some effort to consider who represented you to attend the meeting without letting others think you are escaping responsibility.
  2. Can I make a contribution before the meeting? Take a few minutes to sort out your opinions on the meeting, and then please speak to you and listen to the feedback.
  3. Can I do half-time attendance? If there are some issues that have nothing to do with you in the meeting, you can ask only to discuss the issues that are related to you.

2016年11月17日 星期四



Improve work productivity by protecting your own time
If you want to be able to do more work, you have to take control of your time. The work that can satisfy us is usually our own interest in participation and the project that we start.
Look at what you work on, what you can have a standard operating procedure (SOP) or authorization to delegate to others. For those who are not in their own priorities, bravely refuses and put your attention on work that can be done only you can do.
Understand your physical energy, sleep well, and have a proper amount of exercise. Work every 90 minutes, rest for a moment, do deep breathing, activity and bones. Arrange vacation at the right time.
High productivity people don't see rest as stop work, but a necessary investment in future performance.

2016年11月16日 星期三


  1. 評估自己是否能夠適應。如果你已經感覺用進度表來監視自己的工作,會感覺不舒服,那麼,你可以考慮不要那麼在乎,或是不要採用。自己另外安排合適的工作管理方式。
  2. 思考是否有效。思考一下,採用工作進度表是因為你發現確實有效果,還是因為你認為應該如此做?
  3. 不要太在意別人的期待。除非你確實必須在團隊協作中,以工作進度來配合或是管理他人和你之間的工作整合,否則,你不需要太過在意別人如何看待你的工作進度與實際達成的成果。
  4. 活出自己來。不要以自己的工作進度成果來作為評量自己價值的指標。你是為自己的理想與熱情而奮鬥,而非為了一張進度表機械地生活工作著。
Don't worry too much about your progress goals
On the one hand, I remind the effectiveness and necessity of work schedule, but I also don't know that everyone can adapt himself to the work schedule to control his work. Most of the reasons are related to personality. Some people can set goals even if they don't have work schedules, and know what specific tasks are needed to carry out. They have good self-management ability. Such a person who has the ability to manage himself, if he adopts the work schedule, will let him do things in the way that he can't exert himself. 
Therefore, you should assess your own features and consider whether to use a work schedule to manage your own work. The following evaluation methods for your reference:
  1. Assess whether you can adapt. If you feel that you are feeling uncomfortable using a schedule to monitor your work, then you can consider not caring, or not. In addition, arrange the appropriate way of work management.
  2. Think about whether it works. Think about the use of the work schedule because do you find it really effective or because you think it should be done?
  3. Dont care too much about the expectations of others. Unless you really have to cooperate in teamwork or manage the integration of others and your work, you don't have to worry too much about how others perceive your progress and actual achievements.
  4. Live out of yourself. Don't use your work progress as an indicator of your value. You are fighting for your ideal and passion rather than working on a schedule for a mechanical life.



Achieve work goals at a steady pace
We tend to be more likely to be stimulated by adrenalin and tend to spend a lot of energy on deadlines, or tend to pick up work items that are easy to get excited about, and ignore the logic or balance between work.
However, how can you arrange your work to make your whole work highly productive and maintain your sustainability and your working habits?
A planned personal schedule can support your work, and vice versa. For example, adequate sleep can make you work more efficiently. Similarly, completing the daily work on time will also make your sleep more comfortable.
Secondly, when planning your work schedule, when you arrange work items and progress, you should take into account the total time and energy you have in total (capacity). For example, students still have 2 months to meet the exam. How to arrange the reading progress and prepare for the examination?
After that, you can draw up the teaching material that you should finish reading every day or every day, and what assignments should be done.
With each progress scheduled for a small progress goal, you can achieve a big goal on time.
Arranging work schedules can also help you find the main difficulties that need to be solved.

2016年11月15日 星期二



Don't waste your time answering rash phone calls
Although some people argue that telephone conversations are the most effective tools, there are many reasons to tell us that we should avoid using the phone to solve the problem. The main reason is the consideration of productivity.

