2016年9月1日 星期四


  1. 建立同盟。找到一個彼此都能夠信任的第三者。這樣的同盟者也許可以讓你的對手知道與你合作的好處。
  2. 等待時機。有的時候,人們需要恰當的時機與空間來看到你的優點。你可以暫停與他對峙,等待這樣的機會出現。
  3. 另闢空間。你想要與對手友善的努力很可能最後還是會失敗。這個時候,你最好考慮先不要理他,自己另外建立其他的友好人際關係。
How do I dance with the wolf?
It's annoying to have competitors in the office. Ideally, you should be able to cooperate with your opponent instead of confronting him. However, if your efforts fail, please try to use the following strategies:
  1. To establish an alliance. Find a third person who can trust each other. Such an ally may allow your opponent to know the benefits of working with you.
  2. Wait for the time. Sometimes, people need the right time and space to see your good points. You can suspend the confrontation with him and wait for such an opportunity to arise.
  3. Another space. If you want to work hard with your opponent, you may well fail. At this point, it is best to consider ignoring others and establishing other friendly relationships.

