2018年8月15日 星期三



Solve Complex Problems by Expanding Your Thinking
Too many leaders approach complex problems with either-or thinking: The answer is right or wrong, good or bad, win or lose. To cultivate a nuanced perspective, challenge your understanding of the problem.
Ask yourself, “What am I not seeing here?” and “What else might be true?” Don’t seek out answers that just confirm what you already know. It’s also helpful to tackle this kind of challenge first thing in the morning, when your mind is fresh.
Spend at least an hour on it without interruption. The dedicated time ensures that you give a complex issue the attention it needs — attention that might otherwise be consumed by less intellectually demanding tasks.
And as you work, pay attention to how you’re feeling. Embracing complexity is an emotional challenge in addition to a cognitive one.
You’ll need to manage tough emotions like fear and anger and get yourself out of flight-or-fight mode so that you can think more expansively. 

2018年8月14日 星期二



To Make Networking Less Exhausting, Bring a Talkative Colleague
Networking can be good for your career, but introducing yourself to a roomful of people can also be draining. The next time you attend a conference or professional happy hour, consider bringing along a coworker to help.
The two of you can divide and conquer, meaning you’ll each talk to different people and then share notes. That way you’ll both expend less energy while still gathering a large number of contacts by the end of the night.
Choose a colleague who is more extroverted than you and who gets excited by socializing with others. Come up with a plan for who will talk to whom. And remember that it’s OK to take a break during the event to restore your energy.
Even if it’s just a few minutes long, it might give you the boost you need to get back to making small talk.