2016年9月3日 星期六


  1. 從你所知的範圍內開始。向別人說明你所知道的內容與背景,這樣他人就會明白你所知道與能夠掌握的範圍。
  2. 以你的建議內容來詢問回饋。雖然你沒有把握,並不代表你沒有意見、沒有解決問題的能力。你可以先提出自己的主張,然後聽取他人給予的回饋意見。
  3. 請求具體可行的意見。如果你還是實在不確信該選擇什麼方向來解決問題,設法找有經驗的人。你可以問他你需要哪些工具與資訊來做出決策,或是請人推薦具有類似經歷的人來請教。
How can it not seem like a stupid person asking for help?
Many managers make mistakes because they are afraid of asking others for help. It's embarrassing not to know how to do things, but it's more likely that not asking for help will lead to disastrous results.
Next time you encounter something you are not sure about, ask your colleagues and bosses for help in the following ways:
  1. Start with what you know. Explain what you know and what background you have, so that others will understand what you know and what you can master.
  2. Ask for feedback with your suggestions. Although you are not sure, it does not mean that you have no opinion and no problem solving ability. You can first put forward your ideas and listen to feedback from others.
  3. Request specific and feasible suggestions. If you are still not sure what direction you should choose to solve the problem, try to find someone with experience. You can ask him what tools and information you need to make decisions, or ask someone to recommend someone with similar experience.


  1. 去關注成果與獎勵。在還沒有列出大願景、劃出發展藍圖前,不要去注意執行的細節。讓自己多關注在如何達成大目標,儘可能不受執行細節來干擾你的思維。
  2. 不要對自己的決定心神不寧。一旦決定的事,如果你還老是修改作法,或是讓人感覺你舉棋不定,你很難說服別人來跟隨你。你應該先將項目執行出一定的結果,再來決定是否要改變基本方向。
  3. 該管就管。幾乎所有的項目都會有一些細節工作。當你推進到一些查覈點時, 你就必須進去檢查一些作業細節。
Don't let yourself focus too much on details
It is one thing to ask oneself not to manage others in detail, and it is often more difficult to control one's excessive attention to details.
The following can help you avoid nagging about yourself and affect your progress:
  1. Focus on results and rewards. Don't pay attention to the details of implementation before you have a big vision and a blueprint for development. Let yourself focus more on how to achieve your big goals, as far as possible without the details of execution interfering with your thinking.
  2. Don't be upset about your decision. Once you decide something, it's hard to convince others to follow you if you're constantly changing your approach or making people feel like you're in a dichotomy. You should first implement the project to a certain extent, then decide whether to change the basic direction.
  3. The tube is in charge. Almost all projects have some details. When you push into some checkpoints, you have to go in and check some details of the work.


  1. 評估市場的需求。你的工作技能真的能夠滿足市場需要嗎?
  2. 評估你的財務狀況。自由工作者是有風險的,你的財務狀況可以支援你多久沒有訂單?
  3. 對你自己誠實些。真誠的問自己,究竟是什麼動機讓你想要成為自由工作者,是因為比較自由,還是時間比較有彈性,還是可以因此獲利更多?或是你選擇這樣做純粹是因為你不善於在辦公室與人交往?

Is it good to be a freelance worker?

It seems like a trend to work at home now in the form of SOHO. Many of those who are skilled are liberal workers (Freelancer). As a full-time freelancer, it seems that you can arrange your time freely, and you can dress at home, everything seems comfortable.
But before you decide to become a freelancer, you'd better ask yourself the following points.
  1. Evaluate the demand of the market. Can your job skills really meet the needs of the market?
  2. Assess your financial situation. Free workers are risky. How long can your financial status support you? How long?
  3. Be honest with yourself. Sincerely ask yourself, what is the motive that makes you want to be a free worker, because it is more free, time is more flexible, or can you make more profit? Or do you choose to do this simply because you are not good at communicating with people in the office?
After you confirm that you have finished the above evaluation, you will decide whether to become a free worker again.


