2016年8月31日 星期三


  1. 請求給予好處。這看起來好像很委屈,但是有效。你可以請你的同事展現他的只是以及他的慷慨大方。讓她幫助你,可以讓她有機會展現坦蕩大方的胸襟,你們因此可以修補已經破壞的關係。
  2. 真誠的讚美。即使她可能已經不太願意和你和諧的共事,你還是可以找機會來表示你對她的仰慕,包含對她的品德與能力,予以堅定的讚美。你可以在會議上,或是在項目對話上,給予你由衷的讚美,而不是虛偽的諂媚。
Repair of damaged relationship
Almost every one of us has experienced situations of bad relationships, such as heated debates with colleagues at meetings, quarrels and conflicts. This may not be a personal conflict at all, but it will bring the relationship to a freezing point.
How to repair the relationship between the two sides? Please try the following:
  1. Request for benefits. It seems grieving, but it works. You can invite your colleagues to show that he's just generous and generous. Let her help you, and give her the opportunity to show generosity, so that you can repair the relationship that has been destroyed.
  2. Sincere compliments. Even if she may be reluctant to work in harmony with you, you can still find opportunities to express your admiration for her, including a firm praise of her character and ability. Instead of hypocritical flattery, you can give you heartfelt praise at meetings or in project dialogues.

