2016年2月20日 星期六



2016年2月19日 星期五


  1. 找一個資深領導者提供你意見。如果你有一項工作存在疑惑,去找一個你尊敬的領導者給你指導。忙碌的人通常無法承諾給你長期的指導關係,但是他會願意給你一個小時的時間。
  2. 建立一個顧問小組。你可以和幾名同事建立緊密關係,這些同事願意在你需要作簡報或是向老闆報告時,提供給你日常的意見。這種來自不同背景的人提供的意見,通常可以給你不同的見解與思維。
How do you get guidance without a mentor?
A good mentor can give you good advice and assistance in career development and help build your skills and abilities.
However, it is not easy to find someone who has time and specialties to help you. The following methods will help you get the guidance you need.
  1. Find a senior leader to give you advice. If you have doubts about a job, go to a respected leader to give you guidance. Busy people usually can't promise you long-term guidance, but they'll be willing to give you an hour.
  2. Establish a consultative group. You can build a close relationship with several colleagues who are willing to give you daily advice when you need to give a briefing or report to your boss. This kind of advice from different backgrounds can give you different opinions and thoughts.

2016年2月18日 星期四


如果你能夠管理好自己的情緒,也能夠管理他人的情緒,你就有機會成為一名好的領導者。但是,你真的能夠做好你的情商(Emotional Intelligence, EQ)管理嗎?也就是,你能夠管理好你的同情心、人際關係、聆聽技巧、自覺能力,等等,這些是成為一名領導者必須改變的能力

As long as you are willing to accept assistance, you can improve your EQ
If you can manage your own emotions and others'emotions, you have the opportunity to be a good leader. But can you really manage your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? That is, you can manage your compassion, interpersonal relationships, listening skills, self-awareness, and so on. These are the abilities that a leader must change.
The good news is that EQ is more resilient than IQ. The IQ of a person is usually fixed throughout his life. However, EQ can be trained to increase by 25%. The bad news is that it's really hard and hard to change. One of the main reasons is that we are usually reluctant to face our strengths and weaknesses directly. If it's easy, it's easy for each of us to have high EQ, isn't it?
This is the main reason why there is so-called organization. Everyone needs to learn and train in the organization to improve their EQ ability. As long as there is regular feedback and face-to-face advice, people have the opportunity to improve their EQ ability.
However, few companies recognize that improving employees'EQ is a priority for the organization. What about you?

2016年2月17日 星期三




2016年2月16日 星期二


能夠清理掉待辦事項清單(To-Do List)中的一些項目, 確實會令人愉悅。然而,你需要有更大的動力來處理更多你厭惡的工作項目。
  1. 先苦後甘。你的待辦工作項目清單中,總是會有一些你比較喜歡的項目,也有一些。你不喜歡的。不要總是先挑你喜歡的項目。你應該先解決一些你不喜歡的項目,再保留剩餘時間來做讓你會愉快的項目。
  2. 獎賞自己、給自己充電。在你完成一些艱難工作后,獎賞自己,例如可以休息一下,吃些點心,甚至休假,去郊外走走,讓自己的身體與頭腦得到休息與可以再補充能量的機會。
Give yourself some rewards after you finish a job you hate
It's really pleasant to be able to clean up some of the items on the To-Do List. However, you need more motivation to deal with more work items that you hate.
Here's how to motivate yourself to deal with difficult jobs you hate:
  1. Bitter before sweet. Your to-do list will always have some items you like better, as well as some. You don't like it. Don't always pick your favorite projects first. You should solve some projects that you don't like first, and then save the rest of your time for projects that will make you happy.
  2. Reward yourself and recharge yourself. After you finish some hard work, reward yourself, such as taking a rest, eating snacks, even taking a vacation, walking in the countryside, giving your body and mind a chance to rest and recharge energy.

