2016年6月4日 星期六


  1. 認知你的情緒癥兆。在何種情境下你的思慮會開始有撞墻的感受,它會不斷的重複,讓你總是在掙扎中?這是一個明顯的負面情緒出現的癥兆。
  2. 標示你的思緒與情緒。這樣做,可以讓你更清楚明了自己,將發生中的狀況成為一種可以認知的信息,這樣可以在一旦負面情緒出現時,可以及時提醒自己。例如,你可以將“我的同事搞錯了,他讓我很氣憤”這樣的感受,轉化為“我感覺到我的同事搞錯了,而且我在氣憤中。
  3. 評估自己的負面情緒程度。你可以評估自己的情緒實際的狀況程度,就像給自己評分一般。例如,你可以對自己的負面情緒狀況區分為“無所謂”、“不舒服”、“很難受”、“很惡劣”等。如此你可以知道應該如何採取正確的行動
Cultivate your emotional vitality
Everyone has difficulty, doubt, worry or alarm when he is at work. But trying to downplay or ignore them often strengthens these negative emotions.
Successful people usually don't intentionally ignore or try to suppress their inner feelings. Instead, they develop emotional energy. This is a mental and productive way to confront his inner feelings.
  1. Recognize your emotional symptoms. In what situations do your thoughts begin to feel like hitting a wall, and it repeats itself, making you struggle all the time? This is an obvious symptom of negative emotions.
  2. Mark your thoughts and emotions. By doing so, you can make yourself more aware of what's going on and turn it into a cognizable message that you can remind yourself of when negative emotions arise. For example, you can translate the feeling that "my colleague made a mistake and he made me angry" into "I feel that my colleague made a mistake and I'm angry."
  3. Assess your level of negative emotions. You can assess your emotions in real terms, just as you can grade yourself. For example, you can differentiate your negative emotional state into "indifferent", "uncomfortable", "uncomfortable", "very bad" and so on. In this way, you can know how to take the right action.


  1. 想想別人會怎麼看你?你也許不知道自己有什麼壞習慣。找個信得過的同事,問問他和你一起共事,會有什麼困難?你什麼樣的行為或言語會讓他感到難堪?仔細聽,不要回應,也不要辯解。
  2. 換個方式。下次你要激怒時,換個方式表現。請答應你的同事,你不會再犯錯,你會用其他方式處理狀況。
  3. 承諾付出代價。承諾如果你再次犯錯的話,你答應付出代價。
How to change your bad temper?
Sometimes, we can not help but attack others with words or deeds, causing unhappiness to others, even causing harm. Some people will argue that this is my character. You may not be deliberate, but it's a bad habit.
How to correct your bad temper?
  1. What do people think of you? You may not know what bad habits you have. Ask a trusted colleague and ask him what difficulties he will have to work with you. What kind of actions or words do you embarrass him? Listen carefully, do not respond, do not excuse.
  2. Another way. Next time you are angry, do it differently. Please promise your colleagues that you will not make any mistakes again, and you will handle the situation in other ways.
  3. Promise to pay the price. Promise that if you make a mistake again, you promise to pay the price.


  1. 先思考,後回應。聽到別人對你的負面評論,即刻採取防衛,是太容易了。但是,你是為了面子還是為了裡子而回應?在你回應之前,先思考你要的結果。別人的評論是否真實?它與你過去所知悉的,是否有合理性?
  2. 決定要改變什麼?你不須要聽到什麼都回應。找到一個比較容易開始實施改變的,遠比同時應付許多事項要好得多。作為一名領導者,你更應該決定所接到的評論項目中,哪一件是最重要的。
  3. 請求支援。一旦你承諾接受評論,要做改變,請求你的上司、同仁或下屬給你支持、給你意見。請他們在你還是習慣性的落入老套時,提醒你一下,拉你一把。
What should I do when I want to cry when my work is frustrated? 
Most people will occasionally encounter setbacks at work, such as a friendly colleague fired, your plan severely criticized, or the boss think your work performance is not satisfactory, and so on, will make you want to cry. 
No one can get rid of such negative work moods. The next time you're about to burst into tears, try this: 
  1. Get out of the office for a while. Leave the office politely, go to the bathroom, coffee shop, or outside, take a breath of fresh air, or call a friend, and let yourself cry and let out your emotions. 
  2. Face a new situation, start afresh. When you can calm down, give yourself another perspective to assess the situation you are facing. If you truly believe that you have been wrongly perceived, meet privately with your boss or co-worker to explain. Keep your emotions under control and decide how to do better next time.

2016年6月3日 星期五



Choose your key expertise, not your best ability
The higher you climb in the business, the more you should focus on what the business needs, rather than choosing what interests you want to do.
When many career experts tell you to do what you can best, a successful leader chooses only his unique key expertise to do it.
Identify projects or jobs that only you can show. These may be jobs where only your role can perform well. For example, in a company, only you can meet a key customer and only you can visit the top customers. Or, you have unique abilities that your company lacks, such as your marketing skills.
Grasp the unique skills or functions that you can make the most contribution to the company, then devote your time and energy to these keys, and then delegate the work that others can do to others.