當你長期處於忙碌和壓力之下時,很容易做出反應,使情况變得更糟而不是更好。例如,如果你的To-Do List上有一百萬個任務,你可能認為你沒有時間停止工作並確定優先順序。但簡單地快速完成所有感覺緊急的事情並不是一個有效的策略。
Look for Simple Solutions to Recurring Problems
When you’re chronically busy and stressed, it’s easy to react in ways that make the situation worse rather than better. For example, if you have a million tasks on your to-do list, you may not think you have time to stop and prioritize. But simply barreling through everything that feels urgent isn’t an efficient strategy.
Step back and rank your tasks based on urgency and importance. Whatever meets both criteria should be done first; everything else can wait.
You should also look for simple solutions to problems that eat away at your time.
Constantly forget to charge your phone? Keep a power cord at the office. Catch the same mistakes again and again? Ask your team to make a checklist for spotting their common errors. Travel for work a lot? Create a universal packing list so that planning takes less mental effort. Strategies like these will give you more energy, confidence, and time.