2017年5月27日 星期六



Practice to be careful
There are many advantages to being careful. However, many people can not careful, do not know how to do it?
You can overcome obstacles to practice so that you can be careful. You can ask yourself to set aside 10 minutes a day for a month in a row to train yourself to be careful.
In these10 minutes, let yourself focus on one thing, and you can focus on your inner state of mind. Is there any impulse to think about something else? As long as you feel distracted, take it back immediately stay focused on what you are doing, and feel your mental state of concentration and care.
If you really can't be so attentive, you can put in a background music that you can enjoy without distraction. This kind of background music can help you calm down, but will not let your mood split.
Compare the results that you practice carefully every day to see the amount of work you can do with your careful work and the quality of your work. For example, in these 10 minutes, how many words can you write, is the text beautiful?
In this way, you can feel the benefits of being careful, and on the basis of such success, make sure that you continue to be careful.

2017年5月26日 星期五


去弄清楚你想要從你預備交往的對象聽到什麼,以及你如何去讓他對你有好印象, 這似乎是好的人際交往策略。但是,過度吹捧自己與過度諂媚會有負面反效果的。

Be yourself in interpersonal communication
To figure out what you want to hear from the person you’re about to socialize with, and how can you make him feel about you, seems like a good interpersonal strategy.. However, excessive flattery can be counterproductive.
Why? Because when you deliberately want to impress others, will increases your anxiety, and makes you lose your independence.
So, don't change your behavior to please others. In contrast, state your opinion clearly. About the subject you are interested in. Ask your curious question.
Don't take your impression too seriously. But don't push others too hard to. accept your point of view. Build a circle of like-minded friends.
Easily communicate with friends who share your interests, and naturally make others have a good impression of you.

2017年5月23日 星期二


  1. 如果我今年必須達成一個重要的目標,那會是什麼?
  2. 當我想這個目標并達成它時,我會興奮嗎?
  3. 在我達成這個目標時,究竟是因為我認為它很有趣而且重要,還是因為它滿足了他人的要求期待?

Set goals that you want to achieve
If you don't like to do something, it's unlikely that you will set it as your goal or you develop it into your professional ability. Instead of focusing on what you should do, it's better to choose your future goals.
You can ask yourself:
1.          If I had to achieve an important goal this year, what would it be?
2.          Do I get excite when I think about this goal and achieve it?
3.          When I achieve this goal, is it because I think it is interesting and important, or because it meets the expectations of others?
Answer the above questions and come up with development goals that meet your personal ambitions.

2017年5月22日 星期一


Set your standard response to stress
Everyone gets nervous at work. But whether a person is nervous or not depends on how he responds. Fortunately, you can decide for yourself how to react. You can train yourself to responds to challenges.
You can think about what you've been able to solve at the moment. For example, if you're late for work, are you alert and going out early? Or, how did you respond when you were busy and received a call?
Identify a few experiences that you can successfully face challenges and solve problems. Think back to your pattern of action and let this experience become your mode of responding to stress.
Take this successful pattern and lead you to new challenges, although you may not be able to solve later problems, at least you know how to manage your nervousness.