2017年8月5日 星期六


一旦你同意擔任學員的導師,就代表你要付出自己的時間。若是你不想浪費時間, 你就要謹慎選擇一位值得你投資去指導的學員。

Mentors should be careful to absorb students
Once you agree to be a mentor, it means you have to spend your time. If you don't want to waste your time, be careful to choose a student who deserves your investment to mentor.
Do you have to assess whether his goal of seeking guidance from a mentor is consistent with his actual needs? His curiosity to absorb knowledge, his ability to learn, and his ability to organize and digest.
This will give you a good understanding of their thinking process, communication skills and level of interest. Don't be angry if they don't finish the work. Instead, you can breathe a sigh of relief that you can protect yourself neutrally without taking in an inappropriate student.

2017年8月3日 星期四


  1. 只發給目標收件人。記住,每封郵件都會花收件人的閱讀時間。所以,在選擇Reply AllCc按鍵,要謹慎。
  2. 抓住要點。雖然內容很重要,但要記住你要提起讀者注意的只是所有內容其中的一部分,尤其是,你要他做什麼?其次是,提供必要的摘要重點。
  3. 簡明客觀而陳述完整。要抓住讀者注意,你的文字要簡明、有客觀事實。而且,不要假設讀者知道你寫作的背景,你的文句要讓讀者知道你郵件的目的與寫作背景。
  4. 不可輕浮。避免輕佻或是情緒語言。那無助於增加讀者對你的印象。要客觀有事實
Your mail will show your personal brand image
Have you considered your sent message will affect your personal brand image?
The following approach allows you to deliver messages with your right brand image:
  1. Send to target recipient. Remember, each email will take the recipient's reading time, so be careful on choosing the Reply All and the Cc button.
  2. Catch the point. Although the content is important, remember that what you want to bring reader to notice is only part of all content, especially what you want him to do, and secondly, provide the necessary summary points.
  3. Objective and concise statement of integrity. To catch the reader's attention, the text should be concise, you have objective facts. Also, don't assume that readers know your background, your text to let the reader know the purpose and background of writing your mail.
  4. Not frivolous(輕浮). Avoid frivolous or emotional language. It is not conducive to the increase of readers' impression on you. Be objective and with fact.

2017年7月31日 星期一



Think about his opinion before you disagree with your colleagues
When you and your colleagues have differences of opinion, it is easy to focus on each own feelings and ignore your opponent. But entangled in own frustration, in vain. In contrast, put yourself for others. What he want? Why he do this? Think you're dealing with? He just talks around, or, he is calculating others?
If you often work with this person, you may already be familiar with his style. But if you seldom communicate with each other, you have to do some more understanding. To know who he usual communicate with in the company? What is his behavior? Don't ask others, but just seek for whether they agree or deny your observation opinions.