  1. 清楚分配你每天的工作時間。訂出每天的工作時間表,並且遵守它。如果你沒有將工作與生活的時間分清楚,沒有在該工作的時候在桌上工作,你會感到有罪惡感。
  2. 在該開始工作的時間工作。當你不再需要早上9點開始上班工作,你很容易讓你的時間輕易流失。即使你設定早上5點為你感到最清醒的時間,時間到了,就應該起床工作。
  3. 該休息的時候就休息。一個人工作容易專心,但是也容易疲勞。不要因為你沒有一天工作滿8小時而感到罪惡。當你完成了你該做的工作,就應該休息。
Work at home and make full use of time
Working at home is really hard. At home, there is a lack of office friendships, which will make you feel lost to the outside world or let your work eat your life.
However, because working at home is more flexible, you should better grasp and make the work easier, but also maintain the productivity.
  1. Clearly assign your daily work time. Work out a daily working schedule and follow it. If you don't get a clear picture of your work and life and don't work at the desk at work, you will feel guilty.
  2. The time to work at the beginning of the work. When you don't need to start work at 9 in the morning, it's easy for you to lose your time. Even if you set the morning of 5, the most sober time for you, it's time to get up and work.
  3. Take a rest when it's time to rest. It is easy for a person to concentrate on his work, but he is also prone to fatigue. Do not feel guilty because you have not worked for 8 hours a day. When you have finished what you should do, you should rest.

不要輕易做Coffee Break

你的生理仍然需要這樣的Coffee Break,但是不要讓你的分心在多帶來一些煩心的事,例如你上網看到了令人憂煩的政治紛擾,或是打電話聽到了家裡一些抱怨,帶著這樣煩人的心情回到工作,你可能會工作得更疲倦。
相反的,你可以運用這樣的Coffee Break時間,稍微活動筋骨,腦子稍微盤算如何安排接下來的這一天的工作,或是趁機和同事打個招呼,交換一下微笑,彼此相互激勵一下,讓你有平靜而愉悅的心情回到工作上。

Don't do Coffee Break easily
Many people think that a day's work should have some time to rest, drink coffee, make a private phone call, listen to music, go to Facebook, and get back to work with a relaxed mood. But these rest related tasks may make you more tired, distracted, and unable to concentrate on your work.
Your physiology still needs such a Coffee Break, but don't let your distraction bring about a lot of annoying things, such as you see the disturbing political turmoil on the Internet, or call some complaints at home, and get back to work with such annoying feelings, you can work harder.
Instead, you can use this Coffee Break time, a little bit of activity, the brain to figure out how to arrange the next day's work, or take the opportunity to say hello to your colleagues, exchange a smile, encourage each other, and let you have a calm and joyful heart back to work.


許多人總是尋求能夠一次建立起長期的解決方案, 意圖一勞永逸。但是沒有什麼是可以長久不變的。

Start from a short-term plan
Many people are always seeking to build up a long-term solution once and for all. But nothing can remain unchanged for a long time.
This is not only unrealistic but also offensive.
Later, when you want to have a long-term plan, start by developing a short-term implementation plan.
There are many solutions that can not only cope with current problems, but also can be implemented for some time. In the process of implementation, you will gradually find new problems and solve them one by one, and you will get closer to the long-term goals you want to achieve.



In the face of overworking, there must be a clear purpose
No matter how efficient you are, you can't plug in 100 hours of work in 40 or 60 hours a week. Rather than keeping vague concerns about whether or not to work so hard, it is better to take a goal oriented decision.
First, make clear the facts, include the list of all the items to be done, assess the time required for each project, and check how much time you have to deal with the work. You can use your work week calendar or a very complicated project schedule to fill in the time allotment of your work plan.
Then, you can talk to the project client that you have to spend most of the time, and discuss how those jobs can be authorized or simplified so that you have time to invest in the highest order.
You should discuss the objectives of these projects with the clients of each project to determine how to arrange the right priorities and give a reasonable time distribution within your limited time.


  1. 做好一天的工作計劃。在你早上打開電腦前,用5分鐘的時間來寫下你今天想要完成的工作項目,並且對每個項目分配好時間,並且最好先做最困難的工作項目。
  2. 再檢討。每個小時都停下一分鐘,再看看你的工作表,看看你前一小時的表現如何。是否工作有效率?想想你下一個小時是否能夠更有效率?
  3. 最後檢討。在每天下班關電腦后,檢討你今天做完了幾件事,達成了什麼結果?想想你明天如何能夠改進?
Three steps to manage your day
The easiest way to relax during the day is to open your email when you enter the office, or shake it to your colleague's desk. You've wasted a lot of time before you notice.
The following are a good way to manage your working time every day.
  1. Do a day's work plan. Before you open your computer in the morning, take 5 minutes to write down the work you want to finish today, and assign a good time to each project, and it's best to do the most difficult work first.
  2. Review. Stop for a minute every hour, then look at your worksheet to see how you did the last hour. Is it efficient to work? Think about whether your next hour will be more efficient?
  3. The final review. After checking off your computer every day, what are the results of reviewing your work today? Think about how you can improve tomorrow.


