2016年6月18日 星期六


  1. 先擱下手上的事。當你感覺面臨必須立即作個決定時,先將手上的工作擱下, 讓自己有一點時間想想該如何面對這個臨時發生的事情。
  2. 評估你的可能選項。不要浪費時間去期待事情可以有變化。想想看在當前的局面下,以你當下有的資訊,以及目前有的資源條件下,會有哪些最好或是最壞的結果。然後,列出你的可能對策選項。
  3. 做出決定,往前進。根據你的評估,做出你的決定與承諾。即使這個決定不是最佳的,但是在目前的局面下,先接受它。
Dealing with unexpected events
Predicting the future is often futile. Instead, prepare yourself to react to unexpected situations.
When something unexpected happens, use the following methods to deal with it:
  1. Put aside what you are doing. When you feel that you have to make a decision immediately, put aside your work and allow yourself some time to think about how to deal with this temporary event.
  2. Evaluate your possible options. Don't waste time expecting things to change. Think about the best or worst outcomes in the current situation, based on the information you have and the resources available. Then list your possible countermeasures.
  3. Make a decision and move forward. Make your decision and commitment based on your evaluation. Even if the decision is not the best, accept it first in the current situation.


  1. 不要認為所有的所謂限時項目都是必須立即處理的。先花幾分鐘的時間,和你的老闆或是客戶好好談談,瞭解他交待的工作要達成的目的,以及什麼時間必須確實完成,還有其他配套工作的進度狀況如何。他心目中的立即辦理,也許就會可以有不同的解讀了。
  2. 要回復,但是不一定需要立即行動。有的時候,你的客戶或是同事要你立刻承諾擬定一個行動計畫,但是不見得必須在立即或是幾天內做出來。你可以向他們回復,答應你會接受這個任務,並且告訴他們你的工作時間表,確保會滿足他們的實際需要。
  3. 準備好拒絕。有的時候,你必須分辨出什麼是實際可能發生的災難,什麼是個哀嚎。即使你的同事認為他必須立刻獲得問題的解決,但是你最好準備好予以回絕。
How to cope with urgent requests?
At work, we meet with jobs that are required to be done immediately almost every day. This will make you tired. Is it possible to make the work arrangements more orderly? How should we cope with these deadlines?
Please refer to the following practices:
  1. Don't assume that all so-called time-limited projects must be dealt with immediately. Spend a few minutes talking to your boss or client first to find out what the purpose of the work he's handing over is to be achieved, when it has to be done, and how well the other supporting work is progressing. Maybe his idea of dealing with it immediately will be interpreted differently.
  2. Respond, but don't necessarily need immediate action. Sometimes, your client or colleague asks you to commit to drawing up an action plan immediately, but it doesn't have to be done immediately or in a few days. You can reply to them, promise you will accept the task, and tell them your work schedule to ensure that they meet their actual needs.
  3. Be ready to refuse. Sometimes, you have to distinguish between what is actually a possible disaster and what is a howl. Even if your colleague thinks he must get the problem solved immediately, you'd better be ready to refuse.

2016年6月17日 星期五


  1. 建立一個To Do List將你想要做的工作,或是被交辦的工作,都列在清單中。寫下來,可以讓你知道你必須辦理什麼,必須拒絕什麼,讓你不至於分心。
  2. 先處理最重要的事。在你每天下班前,決定哪一件事是你第二天必須完成的。然後,第二天一上班,在你最有活力與被干擾最少的時間,就先處理它。
  3. 安排時間處理非緊急事項。在你出現在人們面前,很容易被抓住、被吩咐一些事情。你可以把握一些不容易被人們碰見的時間來寫作、思考一些創意。
Effectively improve the productivity of your work
We are entangled with many requests every day, and time is broken like pieces. It seems silly to say that we should increase productivity.
However, there are ways to keep you from suffering.
  1. Establish a To Do List. List the work you want to do or the work you are assigned to do. Write down, let you know what you have to deal with, and must refuse, so that you can not be distracted.
  2. First deal with the most important thing. Before you go off duty every day, decide which one you must finish in second days. Then, go to work on the second day, and deal with it at the most vigorous and least disturbed time.
  3. Arrange time to deal with non-emergency. When you appear in front of people, you are easily caught and told something. You can grasp some time that is not easily met by people to write and think about some ideas.

