2018年6月23日 星期六



Have One Day a Week When Nothing Can Interrupt You
You can’t do deep, creative work when meetings constantly disrupt your flow and hurt your productivity. To give yourself time and space to focus, have one day a week when nothing can interrupt you — no texts, no emails, no phone calls, and absolutely no meetings.
Block this day off on your calendar, and tell colleagues that you’ll be unreachable because you’re working on critical projects. Of course, something urgent may come up anyway, but try your best to keep the day from being compromised.
Stick to a simple rule: You can move your unreachable day around during a week — maybe it’s Wednesday one week and Thursday the next — but you can’t remove it from your calendar or push it to the following week.
As you get into the routine of taking these days for focused work, it’ll be easier for you, and the people around you, to keep them sacred.

2018年6月20日 星期三



How to Share Your Expertise Without Looking Arrogant
If you want to advance your career, people need to know what you’re an expert in. But you shouldn’t go around bragging about everything you know. Instead, display your expertise in ways that are helpful to your colleagues.
For instance, you could volunteer to host a lunch-and-learn about a topic you’ve been researching that’s relevant for your industry. Or you could write something on the topic for the company newsletter. You could even offer advice or respond to queries on the corporate intranet.
Don’t assume that these kinds of opportunities are distractions from your “real work” or that no one pays attention to them. Even if your lunch-and-learn is sparsely attended, for example, higher-ups are almost always paying attention to how knowledge and best practices are shared.
Putting your expertise out there could get you noticed by a senior person who appreciates that you’re sharing your ideas publicly. 

2018年6月18日 星期一


Get More Sleep. Starting Tonight
It’s no secret that most of us don’t get enough sleep — or that sleep deprivation can hurt our logical reasoning, focus, and mood. But do you know how to get the seven to nine hours you need?
To start, you should go to bed when you’re just starting to feel drowsy. For many people, that’s usually between 10 PM and 11 PM, when melatonin, a natural hormone that makes you relax and ultimately fall asleep, often kicks in.
And you probably already know to avoid screens at night, since their blue light rays can inhibit the production of melatonin, but you should also stay away from any activity that requires a lot of thinking.
Making your brain work hard can keep you awake, even if you’re simply reading. Before bed, try doing the dishes, going for a walk, or listening to music instead. Getting a good night’s sleep is not a random event — it’s a learnable skill.



Understanding Personal Brand
In the past, creating a personal brand meant you had a lot of business cards. If you were really creative, you would hire a graphic designer to create a logo for you. However, with the development of social media and the increasingly personalized society, the brand you build around yourself may be the most important way you can stand out in your sphere of influence. If you're just starting to think about your personal brand, then you have to understand that personal brand is a way for people to remember you.
It's not just a trademark or an amazing logo, but how you present it online and offline to potential customers. Your brand image is created by you to help build your business. Your personal brand revolves around you as yourself.
Well-known examples of personal brands
For example, the last presidential election. The personal images of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are only connected to Party sponsored candidates. Trump and Sheila are among those who are more proficient in linking their names to them with their career and passion to support their masses. They have established solid personal brands. However, personal brands are not just politicians. According to the Nielsen Consumer Survey, only 33% of buyers trust the information of the brand they know, while 90% trust the information directly transmitted by a celebrity he knows.
This means that if you can win people's trust in you personally, you have a better chance of building your business.
Define your personal brand by understanding your audience
If you want to define your own personal brand, first you need to consider the impression you want to build and the market you want. Where are the two intersections? What does everyone look like and what does everyone want? What are their problems? If you can build a solid personal reputation as someone who cares about and really wants the best customers, you will succeed.
It's not about sales
Also, remember that personal brands are not sales. It lets you provide it for others and customers. Make sure you have active accounts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Balance your social media presence with career-related updates and personal updates. Others will think of you as a professional person, but they will also peek into your personal life and what makes you tick. No one needs to know what you ate for breakfast, but always wearing a baseball cap in your photos will cause people to tell you some stories.
Humanization of Doing
Personal brands are not confined to the Internet. When you leave your home and interact with people around you, make sure you maintain a positive, professional appearance. Carry your business card with you and keep an eye on potential customers. People like to support local businesses and other professionals. If you make a good impression on them, they will be more eager to see your services, support you or recommend you to someone who is willing to help you.
Consistency is the key
The key component of a successful personal brand is loyalty (that is, consistency) to your brand. Once the customer has experienced several times, they will begin to recognize your brand. Moreover, if you change your image and move around, customers will be confused and will eventually not know (or believe) you. If you use multiple platforms (for example, a website and glossy color brochures), you need to keep your overall image and appearance the same. One way to achieve this goal is to ensure that your color scheme, rational, personal motto, and your overview of the business look and feel the same.



Keep Your Network Small and Meaningful
The research on networking is clear: High-quality connections are more valuable than weak ties. That means a bigger network is not necessarily better.
If your network isn’t helping you forge deeper, more authentic relationships, it may be time to shrink it. Start by taking stock of your priorities. Is how you’re spending your time aligned with your goals?
For example, does that monthly lunch with a distant contact add value to your life? Does that conference you’ve attended for years actually help you? If not, drop it.
Next, think about the relationships you want to cultivate. What types of people do you want to spend more time with? Are they the types of people you’re currently devoting your energy to? If not, make a plan to change who you’re investing time in.
As you shrink your inner circle, you’ll begin thinking of yourself as the architect of your environment and your career. 

2018年6月17日 星期日


  • 為他人提供適當的行動建議
  • 清楚地宣佈
  • 表達對他人的擔憂
  • 要求澄清
  • 問開放性問題激發對話
  • 表達自信
  • 通過識別和回應顧客的投訴來平息焦慮的顧客
  • 以建設性的管道傳達回饋,強調具體的、易變的行為
  • 簡明扼要地傳達資訊
  • 以直接和尊重的作法訓練員工
  • 強調產品、服務或建議的好處,以說服個人或團體
  • 鼓勵不情願的團隊成員分享意見
  • 清楚陳述你想說的每句話每個語詞
  • 說明困難情况而不生氣
  •  說明你需要幫助
  • 給予他人榮譽
  • 在簡報演說或互動開始時引入主題的焦點
  • 注意非語言暗示並口頭回應以核實困惑、化解憤怒等。
  • 釋義以表示理解
  •  交貨前的溝通
  • 提出探究性問題,以引出有關具體問題的更多細節
  • 突出你的聲音填滿房間
  • 提供具體實例說明要點
  • 接受責備而不做防禦性辯解
  • 認識和反對抗告
  • 避免說話太頻繁或打斷別人
  • 請求回饋
  • 在談話結束時重申要點
  • 選擇適合觀眾的語言
  • 表現出對他人的興趣,詢問和認識他們的感受
  • 即使你有壓力也能平靜地說話
  • 以適度的速度說話,不要太快或太慢
  • 自信而謙虛
  • 在不責備或責備的情况下陳述你的需求、願望或感受
  • 總結其他發言者的要點
  • 用事實和證據支持陳述
  • 剪輯不同受眾的資訊
  • 講故事來吸引觀眾
  • 裁員通知
  • 培訓他人完成任務或角色
  • 用肯定的聲音和單詞,如:嗯,了解了,我明白,當然,是的,來表示理解
  • 用幽默吸引觀眾
  • 利用自我表露鼓勵分享