- 傾聽你內在的聲音。請做個深呼吸,然後想想究竟發生了什麼事,後續將會如何。問自己:“有沒有其他的解決途徑?”
- 提出建設性的問題。問你的老闆、同事或客戶:“為什麼要這麼做?你願意接受其他的作法嗎?我們沒有別的選擇嗎?我們可以嘗試一下嗎?”
- 考慮可能的反應。想想看,如果你嘗試一個不同于以往的作法,例如不依照傳統在權威下的作法,可能會發生社麼結果?你是否有把握處理?這樣會讓你感覺比較有自信與得到滿足嗎?
Trust your intuitive
are all taught to obey the authority, so we don't usually pay attention to our
gut feelings, but your instincts are often right.
how do you overcome your doubts about yourself and dare to challenge authority?
Please try to do that.
- Listen to your inner voice. Take a deep breath, and think about what happened and what will follow. Ask yourself, "Are there any other solutions?""
- Ask constructive questions. Ask your boss, coworker, or client: "Why do you want to do this? Are you willing to accept something else? Do we have no choice? Can we try?"
- To consider possible responses. Think about it, if you try a different approach, such as not in accordance with the traditional authority in practice, what might happen? Are you sure you are? This will make you feel more confident and satisfied?