2016年7月15日 星期五



How to get a real lead?
Many people think their career will escalate. In fact, many job development does not necessarily have the upgrading of posts. Many successful ways of career development are mixed roundabout transfers and job escalation, such as spiral spiral.
In the early stage of career development, the average person will rise faster, and then when he is very professional, he will touch the ceiling of the workplace.
Don't go too far and cut up the position on your business card. Once you have a higher position, there are more direct reports, or other tempting office arrangements, such as a more gas desk chair, or a personal office, which can easily distract you.
You should focus more on how you can get long-term development. Ask yourself if such a job promotion, or lateral transfer in the office, really allows you to learn the skills and experience you need. How can you make a better contribution to the business?


  1. 給自己更寬廣的發展空間。與其期待得到向上升遷的機會,不如給自己有橫向發展的空間。例如,如果你是名財務分析師,你可以考慮從其他一樣可以做分析工作的機會,例如市場研究或是銷售業務。
  2. 證明你可以承擔更多責任。找到可以展現你的能力的方式。例如,你是否可以擔任一些管理工作?你是否能夠協助你的主管做面試新人或是訓練新人的工作?
  3. 發展新技能。找出可以學習的機會,並且認真投入去學習。如果你發現你的公司或是部門內沒有人熟悉某種技能,你就可以去獲得這樣的技能,成為專業。這樣的新技能或是新知識,也許就是你下次獲得拔擢為主管的優先考慮因素。
Arrange career development with different eyes
Most people will expect to be able to get a promotion opportunity in a hierarchical structure and get a competent office. However, corporate organizations usually do not have so many executive positions, most of them have to switch jobs or transfer among different departments.
If you encounter such a ladder without immediate promotion, please adjust your career progression differently.
  1. Give yourself a wider space for development. Rather than looking forward to a chance of upward promotion, it is better to have room for horizontal development. For example, if you are a financial analyst, you can consider other opportunities to analyze, such as market research or sales.
  2. Prove that you can take on more responsibilities. Find ways to show your ability. For example, can you do some management work? Can you assist your supervisor in doing interviews or training new people?
  3. Develop new skills. Identify opportunities that can be learned and seriously invest in learning. If you find that no one in your company or department is familiar with certain skills, you can acquire such skills and become a professional. Such new skills or new knowledge may be the priority for your next promotion.

2016年7月14日 星期四


  1. 了解自己哪些事做對了。在面談前,列出你自己完成的項目,自我評估績效如何?對公司有何具體貢獻?需要哪些你特殊的技能來完成這些項目?將這些你所驕傲的內容分享給你的老闆。
  2. 認知自己的弱點,并承諾改善。每個人都會有弱點,你最好不要迴避,坦然的承認。在你的老闆點出來的時候,不要抗拒,說出你計劃改善的方式,提出你需要他支援你的事項,并傾聽他的意見。
How do you prepare for performance assessment?
In the face of the boss to do performance evaluation for you, you will inevitably be nervous. However, you can be prepared to face it with a positive attitude and make yourself lighter.
The following ways will help you prepare for the tough performance appraisal interview.
  1. Understand what you do right. Before you interview, list the projects you completed yourself. What is the performance of self-assessment? What is the specific contribution to the company? What specific skills do you need to complete these projects? Share your pride with your boss.
  2. Recognize your weaknesses and promise to improve. Everyone will have weaknesses. You'd better not avoid it and admit it frankly. When your boss points out, don't resist, say the way you plan to improve, put forward what you need him to support you, and listen to his advice.


  1. 做成雙贏。將你申請轉換工作做成可以為公司帶來價值的建議。舉例,解釋你具有尚未發揮的技能潛力可以在另外一個部門勝任一個重要的任務。
  2. 照顧你現有的職位。答應你會為你的繼任者提供訓練,或是你願意以兼任的方式照顧現有的職位工作。
  3. 為其他人考慮。如果你太過堅持你的立場,將會讓你沒有退路。你可以強調你的轉換工作,可以開創給資淺的人一個新的學習與成長的機會。
How to change another job in a company?
It is very challenging to change a job in the company. If your leaders think you are a IT, you can hardly convince them that you are suitable for marketing.
The following advice can help you overcome their vision and convince leaders that you are ready to accept new challenges.
  1. Make a win-win situation. Apply your job transfer to a proposal that can bring value to the company. For example, explaining that you have potential skills that are not yet available can be important in another department.
  2. Take care of your existing position. To promise that you will provide training for your successor, or you will be willing to take care of the existing position in a part-time manner.
  3. Considering other people. If you insist too much on your position, you will have no way out. You can emphasize that your transformation can create a new opportunity for people to learn and grow.

2016年7月12日 星期二


  1. 忘了員工的重要性。許多新任主管都會洋洋灑灑的大談他的工作計劃,卻忽略了他必須仰賴團隊成員來執行他的計劃。你必須同樣重視建立起與團隊成員的工作關係。
  2. 忽略了傾聽意見。你也許急於自我介紹,并談論你的新計劃。但是,不要佔據了你和團隊成員的對話時間,也分配一些時間來聽聽他人的回饋意見。
  3. 用老方法來發展新工作。每個組織都會有一套慣性的工作方式。不要假設你在以前的公司或是其他部門的工作方式可以在新組織里一樣暢通無阻。你必須先了解新組織里的作業方式,以及思考如何才能建立起你的領導權威。
Get a new job, don't make these mistakes
Getting a boss's promotion or transferring to a new position is exciting. But it won't be easy.
Now, when moving to a new job position, you should be careful to avoid the usual mistakes.
  1. Forget the importance of the staff. Many new managers talk about his work plans in a flurry, ignoring the fact that he has to rely on team members to execute them. You must also attach importance to establishing a working relationship with team members.
  2. Overlooked listening. You may be anxious to introduce yourself and talk about your new plan. However, do not occupy the conversation time between you and the team members, and also allocate some time to listen to others' feedback.
  3. Use old methods to develop new jobs. Every organization has an inertial way of working. Don't assume that the way you work in your previous company or other department can be as smooth as possible in the new organization. You have to understand how the new organization works and how to build your leadership authority.