- 不要看成是自己獨有的遭遇。通常對方保持沉默,都會有合理的原因。也許是老闆還沒有得到項目的授權或預算,或許是同事還沒有得到新信息來分享給你,也或許政府正在考慮更周圓的政策。不要假設你自己做錯了什麼,但是請了解對方可能有其他的優先次序。
- 不要糾纏。在忙碌的工作環境中,每個人都會面臨自己的危機,設定自己必須回應的優先次序。你自己也會如此。因此,請勿反復以郵件或是電話去糾纏別人。
- 控制你的情緒。一旦你已經表達了你的意見,應該假設對方已經收悉。但是,你不應該預期對方會立即回應。如果你得到了回應,可以當成是驚喜。如果你沒有得到回應,就不要繼續浪費你的精力。你應該考慮關切其他議題,或是找到其他能夠引起對方共鳴的作法。
will voice, whether using mail or other means of transmission. However, many
times, we can not get a reply, but the other side is just silent. Whether it's
facing a potential customer, a boss, a colleague of another department, or you
are in a parade, screaming and not responding, you can't avoid the feeling:
what did I do wrong?
following is the attitude that we should have in the face of silence.
- Don't think of it as something unique to you. Usually there is a reasonable reason for each other to remain silent. Perhaps the boss has not been authorized or budgeted for the project, perhaps the colleagues have not yet received new information to share with you, and perhaps the government is considering the policy of a more circle. Do not assume that you have done anything wrong, but please understand that the other party may have other priorities.
- Leave it alone. In a busy working environment, everyone will face their own crisis and set priorities for which they must respond. You will do it yourself. Therefore, please do not repeatedly bother with others by email or telephone.
- Control your emotions. Once you have expressed your opinion, you should assume that the other party has already received it. However, you should not expect the other party to respond immediately. If you get a response, it can be regarded as a surprise. If you don't get a response, don't continue to waste your energy. You should consider other issues, or find other ways to resonate with others.