2016年9月3日 星期六


  1. 讓打斷你的人再想想,他自己是否可以自行處理?
  2. 想想,這件事有這麼緊急而重要到要你來立即處理嗎?
這當然需要你有些耐心與判斷能力。下次,當你遇到這樣的突發事件時,深呼吸一口,花幾秒鐘思考一下, 是否不作為更能夠節省你的寶貴時間,而可以讓你專注在真正重要的計畫項目上。

In the face of temporary events that are not planned, try not to act as much as possible
Do you, like most people, usually fail to plan your day-to-day work? No mistake. You face a lot of temporary emergencies and interrupt your work schedule. There are indeed many such emergencies that require your response.
However, perhaps the best way to deal with these temporary events that are not on your work schedule is to do nothing! Otherwise, you will throw yourself into disorder without rules.
At the very least, you can try the following ways before you take a response.
  1. Let the interruptor think again, can he handle it by himself?
  2. Think about it. Is it so urgent and important that you should deal with it immediately?
Of course, it requires some patience and judgment. Next time you encounter an emergency like this, take a deep breath and take a few seconds to think about whether inaction can save you more valuable time and allow you to focus on really important projects.

