2016年9月1日 星期四


Distract your witness with the "2+1" principle
Whether it is personal job hunting or business owner development, there is a support for your witness, not only to strengthen your position, but also to find new opportunities for your career or business.
However, such witnesses may no longer be able to continue to witness your support for various reasons.
Therefore, you must continue to establish new witnesses. You should keep an independent relationship between some of your witnesses to guard against if one of them cut off your support and affects others' support for you.
It is an ideal combination arrangement to establish 2 internal witnesses and retain 1 external witnesses in a business organization of more than 10 people. The internal witness can be 1 in your department or your supervisor, and the other 1 from other departments.
Such a combination of 2+1 can ensure that you are threatened in the organization or in the workplace.