Prioritizing management
Do you really understand your time allotment? Most people think that they spend most of their time on strategic work, but in fact, they are not. You might as well review your work schedule last month to see how much time you actually spent on strategic work. Is that enough? It may be less than you actually think.
This is because most people spend most of their time dealing with urgent matters instead of important ones.
You should identify the five most important things you need to do in the coming year, and then make sure you spend enough time each month on these priorities. If you don't, you should start canceling meetings or other activities so that you have enough time to deal with priorities.



To help others to increase their available time
This sounds contradictory, but it is a fact. Taking time to help others will make you feel more time.
Many people have had the experience of spending time with others and feeling more time-consuming and less time-oppressive. You will not waste time on yourself.
Later, if you want some breathing space in your busy work, don't spend time on meaningless actions, such as surfing the Internet. Of course, you will be somewhat addicted to doing this, but it will not reduce your stress.
Instead, you can pass a cup of coffee to your coworker, ask him about the difficulties he is facing, give him a few short comments, give him an incentive, or take the opportunity to give your child instructions on his homework.
Best of all, these actions don't interfere with you at all, but can give you some satisfaction and make you feel more fully utilized. Whether you give people 10 minutes or a little longer, you don't feel constrained by time.


  1. 再次檢查你的To-Do List再一次檢查你的待辦事項列表,看看哪些確實遺漏了,或是哪些確實已經過了完工時限而還未完成的,或是哪些還有餘裕時間而不需要那麼著急的。
  2. 揀可以最快速處理掉的。15~30分鐘,不要再多的時間,將你應該打的電話、或是應該回復的郵件,趕快清理掉。
  3. 關掉會讓你分心的電話。然後,用30~60分鐘的時間,專心對付哪些困難的工作。在這段時間內,遠離會打擾你的電話機、不要看郵件或來電簡訊。
  4. 休息一下,然後再戰。休息10分鐘,然後打起精神,繼續奮戰。不用多久,你就可以逐漸清理掉許多待辦事項了,並且可以讓自己恢復平靜。
Efficient cleaning up to-do list
There's always a year at work, or a week, or a day when you're in a state of burnout and have too much to clean up. You may be in a state of confusion, and don't know how to deal with it first.
Later, when you encounter such a blunder, please use the following ways to deal with:
  1. Check your To-Do List again. Check your to-do list again to see what's really missing, or what's really over the deadline and not yet done, or what's left over without the rush.
  2. Picking can be dealt with most quickly. It takes 15 to 30 minutes, no more time, to get rid of the phone calls you should make or the emails you should reply to.
  3. Turn off the phone that will distract you. Then, use 30~60 minutes to focus on the hard work. During this period, stay away from the phone that will disturb you, do not read the mail or call the newsletter.
  4. Take a break and then fight again. Take a break for 10 minutes, then take heart and go on fighting. It won't take long for you to clear away a lot of to-do items and calm yourself down.



Don't arrange too many priorities
Too much pressure and overwork is a common situation in the workplace. Most leaders will feel that he has too many conflicting priorities.
However, little is known about the fact that under normal circumstances, the more work items a supervisor takes, the less money the company earns.
Most efficient companies, it turns out, focus their executives on high-paying projects rather than on everything under the sun.
From now on, instead of looking around for more opportunities, ask yourself, "What good projects can I focus on that will help my company win?"
You have to understand what you can do best that others don't, and then you can focus on the priorities that you can succeed in.
You should learn to reject those projects that you seem capable of doing, but are not nutritious.


