2018年5月24日 星期四



Schedule Your Most Important Work for When You’re Most Focused
If you’re like most people, you struggle to maintain focus throughout the day. Maybe you’re distracted by your phone buzzing at your desk, or you can’t seem to stay off email and Facebook during meetings.
Instead of beating yourself up, take steps to better understand your patterns.
For one week, pay attention to when your focus waxes and wanes. What times of day are you able to concentrate? When do you find your focus faltering? Most people’s focus peaks in the morning and dips to its lowest after lunch. The pattern varies from person to person, so learn your specific pattern and use it to plan your day.
Make sure your most important activities and meetings are scheduled around the times when your focus is strongest. Tackle lower-priority items when your focus is weakest. And don’t give in to distractions — notice what kinds of things derail you and do your best to avoid them.

2018年5月21日 星期一



Take Your Career Development into Your Own Hands
We all want to improve at work, but sometimes it feels like you’re the only one invested in your development. If HR or your boss isn’t giving you what you need, what can you do? One option is to use feedback to find out where you need to grow.
For example, after a presentation or a big meeting, tell your boss one thing that you think went well and ask for advice on one thing you could improve.
Use a journal to track what you should work on. List the competencies you need to develop, and rate yourself on them according to the feedback you’ve received.
For example, if you’re a brand marketer, you might give yourself an A in advertising development, a B in pricing analysis, and a C in trade marketing. Focus on the C’s to close your skill gaps, and monitor your progress over time as you get more feedback.

2018年5月20日 星期日





Actively develop the relationship of colleagues
When we build positive relationships with our working colleagues, our work will be more successful. This is not a thing that will happen by itself, so it must be purposeful and organized.
For example, you can organize a social interaction with your colleagues to better understand each other. Or, you can help a new or young employee to guide them to know the company when they enter the company. Or, you can think about the colleagues you see every day, you don't know them - What motivates them? Why do they join the company? What do they want to do in the future? Leave your time to find out the answer.
Even ordinary work is meaningful if you work with people you care about and connect with.