2017年9月16日 星期六


Create a blueprint that will make your work more purposeful
It's easy to live on a chaotic day, unable to say exactly what you're doing. One of the effective strategies to stay focused and productive is to bring your goals into every moment of your work.
The first is to understand and clarify your daily work is how to relate to your personal goals and organizational goals. Then create a blueprint for the use of the information, in which you can determine, which task is the key, which can wait. Make time for each task estimation for your work. Then, you'll see what priority item you should concentrate on.
Finally, talk about things that distract you and understand the root causes of them, so that you can catch yourself and focus on those tasks at your priority level.
Knowing what you're doing, how can you make your job more meaningful?

2017年9月15日 星期五



Don't expect your boss to settle all conflicts
It's easy to drop a conflict problem in the team to the boss.
However, if it is not because of how to arrange project priority, or not agreed on a project completion date, and caused a conflict, why not ask the actual person in charge of the project. And, according to the steps to discuss and check to see if information needed ready or not? All possible plan options have been fully discussed?
It's good for everyone - you, your colleagues, your boss, if you can solve the problem without always involving the superior.
Don't put the conflict as a kind of trouble, it will cause anxiety and alienation, but it is a chance to grow. Let everyone in the team to publicly discuss any differences, and then establish the correct model of the behavior. Calmly to share your ideas with the team, even in view of differences between colleagues. Don’t finger point to each other.
Finally, consolidate your reached consensus and differences, submit to your boss and invite him to join discussion, to see if there is thoughtful consideration. Then, if necessary, ask him to make decision.

2017年9月12日 星期二



Choose A Right Place for Sensitive Discussions
When you try to resolve a conflict with your colleagues, the location of the meeting will affect whether you can speak freely, express any emotion, and reach a resolution.
It’s better to arrange a place both sides feel comfortable. Ideally, you would like to be in a place can take a private conversation. Maybe you can choose a meeting room where both feel comfortable, or a nearby cafe to meet. Or you can go out for a walk, a change of scenery.
Avoid to arrange to let either you or your colleague can take personal advantages. For example, if you invite him into your personal office where you are sitting behind your table and showing your power advantage, will let him feel embarrassed, and vice versa. If you choose a place in the office, b  be aware of eavesdroppers.

2017年9月10日 星期日


無論是你在績效評估時,或是你在徵求別人的意見時所獲得的回饋意見你認為是錯誤的 你認為那個人不了解情況!他們真的不知道你在做什麼。而且,他們給你的的意見甚至不可行

When You Disagree with Someone's Feedback, Don't Respond Immediately
Whether you are in the performance evaluation, or you consult others, the feedback you get, you think is wrong, you think that people don't understand! They really don't know what you're doing. And the advice they give even not feasible.
A feedback you don’t agree will drive you crazy.
However, although you can make a counter response with abundant evidence, it’s better don’t do it right away.
Give yourself time to understand each other to express. Ask questions such as: "When you say it is "creative ", can you explain more clearly?" You can also ask a trusted friend, the feedback opinion is true or not. Once you fully understand this information, you can take time to consider it. Then, you can decide how to respond.



Seek Social Support If You Feel Ostracized at Work
When you feel excluded in the work, for example, was not invited to attend a meeting, or did not receive e-mail, or your advice be ignored or was hold, you will be very painful. But don't just blind speculation. That will make you make blind and disorderly conjectures, feeling worse.
You should go to those you familiar or trust, or people have contact with relevant issues. To understand the situation, and request assistance you needed. There may be some reasonable explanation: You are not invited to attend a meeting, because the topic of discussion not relate with your field directly. Dose other people also facing similar trouble? If so, you will get more clearer picture about the real thing, not just you have such a mood.
Finally, find people who value what you can contribute and spend more time with them. A positive relationship with your network can be very helpful to your self-worth and confidence.