2016年2月15日 星期一


  1. 承認它,並請求他人協助。不必辯解。如果資料確實顯示你的工作績效不合格,接受它,並開始請求他人協助你來改善。請求他人分享他們對你的觀察,以及告訴你可以如何改善。
  2. 找出原因。是不是因為你缺乏足夠的工作技能?還是因為你不喜歡被指派的工作專案?無論是什麼,找出造成你工作績效不彰的真正原因。
  3. 承諾改善。整理出有何方法可以改善你的工作績效,作出承諾去改善,並且要求他人監督,讓自己成為可靠的人。
How to improve your performance?
Nobody likes to be evaluated as a low performance performer. However, it is not the end of the world to be criticized for poor performance.
Try the following ways to improve your performance:
  1. Recognize it and ask for help. There is no need to justify. If the information does show that your performance is not up to par, accept it and start asking others to help you improve. Ask others to share their observations and tell you how you can improve.
  2. Find out the reasons. Is it because you don't have enough job skills? Or because you don't like assigned projects? Whatever it is, find out the real reason for your poor performance.
  3. Commitment to improvement. Make a list of ways to improve your performance, make a commitment to improve it, and ask others to supervise and make yourself a reliable person.


  1. 取得支持。去找幾名你認為可靠,能夠在你新官上任的幾個月,可以支援你的強大的同事、或是導師。請他給你誠懇而具有建設性的意見。
  2. 做出計畫。擬出一份你在上任之初幾個月希望達成的目標、列出優先次序,以及完成這些目標必須的執行手段,以及預備付出的代價。
  3. 瞭解自己的限度。新的工作代表新的責任,但是你應該對自己誠實,知道哪些你可以控制,哪些是你做不到的。
Upgraded, control your excitement first
Upgraded by the company, it will make people feel that the past efforts have been rewarded, it will also make people bloodshot for a while, eager to do a big job. When you get a lot of congratulations on your upgrade, it's time to start preparing for all the new expectations you have.
Where to start?
  1. Get support. Find a few people you think are reliable enough to support your powerful colleagues or mentors in your new office for a few months. Ask him to give you sincere and constructive advice.
  2. Make plans. Draw up a list of goals you want to achieve in the first few months of your tenure, prioritize them, and the means to implement them, as well as the costs to be paid.
  3. Know your limits. New jobs represent new responsibilities, but you should be honest with yourself and know what you can control and what you can't.

2016年2月14日 星期日


  1. 儘管提出請求。不需要自己貶低自己。
  2. 坦率些。不用拐彎抹角。人們通常對於直接提出的請求會有比較正面的回應。
  3. 不要猶豫再次提出請求。不要假設人們之前拒絕后,你就不應該再次找他請求幫助。 人們通常在說過“No.”之後,多少會有愧疚感,因而再你回頭再次請他幫助時,他口氣會比較和緩,給你正面的回應,或是至少可以給你一些務實的建議。
Don't underestimate your influence
We usually underestimate our influence. We often for fearing of being rejected and afraid to provide advice to boss, or to ask colleagues to help us. We also lose a lot of good opportunities because we worry that we don't have enough persuasion. However, in fact, our boss or colleague may respect us because we ask for it.
We don't realize that for most people, saying "No." is much more difficult than saying "Yes.". So, as long as you make a request, you have more convincing than you think.
  1. Just raise your request. You don't have to belittle yourself.
  2. Be frank. Don't beat around the bush. People usually respond positively to requests made directly.
  3. Don't hesitate to ask again. Don't assume that you shouldn't ask him for help again after you have rejected it. People usually say "No.", there will be a sense of guilt, and then you back once again asked him for help, he will give you a more conciliatory tone, positive response, or at least can give you some practical advice.


  1. 讓改進工作效率成為全員活動。改進工作效率,不僅是專業人員的責任,而是全員都必須努力達到的。你可以要求所有的員工對如何降低成本,以及如何改進工作效率提出創意想法。然後對能夠幫助公司有貢獻者給予獎勵
  2. 找出各種可以改進效率,節省成本的方案。節能顯然是降低成本與減少對環境產生衝擊的明顯價值。然而,還有其他許多同樣能夠減少成本的項目,例如:避免浪費的管理,產品包裝方式,後勤作業,等等。從員工每天的工作內容與行為中,找出各種可以改進效率,節省成本的方案。
  3. 延伸到供應鏈上,一起合作改進工作效率。要求上游供應商與下游通路一起參與改進工作效率的方案。與他們一起談談,看如何能夠一起合作改進工作效率,節省運營成本。