- 將心靈清乾淨。深呼吸幾口,想想一些對你關鍵的公務之外的事情。也許如此做,你的思緒就已經離開了辦公室,而將鳥事都留在後頭了。
- 撿一些容易的事情來做。與其處理不來複雜而煩人的事情,不如找找一些輕鬆容易的事情來做,例如,送出一份報告、清理一下資產負債表、或是回復幾封可以簡單應付的郵件。就是去清理幾件待辦事項,讓自己可以感到至少有些進度、有幾分成就。
- 起立,立即離開。當你完成了這些工作,不要再去查看還有哪些待閱郵件,或是還要逛到別人的辦公桌邊,不要留下空間會讓你再招惹來一些新的事情,就是立即離開辦公室,不要拖泥帶水。
Leave bad luck in the company, not home
has time to do something wrong in the office all day. To prevent you from
returning home and continue to bother, try to do this:
- Clear your mind. Take a deep breath and think of something else that is critical to your official duties. Perhaps so, your mind has left the office and left the birds behind.
- Pick up some easy things to do. Instead of dealing with less complicated and annoying tasks, find something easy to do, such as sending out a report, cleaning up a balance sheet, or answering a few simple emails. It is to clear up a few to-do items so that you can feel at least some progress and some achievements.
- Stand up and leave immediately. When you're done, don't check out any more emails or browse around other people's desks. Don't leave room for something new. Just leave the office immediately and don't mess about.