2016年6月16日 星期四


  1. 向前輩咨詢。去找比你先從你現有產業轉換工作到新產業的前輩,了解你有哪些工作技可以在新職務發揮而可能被自己忽略了。
  2. 接觸外部人員和多方在其他產業的人接觸,和他們討論你的關鍵工作技能: 你應該如何推廣自己的能力?有哪些企業會需要你的能力,包含你自己可能忽略的能力?要應聘到這些新工作機會,會面臨哪些困難?
  3. 建立起自己的關鍵價值信息。將自己的技能和你的目標串連成為一個簡明的聲明文字,例如:“我有很好的溝通能力,有高效工作執行力,有創意,有勇氣。
Know what skills you can play in your new job duties
When changing to a new job position, the difficulty is how to know how your work skills can play in the new job. The good news is that many companies and your existing service companies generally assess your talents.
The following tips will let you know which skills you can apply to your new job.
  1. Consult your predecessors. Look for the older generation who first transforms from your existing industry to the new industry than you first, and knows what skills you can perform in your new job and may be overlooked by yourself.
  2. Contact external personnel. Contact with people in other industries and discuss with you their key job skills: how should you promote your capabilities? Which companies need your ability, including your own abilities that you may overlook? What difficulties will be faced when applying for these new job opportunities?
  3. Set up your own key value information. Connect your skills and your goals into a concise statement, for example, "I have good communication skills, efficient work execution, creative, and courageous."

2016年6月15日 星期三



How to deal with the difficult problem of interview?
When applying for a job, you may always be asked some annoying questions, such as, "How do you see your development in the next five years?" Your interviewer may want to use one question to gather several pieces of information. So before you answer, it's better to try to understand what he really wants to know. You can try to guess his subtext or understand his intentions from some of his comments on you.
For example, did the recruiter mention that you might be replacing someone who left after only six months in office? Maybe he wants to know how long you will stay in the company. You know, the cost of replacing a person by a company is very high. Or did he ask a new question immediately after you said the ideal job you were looking forward to? Maybe he wants to confirm whether the position meets your expectations and whether you will like the job.
After you answer, you can ask, "Did I answer your question correctly?"


  1. 準備好你的答案。你絕對必須準備好應付這個問題的答案。讓你的回答保持簡明扼要、誠實,而不要有漏洞。如果可能的話,提出一些超出你自己可以控制的內容,例如:“我的最大缺點是我過去的人脈關係都在山東,但是我想要移居到北京,在北京發展我的未來。
  2. 請朋友回饋。找幾個朋友來測試你所準備的回答內容是否聽起來合理。
  3. 以問問題來轉移注意。在你回答面試官一些問題后,即時主動提出你對新工作的一些關切問題,用以轉移他的注意,降低他問這致命問題的機會。

How to explain your weaknesses in an interview
One of the most hateful questions in job applications and interviews is, "What is your greatest weakness?"
Everyone has weaknesses, but the last time we want to be mentioned is in job interview.
Next time you go to a job interview, use the following tactics to deal with this almost inevitable fatal problem:
  1. Prepare your answers. You absolutely have to be prepared to answer this question. Keep your answers concise and honest, without loopholes. If possible, put forward something beyond your control, such as: "My biggest disadvantage is that my past relationships are in Shandong, but I want to move to Beijing and develop my future in Beijing."
  2. Invite feedback from friends. Find a few friends to test whether the answers you're prepared sound reasonable.
  3. Ask questions to divert attention. After you have answered the interviewer's questions, ask your concerns about the new job on your own initiative to divert his attention and reduce his chances of asking this deadly question.

