2017年10月28日 星期六



If You Catch Your Boss in a Lie, Proceed Carefully
Finding your boss lying can make you very upset and sad.
If you decide to expose your boss (after careful consideration of potential consequences), be sure to give them a chance to save face.
Don't label him as a liar. Don't blame him.
To be curious and accept that you might learn something you don't know. You can say: I may be wrong”,orI know there may be some hinders you and I share all the details”,such language. Then listen carefully.
You have to decide what you're going to do. It's not good for a boss to lie to you. However, it's not worth to conflict with boss when you misunderstand or let boss lose face.

2017年10月26日 星期四



Don’t Let Pressure Turn into Stress
Pressure and stress are not the same thing. But the former is converted into the latter when you add one ingredient: rumination, the tendency to keep thinking about past or future events in a negative way. When you start ruminating , you’ll notice that your attention gets caught in an unproductive loop, like a hamster on a wheel.
To redirect yourself toward areas in which you can take useful action.
Try this exercise: Draw a circle on a page. Write down all of the things you can control or influence inside the circle, and all of the things you cannot outside it.
Remind yourself that you can care about externalities (your work, your team, your family) without worrying about them.
You can also put things in perspective by comparing a past stress with a current one — i.e., a major illness versus a missed sale — or by asking yourself “How much will this matter in three years’ time?” or “What’s the worst that could happen?”

2017年10月24日 星期二




Should you stay on the job? How do you know?
Sometimesyou are in a bad job. Of course, it may provide a sense of security and success, but you still fantasy to abandon existing work, and to pursue your passion. You should not let these thoughts stay too long, but it is better to make a positive decision.
First, consider the "have to do" things. This will hinder your progress: I must have a stable income. I must get the leadership work respect. Then, consider these statements are true, or just the assumptions, or are your beliefs and habits, or you just impose pressure on yourself.
You can decide to break any inertia. Don't ask yourself: What I want to do, how can I get to the goal?To consider: What I can think of the best and worst?
You may realize that your present role will never allow you to pursue your dream.
Such clear understanding may be what you need to regain control of your career path.