- 先調研清楚。資訊會很有力。去向那些可以告訴你這個僱主大概會願意支付多少工資的朋友或同事,打聽看看。
- 坦率一些。當招聘官問你,你希望拿多少工資時,誠懇的說出來。僱主需要知道你的期望值,才不會浪費他與你的時間。
- 協商解決。討論薪資是一場談判,雙方都希望得到一個彼此都能夠接受的答案。如果僱主開出來的數字低於你的合理期待,還是冷靜的與對方協商出彼此都可以接受的方案。
Salary with employers is an uncomfortable process. You want salary that you
think is worth it, but you don't want to scare away your future employer.
when you
want to negotiate salary, please try to do so.
- Clear the investigation first. Information can be very powerful. Ask friends or colleagues who can tell you what salary the employer is likely to be willing to pay.
- Be frank. When the recruiter asks you how much you want to earn, say it honestly. The employer needs to know your expectations, so that he will not waste his time with you.
- Resolve through consultation. Discussing salary is a negotiation, and both sides hope to get an answer acceptable to each other. If the employer's offer is lower than your reasonable expectations, negotiate with the other side calmly and mutually acceptable options.