2017年7月6日 星期四



The most effective instruction for your student is to make sure that he is himself
The relationship between instructor and student is not only a contract work, but also a real harmonious relationship.
Even if you design a complete mentoring program, it does not replace a true mentoring relationship between mentors and students.
As a mentor, you must be psychologically it will be your best interests of students in mind, take care of what workplace problem he is facing, and let him know that you have to consider his interests in everywhere. Even if such interests is not consistent with company’s interest.
To be able to let him play the greatest value in the company, the best way is to let him find their own strengths, let him have a sense of presence, there are advantages can be sure. Inspire his passion, is the best way to overcome his shortcomings.

This is not to flatter him. You still have to give him to guidance of a specific improvement plan. Your goal is to make him responsible for and commitment to himself. It must be able to recognize the fact that he has confidence to make his decisions .

2017年7月5日 星期三


我們都聽過許多人告訴你應該如何做簡報演說,例如不要按著幻燈片照本宣科, 不要用太多張幻燈片給聽眾壓力,要保持與聽眾的眼神接觸,等等。

Find the meaning in your most ordinary job
We all want to feel that we do things every day. But when you trudge through the tedious meetings and endless to-do list, while those not have inspiration managers can easy at work. Such unfairness will make you feel your work value.
Fortunately, even a brief reflection can improve your performance and resilience.
Ask yourself some questions to know the big picture, such as: "Who will benefit from what I do?" For example, remember, your formidable statement will let you lead with other colleagues, this may help you stay focused and motivate yourself. Or you may ask yourself: "If I can finish this task, will I gain greater wish or value?"
Maybe the spreadsheet you build will help the board to make better financial decisions.

Finding a meaningful goal can help you accomplish what seems meaningless.

2017年7月4日 星期二



Freelancer shall control arrangement of meetings
One of the biggest benefits of the self-employed is able to control your itinerary flexibly. But many people find themselves free occupation in waste of time, do not know how to use their autonomy. A method to improve efficiency is to arrange all customer meetings in the same day.
To do so, to the day of the meeting will be long and intense, but they will make you free to work in other days. This is an important point: if you can visit different customers in a day in the same city. And you can save hours of commuter pain.

Do you agree in person before the meeting? We must make good use of our time. Check your agenda, only arrange meetings need to discuss and decide to take part in an important problem. Otherwise, you can arrange phone call to discuss with customers.