  1. 事前規劃。1~2分鐘,甚至是幾秒鐘,想想你預備如何進行工作。
  2. 開始進行。
  3. 事後檢討。想想你剛才如何做的,發生了什麼事?你學到了什麼?下次你會如何做? 
如此三步走,你會獲得更多。也許如此不能讓你解決更多To-Do List上的工作項目,但是能夠讓你有更佳的控制力。

Everything is done in three steps, not in one step
Many people will complain about not having enough time. They are always in a hurry, hoping to be able to move on to the next work project as soon as possible. 
However, this can easily lead to chaos, not more efficiency. 
You should divide each workspace into three steps:
  1. Plan ahead. For a minute, two minutes, or even a few seconds, think about how you're going to do your job. 
  2. Proceed. 
  3. Post mortem review. Think about what you just did, what happened? What have you learned? What will you do next time? 
So three steps away, you'll get more. This may not allow you to solve more work items on To-Do List, but it will give you more control.

如實進行To-Do List, 注意所需要的準備工作

許多辦公室的工作者會準備一張To-Do List來規劃他的待辦工作項目,但是,卻經常無法如期完成。這是因為他記錄與規劃的不夠清楚。
下次,當你預備規劃To-Do List, 記得先問你的同事,確認他有時間來配合你。

Carry out To-Do List faithfully and pay attention to the preparation work required
Many office workers prepare a To-Do List to plan their to-do projects, but often fail to complete them on time. This is because his record and planning are not clear enough.
Perhaps he will plan the beginning time of a job and the time required to complete it. But he didn't notice the preparations needed to do the job, including who else needed to cooperate, where it needed to be done, how much time it took to complete the preparations, and so on.
Without good preparation, the project can not start on schedule, not only will delay the progress of the scheduled project, and even squeeze into the progress of other projects, so that their own fatigue.
Next time, when you plan to plan To-Do List, remember to ask your colleague first, confirm that he has time to cooperate with you.



Overwork is not honor
Everyone is busy. No one will deny it. But some people, you know, are particularly fond of yelling at people about how busy they are and making it a quirk. They regard such special behavior as a label of honor and use it as a shield to avoid certain responsibilities.
Such behavior must be stopped. For example, someone might be very selfish and irreverent in suggesting, "My time is more important than your time." Besides, if someone works 15 hours a day, his work efficiency is definitely not good.
So please stop complaining and start smart and effective work.


不斷出現的危機和一些特殊事件,都會逼迫我們去找出更多的時間來應付處理。 然而,我們日常的工作時間已經被許多不需要的會議、臨時瑣碎、以及無效的工作所佔滿了。

  1. 分析你的工作計劃表。先看看上個月,有哪些會議是真正能夠促進你達成工作目標的?再往前看後續幾個月,然後刪除掉那些你不參與也不會發生嚴重後果的活動。
  2. 要求回饋。通常我們自己難以察覺哪些是最浪費我們時間的活動。問問你的屬下或是其他同事,讓他們告訴你他們對你的期待,希望你如何分配時間給他們,然後你再重新安排你的工作計劃表。
Dig out more time

Emerging crises and special events force us to find more time to deal with them. However, our day-to-day work hours have been filled with unnecessary meetings, temporary trivialities, and ineffective work.
How can we dig out more working hours?
  1. Analyze your work schedule. Let's first look at what meetings last month can really help you achieve your goals. Look ahead for the next few months, and then delete activities that you don't participate in and don't have serious consequences.
  2. Ask for feedback. Usually we find it difficult to detect which activities are the most wasteful of our time. Ask your subordinates or other colleagues to tell you what they expect of you, how you want to allocate time to them, and then rearrange your schedule.


  1. 嚴格安排工作優先次序。嚴格做好時間管理。仔細檢查是哪些工作會花你比較多的時間,而其成果如何?將你寶貴的時間分配給最有價值的高優先次序項目。其中一個高優先安排是,讓自己有時間休息與充電學習。
  2. 避免做浪費時間的項目。不要浪費時間在不會有成果的項目上。檢查哪些項目要耗費你與你的團隊成員大量的時間,而不會有好的工作成果。
  3. 推掉工作。與你的委託人商量,看哪些工作必須先完成,而哪些工作可以推遲?依據你的工作負荷能量來安排適當的工作。
Remove the overload of overwork
When enterprises begin to lay off and reduce staffing, the Overwork of other employees will begin to become normal. This can lead to unhealthy employees, low productivity and unhappiness.
Whether you are a self-employed employer or a part-time worker working for someone else, you can use the following ways to relieve the overwork load:
  1. Strictly prioritize work. Strict time management. Examine carefully what work will take you more time and what will happen? Allocate your precious time to the most valuable high-priority projects. One of the top priorities is to give yourself time to rest and recharge for study.
  2. Avoid time-wasting projects. Don't waste time on unproductive projects. Checking which projects cost you and your team members a lot of time without producing good results.
  3. Put off work. Consult with your client to see which tasks must be completed first and which can be delayed. Arrange appropriate work according to your workload energy.


