2016年4月27日 星期三


  1. 限制你自己只指導少數幾位。要給人做指導教練,是一個很大的承諾,要相當費勁。多數資深的領導者只能有效指導最多3-4位門生。
  2. 選擇你可以信任的門生。當一名指導教練不熟悉他的門生,而他的門生又表現不好,他自己的信譽容易受到傷害。
  3. 選擇可以填補你的短板者。有些門生可以用他們的專長或是社交媒體來宣揚你的品牌,有些則有能力以其他語文或文化影響力來宣傳你,而有些人則可以建立起團隊并進而指導其他初學者。你可以考慮選擇有能力幫助你的人來給予指導
How to choose the apprentice to guide?
Students with potential will yearn for a good mentor and coach. Naturally, good leaders will also want to attract talented people.
So, how do you decide who you want to guide?
  1. Limit yourself to only a few. It is a great commitment and a lot of effort to coach a person. Most senior leaders can effectively guide the most 3-4 students.
  2. Choose the student you can trust. When a instructor is not familiar with his student, and his student does not perform well, his reputation is vulnerable.
  3. Choose to fill your short board. Some students can use their expertise or social media to publicize your brand, others have the ability to propagate you in other languages or cultural influence, while others can build teams and guide other beginners. You can consider choosing someone who can help you to give guidance.



New managers, be careful not to touch the sensitive zone of the boss easily
New managers often want to be able to drive some changes. But before you come up with a change plan, get to know what your boss is most concerned about.
In the department organization, there must be some content, such as products, facilities, operating methods, trusted personnel, which your boss is particularly concerned about.
When you and your boss make suggestions to adjust the department's operating procedures or product lines, pay attention to her expression, intonation and body language. If you are still unsure, speak softly about your proposal and be careful about his reaction.

2016年4月26日 星期二


  1. 不要掉以輕心。即使老闆給你很大的自由度,你也不要置身度外。你應該經常保持與老闆溝通,約時間談話,將你正在處理的工作提出來,請教她的意見。
  2. 專注做好。假設她要求你專注在一件她認為最重要的工作上,那麼,每次開會就不要提超過三件該注意討論的事項。
  3. 盡早澄清期待內容。你要在項目指派的一開始,就弄清楚老闆真正期待的內容是什麼,她將如何評估績效,並且你要經常檢查是否有新的變化。
Build a good relationship with your boss
In your career development, your boss has a stronger impact on your success or failure than anyone else.
When you start a new job or project, it's worth your effort to build a good relationship with your boss. The following can give you a good start:
  1. Don't take it lightly. Even if your boss gives you a lot of freedom, you should not stay out of it. You should always keep in touch with your boss, make an appointment to talk, put forward the work you are dealing with and ask for her advice.
  2. Focus on doing well. Suppose she asks you to concentrate on what she considers to be the most important job, then don't mention more than three items to be discussed at each meeting.
  3. Clarify the expected content as soon as possible. At the beginning of project assignment, you need to figure out what the boss really expects, how she will evaluate performance, and you need to constantly check for new changes.


  1. 團結合作。老闆總是會希望他的團隊能夠確實團結合作。即使你不喜歡你團隊里的其他人,也要克服彼此的差異,進行合作,共同完成任務。
  2. 帶頭發展。率先舉手的人,通常會爬升得比較快。對於面臨的挑戰,不要遲疑承接任務,即使這個工作有可能不能順利完成。
  3. 保持與老闆的密切接觸。老闆需要他的團隊成員提供資訊。請隨時讓你的老闆知道市場競爭形勢、你的客戶發展狀況,項目發展進度等。
Know what your boss expects of you
Even if you know your annual tasks and goals, you won't always know how your boss expects you. Every boss has unspoken expectations.
Please satisfy the unspoken expectations of your boss by following the following practices:
  1. Unity and cooperation. The boss always wants his team to work together. Even if you don't like other people in your team, overcome differences, cooperate and accomplish tasks together.
  2. Take the lead in development. The first person to raise his hand usually climbs faster. Don't hesitate to take on the tasks facing the challenges, even if the work may not be completed smoothly.
  3. Keep in close contact with your boss. The boss needs information from his team members. Please keep your boss informed of the market competition, the development of your customers, the progress of the project, etc.


  1. 由淺入深的建立關係。一開始,只選擇幾項重要的項目來和他對話,不要立刻鋪天滿地的給他高強度的壓力。引導你的新老闆逐步進入狀況,然後再讓他進入深水區。
  2. 觀察他的風格。你的新老闆傾向于簡短談話,還是喜歡長篇大論?他喜歡直接選擇最優方案,還是期待有幾個可選擇的方案?他要求硬資料,還是軟故事? 弄清楚他的習性,以便于你能夠配合調整呈遞給他的簡報文件。
  3. 誠實以待。新的領導者必須仰賴他陌生的人給他誠懇的意見。你最好給他幾個率直的觀點,引導他能夠較快進入狀況。
Face the New Boss
When you first get along with your new boss, you will be full of anxiety and fear. You feel as uneasy as trying to tame a wild horse.
The following can help you get into a good relationship with your new boss faster:
  1. Building relationships from shallow to deep. At first, only select a few important projects to talk to him, and don't immediately overwhelm him with intense pressure. Guide your new boss into the situation step by step, and then let him into the deep water.
  2. Observe his style. Does your new boss prefer short talk or long talk? Does he prefer to choose the best option directly, or does he expect to have several alternatives? Does he require hard information or soft stories? Find out his habits so that you can adjust the briefing papers presented to him.
  3. Be honest. The new leader must rely on sincere advice from strangers. You'd better give him some straightforward opinions to guide him into the situation faster.

