2015年12月12日 星期六


  1.  傾聽你內在的聲音。請做個深呼吸,然後想想究竟發生了什麼事,後續將會如何。問自己:“有沒有其他的解決途徑?”
  2. 提出建設性的問題。問你的老闆、同事或客戶:“為什麼要這麼做?你願意接受其他的作法嗎?我們沒有別的選擇嗎?我們可以嘗試一下嗎?”
  3. 考慮可能的反應。想想看,如果你嘗試一個不同于以往的作法,例如不依照傳統在權威下的作法,可能會發生社麼結果?你是否有把握處理?這樣會讓你感覺比較有自信與得到滿足嗎?
Trust your intuitive judgment
We are all taught to obey the authority, so we don't usually pay attention to our gut feelings, but your instincts are often right.
So, how do you overcome your doubts about yourself and dare to challenge authority? Please try to do that.
  1. Listen to your inner voice. Take a deep breath, and think about what happened and what will follow. Ask yourself, "Are there any other solutions?""
  2. Ask constructive questions. Ask your boss, coworker, or client: "Why do you want to do this? Are you willing to accept something else? Do we have no choice? Can we try?"
  3. To consider possible responses. Think about it, if you try a different approach, such as not in accordance with the traditional authority in practice, what might happen? Are you sure you are? This will make you feel more confident and satisfied?

2015年12月11日 星期五



  1. 說出期望。不開口說出期望,經常是產生失望與產生溝通落差的原因。請向你的另一半說出你的期望,你需要對方如何配合。
  2. 安排時間相聚。如果你在工作與對外社交活動一般,你也應該安排出時間讓你們夫妻有時間相聚。
  3. 融合工作與家庭生活。工作與家庭生活不必然必須完全區隔出來。你可以找出方式將它們融合起來。例如,可以在家裡一邊工作,一邊和家人聊天。或是,你可以在上班的間隙,打個電話向家人問候。你也可以安排家人與同事的夫妻可以聚會交流。
Both husband and wife are working. Keep happy
Many couples have bad relationships because of work: too much travel, too little time to get together, and often having to transfer. It's not easy, but it's still possible to maintain a good relationship while both husband and wife are working.
Following are several possible approaches:
  1. Expectations. Unspeaking expectations is often the cause of disappointment and communication gap. Please share your expectations with your partner and how you need them to cooperate.
  2. Arrange time to meet. If you're working and socializing in general, you should also set aside time for your husband and wife to get together.
  3. Integrate work and family life. Work and family life need not be completely separated. You can find ways to integrate them. For example, you can work at home and chat with your family. Or, you can call your family to say hello between work. You can also arrange for couples of family members and colleagues to meet and communicate.

2015年12月10日 星期四



Control your emotions, or walk away temporarily
Most modern offices are mostly open, from the CEO to the receptionist, are clearly exposed to everyone's eyes. It's really difficult to find a room with a door.  
Such open office space is increasingly encouraged, but sometimes it can put you in an awkward situation, especially when you are frustrated and depressed.  
The next time you feel like you're about to lose control (who hasn't had this experience yet?) First think about where you are. If you've noticed you're in the limelight, take a deep breath or drink a glass of water to calm yourself down. Otherwise, walk out of the office and into the open space.  
In such an open office space, it is often difficult to maintain a professional attitude forever, and it is also difficult to obtain public comfort and support from colleagues. You have to learn how to control your emotions, otherwise, try to maintain your privacy.

2015年12月9日 星期三


  1. 建立聯盟, 爭取支持。事先和批准你的提案相關的人見面,向他們簡介你的構想,並爭取到他們的興趣。
  2. 保持簡明扼要。盡可能不要在你的簡介裡夾雜一大堆資料與分析資料。太多的細節只會讓你的聽眾昏頭轉向。保持簡明扼要,直接了當。
  3. 強調好處。你的聽眾會比較想知道你的構想對他們會帶來哪些好處。因此,你應該強調你的構想能夠帶給他們的好處。
How do you get your idea approved?
Although you have a great idea, don't assume that others will be as enthusiastic as you are.
Whether a proposal or a proposal is to be approved, it usually comes less from its connotative value than from how you present it.
Next time, please use the following methods to gain a better chance of getting your idea approved:
  1. Build alliances and win support. Meet in advance with those involved in approving your proposal, brief them on your idea and gain their interest.
  2. Keep it concise. As far as possible, don't mix up a lot of data and analysis in your profile. Too many details will only make your audience dizzy. Keep it concise and straightforward.
  3. Emphasize the benefits. Your audience will want to know what benefits your idea will bring to them. Therefore, you should emphasize the benefits that your ideas can bring to them.

2015年12月7日 星期一



  1. 建立互動機制。以定期的會議來互動,讓你們之間的對話不會陷入無意義的閒聊。你應該確保每次會議都能夠朝向預定目標前進
  2. 讓互動產生動力。如果你的導師沒有給你指定功課,主動要求,並且將作業納入你的工作日程表。
  3. 知道何時該往前推進一旦你達成了目標在報酬效果遞減消失前趕快再設定新的目標請導師作新的指導萬一他不再能符合你新的期待而必須結束現有的指導關係,而你必須另覓良師時也請與他保持友好關係他可能可以在其他方面成為你很好的贊助支持者