2017年3月1日 星期三



Don't let a colleague on the verge of collapse break down more
When we see a colleague already in a psychological limit, we want to help him. But even if our motives are good, we often make things worse.
It means that we may be wrong at the wrong time.
At this time, you should use your language carefully and know which words can't be said. You should avoid talking about yourself and your experience in dealing with similar emotions in the past. When someone faces his limit, he doesn't want to listen to your experience, and he is only concerned about himself at this time.
At this time, you don't say, "Don't worry." "It's all right." "You are too overdone." Or, "Things will go."
In contrast, you should say, "You can deal with the past." Provide an example of how difficult it can be. Then ask him, "Is it helpful for you?" If his answer is, "Nothing." Or, "I don't know." Just sit down, be quiet for a while, and wait for his own quiet thinking, he will find out some ideas.
The goal was not to help him heal his tension, but to reduce his stress.

2017年2月27日 星期一


  1. 我需要賺多少錢?如果你確實需要一些錢,這必須優先于其他的決策考慮。
  2. 我在哪裡工作可以平衡工作與生活?如果你希望一面工作,一面可以養花怡情養性或有些讀書生活,有些退休樂趣,你就必須考慮在那個工作地點,可以做到如此,包含可以在家上網。
  3. 我想要做多少改變?如果你只是想要減輕目前的工作負擔,你可以請求你的老闆將你的工作轉成顧問性質。要做更大的改變需要做更多的準備。
  4. 我如何開始為我以後的工作開始練習?開始承接一些小的項目,一直到你可以獲得一份穩定的收入。

Plan your career life after retirement
If you want to have some spare time to continue your work after retirement, you must make some plans. You should ask yourself the following four questions:
  1. How much money do I need to make? If you do need some money, it must take precedence over other decision considerations.
  2. Where can I work to balance work and life? If you want to some extra work while you are still on a job, you can spend time at home, or have some reading, some retirement fun, you have to consider where you can do it, including access to the Internet at home.
  3. How much change do I want to make? If you just want to reduce the current job burden, you can ask your boss to turn your job into a consultancy. Much more preparation is needed to make a bigger change.
  4. How do I begin to practice for my future work? Start a few small projects until you get a steady income.