好消息是你可以通過一整天的專注力訓練(Mindfulness Exercise)來活化你的大腦更好地集中注意力。這裡有一些指導方針,可以使他們成為一個更加專注和有意識的領導者。
下一步,當你到達辦公室,在你的辦公桌或你的車上花10分鐘,在你投入活動之前,用一個簡短的專注力訓練(Mindfulness Exercise)來提高你的大腦。閉上眼睛,放鬆,坐直。把你的注意力全部集中在你的呼吸上。簡單地保持對你呼吸經驗的持續注意力:吸氣、呼氣、吸氣、呼氣。為了讓你的注意力停留在呼吸上,每次呼氣都要安靜地數。每當你發現你的注意力分散時,只要把注意力集中在你的呼吸上,就可以分散注意力。最重要的是,讓自己享受這幾分鐘。在接下來的一整天里,和其他人競爭的迫切性將會分散你的注意力。但在這10分鐘裏,你的注意力都是你自己的。
How to do concentration training in the whole day?
You may have a clear idea of this feeling: you have a clear day plan at the office, and then, when it feels like an instant, you find yourself on your way home. Nine to ten hours have passed, but you have only accomplished a few priorities. And, most likely, you don't even remember what you did all day. If that sounds familiar, don't worry. You are not alone. People spend almost half of their waking hours thinking about other things rather than what they are doing. In other words, many of us operate on autopilot.
In addition, we have entered what many people call the "attention economy". In the attention economy, the ability to remain focused and focused is as important as technology or management skills. Leaders are particularly hit by this emerging trend because they need to absorb and synthesize a large amount of information in order to make the right decisions.
The good news is that you can activate your brain to concentrate better through a whole day of Mindfulness Exercise. Here are some guidelines to help them become more focused and conscious leaders.
First, start your day. Researchers have found that we release a lot of stress hormones within minutes of waking up. Why? Because thinking about the day ahead triggers our fighting instinct or escape instinct and releases cortisol into our blood. Instead, try this: when you wake up, stay in bed for two minutes, just notice your breathing. When you think about this day, let them go and return to your breath.
Next, when you get to the office, spend 10 minutes at your desk or in your car, and before you get into action, use a short Mindfulness Exercise to boost your brain. Close your eyes, relax and sit up straight. Focus your attention on your breathing. Simply keep a constant focus on your breathing experience: inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. To keep your attention on breathing, count quietly every time you exhale. Whenever you find your attention distracted, just concentrate on your breathing and you can distract. Most importantly, let yourself enjoy these minutes. Over the next day, the urgency to compete with others will distract you. But in these 10 minutes, your attention is yours.
Once you have completed this exercise and are ready to start work, concentration can improve your efficiency. Two skills define a conscious mind: focus and consciousness. More specifically, focus is the ability to focus on what you are doing right now, while consciousness is the ability to recognize and release unnecessary interference. Understand that concentration is more than just meditation, mindfulness is the cultivation of a sharp, clear mind. Concentration in action is a good substitute for the illusory practice of multiplexing. Working hard means focusing your attention and awareness on everything you do from the moment you enter the office. Focus on the work at hand and be aware of and release internal and external interference. In this way, focus can help improve efficiency, reduce mistakes, and even enhance creativity.
To better understand the power of focus and consciousness, consider a pain that touches almost all of us: the addiction to e-mail. E-mail can lure our attention to low-priority tasks because small tasks can quickly release dopamine, a hormone that makes us happy. This will make us addicted to e-mail and damage our attention. Instead, concentrate on what's important when you open your inbox, and remain aware of just noise. To better start your day, avoid checking your email first thing in the morning. Doing so can help you avoid distractions and short-term problems during a particular period of attention and creativity.
As the days go by and the inevitable back-to-back meetings begin, focus can help you lead shorter and more effective meetings. To avoid meetings with distracted people, spend two minutes practicing concentration. You can do that when you go to a meeting. Better yet, keep the first two minutes of the meeting quiet so that everyone can arrive physically and mentally. Then, if possible, close the meeting five minutes before the meeting so that all participants can consciously transition to the next meeting.
Over time, your brain starts to tire, and concentration can help you stay sharp and avoid bad decisions. After lunch, set a timer on your mobile phone and ring every hour. When the timer rings, stop your current activity and do a minute of focused practice. These conscious performance breakthroughs will help prevent you from using the autopilot and increasing your work unconsciously, or from rejecting meaningless work.