- 再次檢查你的To-Do List。再一次檢查你的待辦事項列表,看看哪些確實遺漏了,或是哪些確實已經過了完工時限而還未完成的,或是哪些還有餘裕時間而不需要那麼著急的。
- 揀可以最快速處理掉的。用15~30分鐘,不要再多的時間,將你應該打的電話、或是應該回復的郵件,趕快清理掉。
- 關掉會讓你分心的電話。然後,用30~60分鐘的時間,專心對付哪些困難的工作。在這段時間內,遠離會打擾你的電話機、不要看郵件或來電簡訊。
- 休息一下,然後再戰。休息10分鐘,然後打起精神,繼續奮戰。不用多久,你就可以逐漸清理掉許多待辦事項了,並且可以讓自己恢復平靜。
Efficient cleaning up to-do list
always a year at work, or a week, or a day when you're in a state of burnout
and have too much to clean up. You may be in a state of confusion, and don't
know how to deal with it first.
when you encounter such a blunder, please use the following ways to deal with:
- Check your To-Do List again. Check your to-do list again to see what's really missing, or what's really over the deadline and not yet done, or what's left over without the rush.
- Picking can be dealt with most quickly. It takes 15 to 30 minutes, no more time, to get rid of the phone calls you should make or the emails you should reply to.
- Turn off the phone that will distract you. Then, use 30~60 minutes to focus on the hard work. During this period, stay away from the phone that will disturb you, do not read the mail or call the newsletter.
- Take a break and then fight again. Take a break for 10 minutes, then take heart and go on fighting. It won't take long for you to clear away a lot of to-do items and calm yourself down.