2016年7月23日 星期六


  1. 工作前。先瞭解你要做的是什麼事,想想你做這件工作應該有的步驟、資源,以及可能面臨的困難會有哪些?
  2. 工作中。專注而有條理的進行,盡可能不要三心兩意,還在掛記另外一件工作。
  3. 工作完成。回想一下,你在這份工作中得到哪些教訓?學習到了什麼?

Three steps of overall thinking to improve work efficiency
Most office workers often complain that they don't have enough time.They tried to keep up with their work one by one. But this busy form of work leads to more hectic work. 
In fact, if each task can take a few minutes or even a few seconds to think, it can be divided into three steps to avoid confusion and improve efficiency: 
  1. Before work. To understand what you are going to do, think about the steps you should take, the resources you need, and the difficulties you may face. 
  2. Work in progress. Keep your mind focused and methodical, as far as possible not to miss another one of two mind, and keep in mind another piece of work. 
  3. Completion of work. Look back, what lessons have you learned from this job? What have you learned? 
If you have an overall mindset like this, you will be able to accomplish your to-do list more efficiently and give you more control over the results of your work.


  1. 在每天中午前完成三件事。經驗顯示,如果能夠將一天的工作半天就完成大半,就很有機會領先群倫。如果每天能夠在中午前完成三件事,午餐會愉快許多。
  2. 拆分工作,提高效率。將你的工作拆分成幾個不同的細分工作。將需要最長時間來完成的細部工作先做,然後安排其他簡單的後續工作。如果你將最難的事情留到最後才處理,你很可能會在限期之前疲於奔命,甚至毫無頭緒。
  3. 將類似的工作排在一起。能夠重複做類似的工作,可以讓你熟練并提高效率。
Three ways make you work more efficiently
Self-discipline is very difficult, but try to make things more efficient in the following ways:
  1. Finish three things by noon every day. Experience shows that if we can finish half of the work in half a day, we will have a good chance to lead the group. If you can finish three things a day before noon, lunch will be a lot of fun.
  2. Dismantlement work to improve efficiency. Split your work into several different subdivisions. Do the detailed work that needs the longest time to finish, then arrange other simple follow-up work. If you leave the most difficult things until the end, you will probably be too tired to run until the deadline.
  3. Put similar jobs together. Being able to repeat similar tasks can make you proficient and efficient.

2016年7月22日 星期五

如何成為職場人氣王?你該知道的 5件事



2016年7月21日 星期四



Is this a good boss for a job interview? 

Most of your work performance and work emotions are determined by the working relationship between you and your boss. But when you apply for a new job, how do you know you can get along well with your future employer?

General enterprises will arrange direct interviews with their supervisors when recruiting. This is a rare opportunity for you to evaluate future bosses.
You should take advantage of this interview to observe the interviewing officer. After courtesy, can you ask this department what department is the company? And is he the head of the Department?
In the interview process, you should not only pay attention to whether you leave him a good impression. You can also feel that you have a crush on him. Does he seem to be a responsible boss? Does he seem to be a boss willing to listen to employees' opinions? Is he a good coach willing to share his experience?
You may not get the right impression in the short interview time, but your intuition will tell you a lot of information, so that you can be better prepared when you receive the admission notice. If you really feel bad, of course you can refuse the offer.


大項目經常難以確實定好完成期限,而這是最令人容易緊張的。你可能要到最後一分鐘才會給予關注,或是讓它老是掛在你的To-Do List好幾個月,而動也沒動。
  1. 給予優先次序。如果你列了太多重要的目標,那麼你永遠不會搞定真正重要的。刪掉你的清單,直到只剩下5件,而這個長期大項目必須是其中之一。
  2. 準備你所啟動項目需要的。如果沒有準備好所需要的工具、資訊、技能與支持資源,你很難啟動項目。
  3. 將它拆分為幾個小項目。將大項目拆分為幾個你可以管理的小項目,然後安排出第一個必須做的事,設定好它的完成日期,放在你的To-Do List中。
Really promote long-term big projects
It is often difficult to set a definite deadline for large projects, which is the most stressful. You may not pay attention until the last minute, or keep it hanging on your To-Do List for months without moving.
Here are some ways to make such a long-term project a real driver:
  1. Give priority. If you list too many important goals, you will never achieve what really matters. Delete your list until there are only five items left, and this long-term big project must be one of them.
  2. Prepare what you need to start the project. It's hard to start a project without the tools, information, skills and support resources you need.
  3. Break it down into several small projects. Divide the big project into several small projects that you can manage, then schedule the first thing you have to do, set its completion date, and put it in your To-Do List.