If you are dealing with one thing, receiving an unanticipated phone call is a great damage to the job. It is difficult for you to make a proper decision on such an offensive phone. For example, how do you respond to a customer's request on the phone? You need time to think about it, or you need a good language to refuse.
To reduce these unproductive calls, you can manage to deal with these phone calls, such as Tuesday or Thursday afternoon.
If someone calls you boldly, you can say to him, "The best way to contact me is to use mail, and I'll respond to you after I read it." So, they will know that you are willing to talk with them, but use the way you want to communicate, not what they arranged.

2016年11月14日 星期一


然而,一個人的決策能量是有限的,而且愈是拖延,你的決策品質會愈差。所以,你愈是拖延不處理email, 你愈是困難去解決它。
所以,在一早上班時,最好先在你頭腦最清新的時候,花20 – 30分鐘來先處理你的email。如此做,你會比較能夠輕鬆地在稍後處理其他比較容易應對的其他email

When you go to work in the morning, deal the difficult mail first
We are often taught the idea that checking email at early at work is hurt productivity at a day's work. However, if you leave your email box without processing, it will lead to another problem. Email usually ask you to make difficult decisions, but usually you are not easy to give good answers.
However, a person's decision making energy is limited, and the more procrastinate,the more you don't deal with email,the more difficult to solve it.
So, at work at early morning,it's better to take 20 - 30 minutes to process your email when your mind is fresh. By doing so, you will be able to handle other email that is easier to deal with later.



When you ask for a raise, emphasize your loyalty to the company
You may have heard this saying, "The only way to improve your work income is to change jobs." Yes, the outside world may have a better opportunity to provide a higher salary for you. But you have to be very careful. Otherwise, you will have to face your risk of disloyalty to the company, even if you don't really want to leave the company.
Rather than let your boss think you’re threatening, it's better to let them feel your increase in salary is based on your loyalty to the company.
Even if you have been interviewed with other companies, you can still emphasize your loyalty to the company. You can say, "I've been invited by some headhunting companies, but I'm not interested in leaving the company." Or, I went to an interview with another company because I wanted to know how other companies evaluated me. I still like our company, but I want a fair salary. "

2016年11月13日 星期日



Step by step towards a career change

What should you do if you want to switch to a new professional runway, but worry about a sudden departure from the job that makes you in an unstable state? How do you make a decision?

You can start by knowing your passion and interest first. Pay attention to what can inspire your potential and make you excited? Once you know what you want to pursue, you can begin to familiarize yourself with the related knowledge and begin to try to make some related achievements, such as writing some articles in your industry.
Instead of suddenly make important decisions, try to do some low risk and related projects, such as a part of the industry adviser.
Attention, to become a new professional, is a continuous process of development.


  1. 運用你的光環效應。認知你已經在你專業領域中建立了成功威望。人們有可能會承認你是優秀的專業人才,也因此有機會在新的領域很快的建立起你的新名望。
  2. 運用你的優勢。將你過去建立起來的優勢發揮出來,例如你熟悉某些產業或人脈,因而比較有機會將它們和你的新的工作連接起來,產生新的發展機會。
  3. 找到需要你專業的發展機會。有些公司正希望轉型,脫胎換骨,會期望能夠聘僱到他們原來缺乏的新的專業人才。
Switch to a professional runway without sacrificing your senior prestige
Many experienced professionals hope to have the opportunity to switch to new jobs, but they worry that they must start at the grassroots level, so they will continue to work in the original work, with low morale and unhappiness. But there's a way to switch to a new runway, or even to a new career, without sacrificing your hard-earned prestige. The following three practices can be consulted:
  1. Use your halo effect. Knowing that you have established a successful prestige in your field. It is possible to admit that you are a good professional and that you will have the opportunity to build up your new fame quickly in the new field.
  2. Use your advantage. Take advantage of what you built up in the past, for example, you are familiar with some industries or connections, so you have chances to connect them with your new job and create new opportunities for development.
  3. Find opportunities for your professional development. Some companies are looking for a transformation, a radical transformation, and a desire to hire new professionals they previously lacked.