2018年2月10日 星期六



Solve the problem by considering the worst solutions
If you need to come up with a new idea, don't think about the best idea anymore. Instead, imagine the worst of the idea: What is the wrong way to solve this problem? What do our clients really don't want? How can we get all of our stakeholders angry?
Try to think of some ideas that can let you (maybe even be fired) and start looking for new ways to solve the problem. Then go back from there, looking for new ways to solve the problem. This process, called "wrong thinking" or "reverse thinking," is not always easy to do.
You can try to look at the problem like a beginner. What do you think of a person who knows nothing about the background? When you allow yourself to have bad ideas, you often come up with the best ideas.

2018年2月9日 星期五



Learn from setbacks and overcome them
The next time you feel like you're screwing things up in your work, don't blame yourself and think about what you can learn from it.
Don't think of setbacks as "I'm not fit for this challenge." Instead, tell yourself, "I haven't developed the functions that I need." Controlling frustration in this way not only helps your self-esteem, but also lets you think frankly about what is good and why it is unsuccessful.
These insights will help you set challenging learning goals and try other strategies. You can ensure that you remain in the learning model, reduce your concern about the ability to accomplish certain tasks, and put more energy into your development.
When accepting new challenges, ask yourself, " Am I learning mode now?" "This question will encourage you to be open to what you can find, rather than to worry about your shortcomings.

2018年2月8日 星期四



Don't be ashamed to make friends at work
The friendship in the office may be tricky. When the boundaries between the profession and the individual are blurred, there are opportunities for emotional and team performance to be hurt.
But just because of a potential mess doesn't mean you should avoid chatting with your colleagues. In fact, people who have friends at work have higher productivity, retention and job satisfaction.
So take time to understand and build relationships. You don't have to go out to drink or share a lot of personal information.
Positive relationships are based on vulnerability, authenticity, and compassion, so these values are emphasized in interaction with colleagues. Don't think it's going to be easy. All friendships are difficult. You have to build. Working friendship is just one of them.

2018年2月7日 星期三



Set the basic rules for the next difficult conversation
Difficult conversations are challenging, partly because you don't know whether or when the discussion will deviate from the track.
In order to ensure that things go smoothly, agreed with each other in advance on a code of conduct. At least, no interrupt, no yelling, no personal attack. Tse are all basic knowledge, yes, but they are helpful to everyone).
If you worry that your colleagues don't follow the rules, write them on a sheet of paper or a whiteboard. Then you can gently point out, for example, your opponent begins to raise his voice, "We say we won't shout. Can you lower your voice? " Such basic rules that can keep the conversation going smoothly.

2018年2月6日 星期二



Give your stressful colleagues praise and help
You know that stressful people are always overwhelmed, overstretched and exaggerated. They are not easy to work with, but you may not have a choice.
Whether you have trouble or sympathy for your colleagues, you can praise and help them.
Your colleagues may get out of control, so praising their performance can help them create another new image as a competent, motivated professional. Citing some of his specific behavior, for example, you can say, "The way you handled the presentation last week was admirable. You are very calm and leave a deep impression on the customers. "You can also asking what you can do, which can make the stressful colleagues feel less lonely.
Don't promise too much, but the information should be, "I have limited resources, but I want to help you, if you're struggling."