  1. 讓打斷你的人再想想,他自己是否可以自行處理?
  2. 想想,這件事有這麼緊急而重要到要你來立即處理嗎?
這當然需要你有些耐心與判斷能力。下次,當你遇到這樣的突發事件時,深呼吸一口,花幾秒鐘思考一下, 是否不作為更能夠節省你的寶貴時間,而可以讓你專注在真正重要的計畫項目上。

In the face of temporary events that are not planned, try not to act as much as possible
Do you, like most people, usually fail to plan your day-to-day work? No mistake. You face a lot of temporary emergencies and interrupt your work schedule. There are indeed many such emergencies that require your response.
However, perhaps the best way to deal with these temporary events that are not on your work schedule is to do nothing! Otherwise, you will throw yourself into disorder without rules.
At the very least, you can try the following ways before you take a response.
  1. Let the interruptor think again, can he handle it by himself?
  2. Think about it. Is it so urgent and important that you should deal with it immediately?
Of course, it requires some patience and judgment. Next time you encounter an emergency like this, take a deep breath and take a few seconds to think about whether inaction can save you more valuable time and allow you to focus on really important projects.


  1. 必須加強投入類。指的是若是你投入更多的時間,以及有更高品質的工作,就可以為你帶來非凡的回報,例如策略規劃。這是A級工作。
  2. 一般性投入類。指的是即使你投入更多的時間,也不會帶給你很大的回報,例如參加項目會議。你不需要全神投入,維持一個B級參與即可。
  3. 可以優化類。指的是那些你即使參與的工作,也不會產生附加價值,並且會拖累你投入在其他更有價值的工作上。對於此類工作,你愈快做完愈好,你應該找到一種可以優化工作效率的方法,用最短的時間完成它,以便你可以節省出時間做其他更有價值的工作。
Allocate your time and energy properly
To succeed in today's busy world, you have to decide what works best for you, not just mediocrity. You can classify your activities into three categories: the need to increase input, the need for general input, and the need to optimize.
  1. The input category must be strengthened. It means that if you invest more time and work with higher quality, you will be rewarded with extraordinary results, such as strategic planning. This is a A-level job.
  2. General input category. It means that even if you invest more time, it won't bring you much reward, such as attending project meetings. You don't need to concentrate on maintaining a B-level participation.
  3. Classes can be optimized. It refers to the work that you are involved in, which does not add value, and will drag you into other, more valuable jobs. For this type of work, the sooner you finish it, the better. You should find a way to optimize your work efficiency and complete it in the shortest possible time so that you can save time to do other more valuable work.


  1. 要求會議議程。要求會議通知者你需要一份會議議程表,以便你能夠請他將你的意見轉發給會議主持人。也就是說,你去逼迫他提供出一份會議議程表。
  2. 派授權代表。請你的部門中的某人出席會議,代表你的部門的觀點去做溝通。
  3. 要求會議記錄。如果會議中有將人發表重要的資訊,而你只能坐著聽,要求在會後得到一份會議記錄。
Stop attending so many meetings
If you have meetings all day, can you finish any work? You can't. But instead of complaining, think about which meeting you really have to attend. Before you agree to accept the invitation, ask yourself, "If this meeting has to be held all day, can it be rescheduled?" If your answer is "No", then you should reject the meeting and choose to attend other meetings that don't require that long.
  1. Request the agenda of the meeting. Ask the meeting announcer you need a meeting agenda so that you can ask him to forward your comments to the chairman. That is to say, you force him to provide a meeting agenda.
  2. Appoint authorized representatives. Ask someone in your department to attend the meeting and communicate on behalf of your department.
  3. Require minutes of the meeting. If someone in the meeting delivers important information and you can only sit and listen, ask for a minutes after the meeting.