  1. 設定期限。用一份工作日程表來記錄每項工作的到期日。用明顯的標誌來提醒你自己。如果用電腦或是手機,可以設定到期前的警示提醒。
  2. 要求協助。請一名你信任的同事來檢查你的工作。當你知道有人在注意你的工作時,會讓你更積極的關注工作進度。
  3. 改變心態。停止認為你自己會是一名拖拉工作的人。告訴自己你將會如期完成自己承諾的工作。
Stop Procrastination (2)
Procrastination seems to be the norm of human nature, but not necessarily. To get rid of your procrastination and increase your productivity, try the following:
  1. Set a deadline. Use a work schedule to record the due date of each job. Remind yourself with clear signs. If you use a computer or a mobile phone, you can set warning reminders before expiration.
  2. Ask for assistance. Ask a trusted colleague to check your work. When you know that someone is paying attention to your work, it will make you pay more attention to the progress of your work.
  3. Change your mind. Stop thinking you'll be a procrastinator. Tell yourself that you will finish the work you promised on time.

2016年7月20日 星期三


  1. 弄清楚你在拖延什麼。如果你發現了你自己忽略或是延遲了一件工作,先問自己為什麼這樣做。知道你傾向於延遲什麼樣的事情,可以讓你做好心理準備,避免未來繼續發生這樣的情形。
  2. 設定底線。將原來的工作切成幾個小片段,一一去做,然後設定每一段的完成期限。
  3. 增加獎勵。如果要全部完成后才會有獎勵,那麼心理就很容易疲乏,不感興趣。相對的,如果每做完一段,就可以有個小獎勵,就會比較有動力。如果沒有人給你獎勵,就自己給自己安排。例如,每做完一段,就讓自己可以喝杯咖啡,休息一下。
Stop Procrastinating
People usually put things off, but it's not encouraging. If procrastination can only hinder your performance or make you more unhappy, try the following:
  1. Find out what you are procrastinating on. If you find yourself neglecting or delaying a job, ask yourself why. Knowing what you tend to delay can prepare you to avoid future situations like this.
  2. Set the bottom line. Cut the original work into several small pieces, do them one by one, and then set the completion deadline for each paragraph.
  3. Increase incentives. If rewards are not available until all are completed, then it is easy to get tired and not interested. In contrast, if you finish each paragraph, you can have a small reward, which will be more motivated. If no one gives you a reward, arrange for yourself. For example, every time you finish a paragraph, let yourself have a cup of coffee and rest.

2016年7月17日 星期日


  1. 打造新資歷。你可以在一邊繼續現有工作外,另外讓自己成為自由工作者(Freelancer),或是去參加一些自願服務工作,獲得新的角色。
  2. 建立新的人脈。要發展新的職業方向,你需要有新的人脈關係。去尋找一些能在你希望發展的新方向方面,能夠給你新觀點的人。
  3. 讓你的改變有意義。告訴他人你希望成為專業的人。這樣可以激勵自己的企圖心,並且有機會可以贏得他人的支持。
Reshape your professional identity
Looking for runway changes and job opportunities in the workplace can be challenging, especially if you're in an awkward situation at your current job. But as long as you want to crawl out of the mire, you may still reshape your professional identity.
Please follow this:
  1. Create new qualifications. You can continue to work as a freelancer, as well as volunteer for new roles.
  2. Establish new connections. To develop new career direction, you need to have new connections. Look for people who can give you new ideas in the new direction that you want to develop.
  3. Make your changes meaningful. Tell others that you want to be a professional. This can motivate one's ambition and win the support of others.