2016年9月2日 星期五


說話是能夠展現你的專長、知識,並且獲得你周遭人們對你產生信心的好作法。 如果你羞怯于在人們面前說話,試著找一個讓你可以安心的地方,或是找一個你信得過的人,練習說話。

Do not only listen but also speak
Listening is very important, and is often not fully used skills. But if you only listen, it's not enough, you still have to say.
Speaking is a good way to show your expertise, knowledge and gain confidence in you from people around you. If you are shy of speaking in front of people, try to find a place where you can rest assured, or find someone you can trust and practice speaking.
Try talking to your friends or colleagues to see if they really understand what you're saying and if they know what you're talking about and what you're talking about. Then you can revise the way you say it to achieve better results.
Then you can start trying to speak to your boss. Or, try to be the first to speak in a meeting, even if what you say may be just a small matter, but can let you start to participate in the team conversation, let the team notice your presence, and begin to be willing to listen to your opinions.
In doing so, you will gradually build up your confidence in speaking.
The ability to listen and speak is very important, both of which are important for your success.

