2016年4月9日 星期六


  1. 著重在成就,而非經歷。儘管初審履歷表的HR人事官不一定充分理解用人部門的專業需求,但是他還是會對你在之前的工作中所作出的獨特貢獻與成就,留下深刻印象。你可以對每個重要的成就或是貢獻以一句話描述清楚,而不是只是寫上你的每段經歷的職務名稱或是職務內容。
  2. 每段經歷都標註日期。不要嘗試遮掩你的年齡,或是故意忽略你的職業經歷中的中斷過程。如果有特殊狀況,可以附帶說明。注意:HR可能會在隨後打電話來詢問你過去轉換工作時的離職原因。做好你的準備。
  3. 要客製化。每個公司的行業別與公司文化都不同,不要嘗試用制式的履歷表來打通關,投遞到不同的公司。你應該儘可能事前打聽好,針對該公司情況,甚至是職位需求情形,客製化你的履歷。用該公司可能喜歡的用語。
  4. 描述清楚。儘可能避免使用含糊不清的贅詞,或是別人難以理解的語句。一件事,儘可能避免寫得太長。多使用編號、項目符號來分段。
Let your resume pass HR review
In the buoyant job market, you have to get your resume to jump out of the HR department where hundreds of resumes can be received every day. Therefore, you must write your resume carefully.
The following tips can improve the survival rate of your resume:
  1. We should focus on achievement rather than experience. Although the HR personnel officer who first reviews the resume may not fully understand the professional needs of the employing department, he will still be impressed by the unique contributions and achievements you have made in your previous work. You can describe each important achievement or contribution in a single sentence, rather than just writing down the title or content of each of your experiences.
  2. Mark dates for each experience. Don't try to cover up your age, or deliberately ignore the interruption process in your career. If there are special circumstances, you can give them additional instructions. Note: HR may call you later to ask about your reasons for leaving your job in the past. Prepare yourself.
  3. Customization. Each company's industry and culture are different, do not try to use a standard resume to clear customs, delivery to different companies. You should be as inquisitive as possible beforehand and customize your resume to meet the company's needs, even the job requirements. Use the terms that the company may like.
  4. Describe clearly. Try to avoid using ambiguous words or other sentences which are difficult for others to understand. One thing is to avoid writing too long as far as possible. Use numbers and item symbols to segment.


To get the job, take the assessment test project
No matter how good your interview results are, more and more employers are now offering you a practical project to test your actual ability before sending out a job offer. Sometimes, employers will also let several applicants do such tests at the same time, in order to pick out the best candidates.
Such tests assess work, which is usually paid less than normal wages, or even wages. But you'd better not refuse. Participate in such a test evaluation project, you have the opportunity to shine brightly, and officially won the reputation before taking office. People in the organization will know that you have made extraordinary results, and that you can begin to know how your future will probably work with your boss and colleagues.

2016年4月8日 星期五


  1. 拒絕參加會議。如果你實在不需要參加這個會議,不要接受會議邀請。你可以說明你的工作負擔,然後說你會樂意事後看會議記錄。
  2. 刪除電子郵件。只保留一些重要而必須回復的郵件,其餘都刪除掉。
  3. 降低你必須投入的功夫。如果有些要求實在難以說“No”來拒絕掉,也要認知這樣的工作要求只值得你花可以交出應付得過去的結果的一些功夫,而非要你拼老命去做出最優的結果。你的寶貴時間,應該只保留在你最希望做、能夠做出最佳結果的工作項目上。
Save time by saying "No"
Take time to work and produce work results. Which is more important to you? Any wise manager will choose the latter, but many people will waste a lot of time on unnecessary work.
If you're still struggling with how to control your time to improve your performance, try doing this:
  1. Refuse to attend a meeting. If you really don't need to attend the meeting, do not accept an invitation to the meeting. You can explain your workload and say you will be happy to see the minutes after the event.
  2. Delete e-mails. Leave only some important and necessary replies, and delete the rest.
  3. You must reduce investment efforts. If some requirements are difficult to say "No" to reject, to such work requires only cognitive worth some effort you spend can hand over to cope with past results, rather than to you desperate to make optimal results. Your valuable time, should have only do, can make the best results in you most want to work on the project.


To make a good impression, and prepare beforehand
To impress, it's not just your appearance, but your connotation, your profession, and your intentions. However, most people do not know how to do it.
You can send a text message to someone before you make an appointment. "I'd like to have the honor of meeting you and talking about something. My background in this area is so... "
By doing so, you can establish your sense of personal authority. However, after the meeting, if the other party does not respond immediately, please do not rush, the other party needs some time to assess the value you can bring him.
If your relationship will continue to develop, please continue to provide your dynamic information regularly. You can say something like this: "I've had a lot of inspiration since the last meeting, and I've had some ideas lately."


