2017年8月26日 星期六


這個時候,你可以找一個虛擬的替罪羔羊來抱怨,把你的憤怒和焦慮都指向他, 說:“都是你害我吃個不停、看個不停、上班遲到。”你因為討厭他,而會想要對抗他。讓這樣想要對抗這個討厭的傢伙的心理,幫你戒除你的壞習慣。

Want to change the bad habits, to complain about a virtual scapegoat
Sometimes we do something we shouldn't do, such as eating junk food, browsing cell phones, delaying time, and so on.
To change your bad habit, you can find a virtual one to complain, your anger and anxiety are pointing to him, said: "It is you who make me eat not to stop, always browsing, and being late for work." You hate him, and want to confront him. Let such confrontation mind to help you get rid of your bad habits.
But be aware that such guy you hate must be virtual, rather than real, such as your brother, spouse, boss, otherwise, you are just blame, but not really improve your bad habits.



When you blame yourself for being upset, respond back and comfort yourself
When a client or colleague gives you a tough time, you can stride it. But when you blame annoyed, self strongly suspected, you are on tenterhooks.
Don't ignore it, and pretend it didn't happen. You should respond back to it. For example: your inner voice said: "This matter I deal badly," you can answer, "You know what? No one can be perfect all the time." then, you can comfort yourself, "It doesn't matter. I'll do better next time."
When you reproach yourself, comfort yourself.
In doing so, you may feel awkward at first, but you'll feel more comfortable and can restore your confidence.