- 讓人驚訝。例如,如果人們認為你從來是不發言說話的,那麼,讓自己在一次會議中率先發言,說出你的主張評論,讓人矚目。
- 用力改變。經常而反復的以你的表現來證明別人過去對你的壞印象是錯誤的。
- 和人接近。如果你曾經讓別人誤會過,不要迴避。和他多接近,讓他認識你究竟是怎樣的人。、靜待雲淡風輕。有的時候,別人對你的壞印象的成因,和你一點關係都沒有。如果你能夠保持耐心,作出讓人讚揚的表現,人們逐漸就會改變對你的看法。
is often difficult to reverse a bad impression. But
it is not impossible to change how others think of you. Try the
- Make a surprise. For example, if people think you never speak, then let yourself take the lead in speaking at a meeting, giving your comments and comments.
- Force yourself to change. Often and repeatedly use your performance to prove that other people's bad impression of you in the past is wrong.
- Get close to people. If you have been misunderstood by others, don't avoid it. Get closer to him and let him know what you are.
- Wait for clear. Sometimes, the cause of others’ bad impression of you has nothing to do with you. If you can patient and perform admirably, people will gradually change their view of you.