2016年4月25日 星期一


  1. 慎選你的聽眾。你的老闆可能不能幫你改善你所面臨的狀況。你最好選擇能夠實際解決問題的人,向他表達你的意見。
  2. 提出解決方案。與其只是抱怨或是點出問題,還不如提出一個可以解決問題的作法。這樣可以避免別人認為你只是會發牢騷,並且如此做可以讓你的聽眾省掉去思索如何才能解決問題的負擔。
  3. 以事實訴求。你也許會有滿肚子的情緒,但是你的聽眾多半更願意聽到你對所發生的有證據佐證的事實的理性陳述。
The right way to complain
To survive in any company, an employee must be able to ask how he can do things and must be able to express his dissatisfaction. But no one wants to hear only your grievances.
If you want to share your opinion, be careful:
  1. Choose your audience carefully. Your boss may not be able to help you improve the situation you are facing. You'd better choose someone who can solve problems in real time and express your opinion to him.
  2. Propose solutions. Instead of just complaining or pointing out problems, it is better to propose a solution to the problem. This prevents people from thinking you're just complaining, and in doing so, you save your audience the burden of thinking about how to solve the problem.
  3. Demand for facts. You may have a belly full of emotions, but most of you are more likely to hear your rational statements about the facts that have been proven to be happening.


  1. 面對你的感覺。承認你確實在工作中不愉快,並且查明造成你不愉快的因素。如果你目前無法改善,也不要設法說服你會快樂起來。接受你當前的局面,並且你必須在未來的一段時間繼續應對它。
  2. 採取主動態度。如果辭職不是你當下可以做的選擇,那麼開始正面面對它。設法學習新的能力,或是接受一個艱難的工作項目。
  3. 找到正面能量。人們一般很容易關注在讓他產生負面情緒的內容。但是,如果你能夠找到一些能夠讓你產生正面能量的因素,例如,有趣的同事,有趣的工作內容,那麼,你會更有能力去應付你的工作。
How to survive in an unpleasant working environment?
Even if you already know you're unhappy at work, it's almost impossible to find a new job in the current economic situation. Keeping your existing job may be your only choice. But that doesn't mean you have to work in a miserable way.
Here are three tips to help you improve your imperfect working condition:
  1. Face your feelings. Admit that you are not happy at work and find out the factors that make you unhappy. If you can't improve at the moment, do not try to persuade you to be happy. Accept your current situation, and you must continue to deal with it in the future.
  2. Take the initiative. If resignation is not the choice you can make at the moment, then begin to face it positively. Try to learn new abilities or accept a hard work project.
  3. Find positive energy. It is easy for people to pay attention to the content that causes him to have negative emotions. But if you can find something that will give you positive energy, such as interesting colleagues, interesting work content, then you will be better able to cope with your work.

2016年4月24日 星期日


  1. 檢討自己的過去狀況。你很容易懷疑你自己以及你的能力。但是,如果你看看你過去的記錄,你會發現你成功的記錄通常超過你的失敗記錄。而且,更重要的是,你即使做錯了,也多半能夠度過去,並且因而學習到了教訓。
  2. 專注在你的強項。許多領導者會在某幾項核心能力上很強,通常在多數項目中有較佳的表現,而在少數項目中比較弱。集中你的注意力在發展你能夠做得最好的項目上,然後再來補強你一般與較弱的能力。如此就不會削弱了你的效率與成果表現
Boost your confidence
Self-confidence is a state of mind that you may or may not have. This is a dynamic emotion, like human muscle, which needs to be strengthened by exercise.
Here are two exercises to enhance self-confidence and maintain it:
  1. Review your past situation. You can easily doubt yourself and your abilities. But if you look at your past records, you will find that your success record usually exceeds your failure record. What's more, even if you do something wrong, you'll probably get through it and learn from it.
  2. Focus on your strengths. Many leaders are strong in some core competencies. They usually perform better in most projects, but weaker in a few. Focus your attention on developing projects that you can do best, and then reinforce your general and weaker abilities. In this way, you will not weaken your efficiency and performance.


  1. 在車上閉目養神。在每天搭乘公共交通時,用10分鐘的時間來閉目養神。如果你是自行駕車,則早一點出門,停好車,開門上班前,在車上先休息10分鐘。
  2. 規律的休息。保持工作有規律,工作每隔90分鐘就作休息。設定的休息時間一到,就起身走動5分鐘,可以和同事聊聊天,或是聽聽音樂。即使你沒有感覺你需要休息,還是這麼做。
  3. 做白日夢。每週用兩次午餐的時間,到處走動20分鐘。想想任何與工作無關的是,例如想象休假,打造你的夢想的房子,任何狂想,都行。
Quickly calm down
A clear mind allows you to see things most clearly. But it's hard to have time to rest your mind during your busy days.
Please use the following methods to make you fully relaxed:
  1. Keep your eyes closed in the car. Take 10 minutes to keep your eyes closed when you take the public transport every day. If you drive a bicycle, go out earlier, park your car, and take a 10-minute break before you open the door to work.
  2. Regular rest. Maintain regular work and rest every 90 minutes. Once the set break time arrives, you can get up and walk for 5 minutes to chat with your colleagues or listen to music. Even if you don't feel you need a rest, do it.
  3. Daydreaming. Take two lunches a week and walk around for 20 minutes. Think about anything that has nothing to do with your job, like imagining vacations, building your dream house, any fantasy.