2017年9月1日 星期五



Control your negative thoughts towards your subordinates
A competent leader will inevitably feel frustration on his staff. This is understandable. Maybe someone report late, maybe someone has affected the entire project completed on time, or the quality of work is bad, or somebody made a mistake.
Even if you are willing to take responsibilities of employees under your subordinates, your emotions will certainly be affected. The relationship between you and your employees will begin to be awkward and frozen.
To reduce such negative emotion, try your own ideas is transparent, even every one of the staff can see what you're thinking, how do you feel? Then, you have the opportunity to see yourself on other’s perspective. So we can find a communication way with each other.
And, better yet, you'll be able to build up a model that can manage your negative feelings about your employees in the future


你去應征一份工作,獲得了錄取通知書(offer letter)。現在你面臨必須决定是否接受它?
首先,你必須對這家公司及其員工做要對組織盡職調查(due diligence),以瞭解你是否願意在那裡工作?
問問自己,“這是一個我會快樂工作的地方嗎?”我會面臨哪些挑戰?我會有哪些成長的機會?”然後,透過你的人脈網,問諸如:“這個公司的企業文化如何?這個公司的員工一般會待多久?”之類的問題。可能的話,設法和這個公司一名現職的員工聊聊。你可以說: “我真的很想多了解這公司,我可以和團隊呆幾個小時嗎?”

Before you evaluate the culture of an enterprise, do not accept the offer
You go to apply for a job and get an offer letter. Now you have to decide whether to accept it or not.
First of all, you have to do the due diligence to the company and its employees to see if you want to work there.
Ask yourself, "Is this the place I will work there happy? What kind of challenges I will face there? What kinds of growth opportunities I can get there? " Then, through your network, ask questions such as:" How the company culture? How long time in general the company employees will stay? If possible, and try to a serving employees in this company have a chat. You can say:" I really want to know more about this company. Can I stay for a few hours with the team?"
Of course, you can't negotiate or change the company's culture, but it's helpful to know beforehand what you're going to do.

2017年8月31日 星期四


用事實說話。即使你對對方的態度難以接受,也試著這樣說:“你三次這樣說,取代“你在這次會議上對我非常不尊重。” 你有事實支持你的立場與觀點,就有機會取得對方對你的尊重。

Make a plan before having a difficult conversation
Have you ever been procrastinating on an important and difficult conversation? Maybe you don't want to admit that you've made a mistake Or, do you feel that the other person may attack you in a non-factual way?
But you don't want to talk to people for a longer time, and things just get worse. You should have the necessary dialogue as soon as possible.
If you feel that this is really a tough conversation, then you can be prepared in advance.
Write down what you're going to ask about this question, and what kinds of questions you might encounter, and what are the answers? Include the bottom line that you can accept? Or, can you ask the other party to give you a choice?
In addition, do you have objective evidence when you ask questions? Can you tell which ones are biased?

Speak with facts. Try to say, "You say it three times,..." Instead, "You don't respect me very much at this meeting." When you have facts to support your position and opinion, you have the opportunity to gain respect from the other person.