  • 整理儀容
  • 攜帶名片
  • 準備一段令人印象深刻的話語
  • 經驗比你多
  • 關係比你好
  • 實力比你強
  • 豐富內涵
  • 質感儀 

Don't neglect appearance, business card and an impressive speech
Everyone joins the business community, and after a period of time on the Internet. listening to their words, watching their actions], it finally arrives at the moment of meeting each other practically.
Originally a friend of virtual space, it should be communicated to the actual ground.
Please do not take the party lightly.
Please be careful not to let others leave a bad impression. Worse still, don't let people ignore your existence!
Please do the following three preparations for meeting:
  • Finishing the appearance
  • Bring business cards
  • Prepare an impressive speech.
Correct understanding:
Coming to a business dating community like the business community, most people want to show themselves and meet three kinds of people.
  • Experience more than you do
  • Relationship is better than you.
  • Their strength is stronger than yours.
This kind of person is better than you. Why do I want to know you? At his height, why do you notice?
Besides, it takes you a lot of valuable time to go to the business community every day. Is it not that you want to build new friends that are valuable to you? How can you take the rare opportunity of meeting lightly and let the other party be dismayed, disappointed or blind?
You should grasp the occasion well, seize the occasion where people gather, rarely a few minutes, or even just a few seconds, to show your self-confidence! uuuuuuuuuu
Confidence comes from:
  • Rich connotation
  • Texture instrument
If you are not ready, I suggest that you do not rush to death, it will make your accumulated assets online activities for many days, suddenly turned into debt!

2016年4月6日 星期三


Reduce resistance by listening
When you meet someone who is opposed to your ideas or suggestions, you can put pressure on the challenger to follow your instructions, or you can listen to him more to strengthen your relationship.
When you coerce your employee to perform a task, even if he does it according to your requirements, his initial resistance attitude and behavior will drag down the execution time of the task, and may eventually bite you back.
When someone disagrees with you, you will naturally repeat your ideas over and over again and speak louder and louder. On the contrary, if you can take a step back and listen to each other's opinions first, the results will be very different. You can repeat what you hear to make sure you understand each other clearly.
When you start to stop trying to convince and focus on what the other person says and recite it, his resistance usually disappears.



To influence others, listen to their ideas first
People don't like being forced to do things, even if you touch them lightly, they will be unhappy. Therefore, if you want someone to do something, such as changing his behavior, accepting new strategies, etc., it's better to motivate him rather than force him to do it.
The best way is to listen to him, not to urge him with your needs and wills. Try to understand the source of your colleagues' ideas. Don't try to defend your position, explain your ideas, or try to offer others some amendments. If you don't pre-judge what people need (which may be quite different from your own thinking), when time is ripe, you can communicate more effectively by doing so again.
Instead, remember to listen to him and ask him, "What does this mean to you? How do you feel? How do you feel about it?
You are willing to listen and respect his attitude, which will have a certain influence on him in the future.

2016年4月4日 星期一


  1. 可信任的。在專業的場合、論壇或媒體上,展現你的專業知識,建立起你的權威。這樣可以讓人們知道你在說什麼。如果你無法如此做到。那麼就表現出你的一致性與人格特質,這可以讓人們知道你不是在哄騙他們。
  2. 建立情感連接。人們會因為你所說的將會影響到他們而相信你。你必須讓人們感受到你在關切他們,將你的信息與他們搜關切的連接起來。
  3. 要有邏輯性。如果人們不能理解你的基本概念,任何權威與同情都不能讓你達到有效的溝通。你必須能夠給出清楚的主張,並且使用數據與分析來支持你的論點。
How to communicate effectively?
In any workplace, you must be able to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively.
To communicate effectively, please pay attention to the following three ways:
  1. Trustworthy. Show your professional knowledge and build your authority on professional occasions, forums or media. This will let people know what you are talking about. If you can't do that. Then show your consistency and personality traits, which will let people know that you are not fooling them.
  2. Establish emotional connection. People will believe you because what you say will affect them. You have to make people feel that you are concerned about them and connect your information with their search concerns.
  3. Be logical. If people don't understand your basic concepts, no authority or compassion can enable you to communicate effectively. You must be able to make clear claims and use data and analysis to support your arguments.

2016年4月3日 星期日


  1. 轉移注意力。關注自己的感覺,不要理他。你可以對自己說:“我現在必須及時完成手上的工作計劃。這件事很重要。”如此,你可以將他的批評置之腦後。
  2. 回應非批判的觀察。反擊只會升高衝突態勢。如果能夠有人能夠站在一個較高的角度發表一份聲明,通常可以讓對方退讓一步。
  3. 拋出一個有深度的問題。例如,當你在簡報時,有個客戶老是打斷,做有些惡意的質問,這時,你可以說:“我知道你很忙。可否讓我知道我如何沒有抓到你的關注點呢?”一個問題可以讓對方注意到他自己的行為,因此他可能會修正自己。
Deal with difficult people
Dealing with people with difficult personalities can make you feel powerless. If your client is an eccentric jerk or your colleagues are picky about your presentation, what do you do?
You can improve the situation by following ways:
  1. Divert your attention. Pay attention to your feelings and ignore him. You can say to yourself, "Now I have to finish my work plan in time. It's very important." In this way, you can put his criticism behind you.
  2. Respond to non-critical observations. Responding will only increase the conflict situation. If someone can make a statement from a higher point of view, they can usually make the other party back down.
  3. Throw out a deep question. For example, when you are presenting a briefing and a client is constantly interrupting and asking some malicious questions, you can say, "I know you're busy. Can you let me know how I didn't catch your attention? A problem can make the other person notice his or her own behavior, so he or she may correct himself or herself.