2016年6月14日 星期二


  1. 開拓你的人脈網。你的人脈會超過你的想象。考慮你的同學、過去的同事、客戶,以及你的其他社群關係。當你與每個人聯繫上,請他再介紹其他對你有幫助的其他人。
  2. 將討論當成是學習機會。將開會或是與人會晤時,當成是學習機會。不要只問工作的機會,你可以問產業狀況,要如何成功,以及你可以在其中如何定位自己,等等。
  3. 記錄下來。與許多人聯繫會很複雜。當你每次和人見面后,寫下你學習到了什麼,以及你後續預備如何採取行動來得到好的結果。
Find a job by adjusting your network
The best way to find a job is through your network. But don't limit yourself to your good friends and current colleagues. You should expand your network.
You can do this:
  1. Develop your network. Your network will exceed your imagination. Consider your classmates, past colleagues, clients, and other community relationships. When you get in touch with everyone, ask him to introduce other people who can help you.
  2. Treat discussion as a learning opportunity. Think of meetings or meetings as learning opportunities. Instead of just asking about job opportunities, you can ask about the industry, how you want to succeed, how you can position yourself in it, and so on.
  3. Record. Connecting with many people can be complicated. Every time you meet someone, write down what you have learned and how you plan to take action to get good results.


  1. 不要告訴任何人。你也許會有幾個很親密的同事,但是只有你自己守口如瓶才能保護自己的隱私。
  2. 小心維護你的人脈網。當你想要另尋新的工作機會時,你不需要對任何人口無遮攔。與其說:“嗨,我是小李,我想要找一份新工作。”不如這樣說:“我現在工作得很棒,但是我總是期待下一個能夠讓我有更大發展的機會。
  3. 收到聘僱通知再告訴老闆。如果你已經知道你現有的老闆若是知道你要換工作會有負面的情緒或反擊行動,你最好等到得到了新公司的聘僱通知后,再告訴你的老闆。
How to keep the job secret?
When you have a job and want to find another job, it will be stressful, especially when social media is difficult to keep personal privacy.
The following is the way to keep your job as a secret:
  1. Do not tell anyone. You may have a few close colleagues, but you can only protect your privacy if you keep your mouth tight.
  2. Be careful to maintain your network. When you want to find new jobs, you don't need to open any of the population. "Hey, I'm Xiao Li, I want to find a new job." It's not as good as saying, "I'm working very well now, but I always look forward to the next opportunity for me to have a greater development."
  3. Received notice to tell the boss of employment. If you already know your current boss know if you want to change the work will have negative emotions or counter action, you'd better wait.



Don't just say, but explain
A good communicator knows that he must convince his audience with enthusiasm. He also knew he had to explain how exciting it was.
Next time you want to share something important, make sure that you are enthusiastic, that you state the key points, and that you answer "What's the meaning of this?" The problem.
Tell you what your opinion is? Why? Or what problems do you face? And clearly let everyone know what it is not.
Then let everyone know what you expect of them. If your audience needs to know more details, try to provide them with supplementary documentation so that they have time to digest the details.


  1. 仔細聽人家說了什麼別人的批評究竟是事實還是只是個意見是正確的嗎他這樣說的動機是什麼
  2. 先不要辯解即使他的批評不見得正確你的辯解通常是枉然無效的仔細聽他說了哪些內容然後詢問他確定你確實了解了
  3. 請給予時間考慮他所說的如此做可以避免陷入不經思考而立即回應的狀況,也讓對方可以感受到他的回饋意見對你是重要的,你願意慎重思考,而且如此可以讓你有時間仔細評估他的批評是否正確。
How to deal with negative criticism?
When you are criticized unexpectedly, how to respond is challenging. When we are criticized, we often lose our sense, can't concentrate on what we are dealing with, and can't deal with criticism calmly.
Before you respond to criticism, think carefully:
  1. Listen carefully to what people say. Is criticism a fact or a mere opinion? Is it right? What is his motive for saying so?
  2. Don't argue first. Even if his criticism is not necessarily correct, your excuses are usually useless. Listen carefully to what he says and then ask him to make sure you understand.
  3. Please give time to consider what he said. By doing so, you can avoid falling into a situation where you respond immediately without thinking, and let the other person feel that his feedback is important to you. You are willing to think carefully, and so you have time to carefully assess whether his criticism is correct.

