2018年2月1日 星期四



Help overheated employees slow down
It's very nice of your team to have quick reaction staff in your team. But some people need to solve the problem, because they act too fast and make a mess. They may be just to show that they have done or issued wrong instructions, so they can say that they have dealt with a problem, maybe they can get the reward that they should not get.
You can help these people learn to control their sense of urgency.
First, tell them that their methods could hurt them. When someone is concerned only with their goals and tasks, others may think they are not a team member.
It is too urgent for employees to see only the positive side and not see the shortcoming of action too fast. So, encourage them to find out all the consequences. Then, let them refer to projects on high performance and long-term thinkers, so that they can see the benefits of a mild and thoughtful way.
By observing others, they will observe how to think and deliberate to produce better results.

2018年1月31日 星期三



When you return to former employer, reset your expectation

It can be a wise career to go back to the company you've worked for. But don't think you'll pick up where you're leaving. Reset your expectations - you're the same as everyone else.
Prove that you have grown up, and modesty emphasize your achievements and learning when you leave, and establish yourself in a higher position in the organization.
You have to prove and know that each other has grown up and mature. Don't think that the company stays the same after you leave. Power has changed, people come and go, and your colleagues have grown up. Realize that the background has changed, and that everyone has a new position.