- 著重在成就,而非經歷。儘管初審履歷表的HR人事官不一定充分理解用人部門的專業需求,但是他還是會對你在之前的工作中所作出的獨特貢獻與成就,留下深刻印象。你可以對每個重要的成就或是貢獻以一句話描述清楚,而不是只是寫上你的每段經歷的職務名稱或是職務內容。
- 每段經歷都標註日期。不要嘗試遮掩你的年齡,或是故意忽略你的職業經歷中的中斷過程。如果有特殊狀況,可以附帶說明。注意:HR可能會在隨後打電話來詢問你過去轉換工作時的離職原因。做好你的準備。
- 要客製化。每個公司的行業別與公司文化都不同,不要嘗試用制式的履歷表來打通關,投遞到不同的公司。你應該儘可能事前打聽好,針對該公司情況,甚至是職位需求情形,客製化你的履歷。用該公司可能喜歡的用語。
- 描述清楚。儘可能避免使用含糊不清的贅詞,或是別人難以理解的語句。一件事,儘可能避免寫得太長。多使用編號、項目符號來分段。
Let your resume pass HR review
the buoyant job market, you have to get your resume to jump out of the HR
department where hundreds of resumes can be received every day. Therefore, you
must write your resume carefully.
following tips can improve the survival rate of your resume:
- We should focus on achievement rather than experience. Although the HR personnel officer who first reviews the resume may not fully understand the professional needs of the employing department, he will still be impressed by the unique contributions and achievements you have made in your previous work. You can describe each important achievement or contribution in a single sentence, rather than just writing down the title or content of each of your experiences.
- Mark dates for each experience. Don't try to cover up your age, or deliberately ignore the interruption process in your career. If there are special circumstances, you can give them additional instructions. Note: HR may call you later to ask about your reasons for leaving your job in the past. Prepare yourself.
- Customization. Each company's industry and culture are different, do not try to use a standard resume to clear customs, delivery to different companies. You should be as inquisitive as possible beforehand and customize your resume to meet the company's needs, even the job requirements. Use the terms that the company may like.
- Describe clearly. Try to avoid using ambiguous words or other sentences which are difficult for others to understand. One thing is to avoid writing too long as far as possible. Use numbers and item symbols to segment.