2016年6月13日 星期一


One minute's preparation will give you an advantage in negotiation
How can you negotiate better?
Before the negotiation proceeds, write down in 1 to 2 minutes what you want to achieve, the space and sequence of concessions you are willing to make, and finally the bottom line that you can never make concessions.
The so-called concession is the exchange of benefits, in exchange for the benefits you want to get with the space you are willing to concede.
Successful negotiators are fearless. Because he already knows how to move forward and backward.
When negotiating, focus on the benefits you want, not the chips you might lose. Use your positive intentions to oppress the other side to give in. If the other party is also a good negotiator, he may do the same, the lion opens his mouth. If you find that the other party's request exceeds the concessional space you originally planned, you'd rather stop negotiating and make an appointment for the next meeting. You use your time to recalculate your gains and losses.
Practice a few more times and you'll be a good negotiator.

2016年6月12日 星期日


1.  經歷過的狀況。讓人家知道你或你的單位,當時正面臨的狀況是如何的。
  1. 你的任務。簡略說明你在解決這個問題時所擔任的責任內容與角色扮演。
  2. 你的成就說明清楚當時你是如何達成這個任務的。
4.  成果。在你解決問題,達成任務後,實際的成果如何?收入增加了嗎?客戶滿意度提升了嗎?
Self-promotion without self-introduction
Sometimes, when you have an interview with a employer, or a person who wants to make a customer know what you are, if you do a very formal self introduction, you will feel a bit restrained and uncomfortable.
You really have to promote yourself, but you don't have to act like a salesperson. Instead of boasting about how wonderful you are, it's better to say a story that can cover the following points:
  1. The state of experience. Let people know what your or your company is facing at that time.
  2. Your task. Briefly describe your responsibilities and role play in solving this problem.
  3. Your achievements. Explain clearly how you accomplished the task at that time.
  4. Results. After you solve the problem and achieve the task, what is the actual result? Has the income increased? Has the customer satisfaction improved?
Use actual case stories to capture the interest of your audience.


  1. 偏頗、失衡。不要嚇唬人,說如果不採納你的意見,將會面臨最糟糕的局面。你應該公平而平衡的說出幾種不同的選擇方案,給予客觀的評價。
  2. 長篇大論。如果你絮絮不休地告訴別人你的意見才是對的,你很容易被人拒絕,不願意聽下去。你應該先簡要陳述你的觀點,然後停頓一會兒,等待你的聽眾邀請你多做說明。然後,你也可以請他表示他的意見,邀請他一起討論,對他表示出尊重的態度。
Don't hurt your good motivation
When you have good creative ideas, it's easy to get overexcited. But when you're passionate, you'll feel frustrated if people don't immediately support your ideas that way. Don't hurt your good intentions because you are impatient.
When you present your ideas to an audience who may question you, avoid the following:
  1. Prejudice and imbalance. Don't frighten people by saying that if you don't take your advice, you will face the worst situation. You should fairly and balancedly state several different options and give objective evaluation.
  2. A lengthy discussion. If you keep telling people what you think is right, you are easily rejected and unwilling to listen. You should first make a brief statement of your point of view, then pause for a moment and wait for your audience to invite you to explain more. Then you can ask him to express his opinions, invite him to discuss with you, and show him respect.