2017年4月29日 星期六



After a difficult conversation , think about what you have learned?
Maybe you have asked your boss for a raise, or a tough feedback from a colleague. You may take a breath. You have finally talked. And then what's next?
Just think about it a little before you go on.
Ask yourself: Are you satisfied with the conversation? Or are you embarrassed and unwilling to talk like this next time? Does this dialogue reach what you want? Do you have a new understanding of this person or the subject under discussion? Will you expect a new result next time?
This will make you think, next conversation can meet your expectations. Maybe it's necessary for you to talk to this person again, to make each other's consensus clearer, and to make the next meeting better.

2017年4月27日 星期四


How do you deal with a change from a colleague's relationship to a boss's relationship?
It will be embarrassing to be promoted by a superior to your colleague's boss. You must transform your relationship smoothly in front of your former colleagues.
In general, your former colleagues will hear your upgrades from other people's mouths. However, you'd better speak to your former colleagues in a mild tone.
At this time, of course, you do not need to be proud, also do not need to pretend, deliberately embarrassed. You should say, thank your colleagues for their past support, so you have the chance to upgrade, also said that need to cooperate together in the future. You have confidence in the team's performance.
You can launch a one to one dialogue, ask them what they expect of you, and if possible, and give them a new mission as soon as possible, make them feel valued.
The important goal of your promotion is to build your supervisor's trust and prestige.

2017年4月26日 星期三


A good listener asks good questions
Some people think that a good listener will sit and listen quietly, nod, keep eye contact, and digest what you hear when the speaker says. But, these are just a part of what you've heard.
The best leader will be more aware of the substance behind the content of the other person's content. To do this, you must ask questions to clarify what you know, and let the other person speak more clearly, test the hypothesis of these words, and have new ideas.
You should also notice the mood of his speech. Once the speaker feels supported, you can further provide some advice to the subject you can say that you can help with another person.
Just be careful not to let your conversation become your home ground or to respect the speaker's position.

2017年4月25日 星期二


  1. 調整你的心態。不要看成是你的艱難對話,而可以視為是你的機會。通常,艱難的對話,如果你處理的好,能夠強化團隊成員的堅韌性。
  2. 管理你的情緒。你很可能會膽怯、焦慮、甚至憤怒。這些都OK,就讓自己承認有這些負面情緒。然後,集中精神來面對當下的局面。
  3. 直接面對。不要企圖閃躲,拐彎抹角。誠實的說你該說的話 ,並且表現出你的積極熱情。
Overcome your resistance to difficult conversations
If you are not willing to face the difficult conversation, you will not become effective leader. If you always hesitate to unqualified people, to correct criticism, or to explain why the company has to re-organize, you cannot lead a team correctly.
You have to face up to these tough conversations. You can do that:
  1. Adjust your mindset. Don't think of it as your hard talk, but it can be seen as your chance. Usually, tough conversations, if you do well, can strengthen the resilience of team members.
  2. Manage your emotions. You are likely to be timid, anxious, and even angry. These are OK. Admit yourself to these negative emotions, and then concentrate on the situation.
  3. Face it. Don't try to dodge, equivocate. Honestly to what you should say, and show your enthusiasm.

2017年4月24日 星期一


《Fast Company》撰稿人Gwen Moran引述了心理學教授Daniel Levitin所提出的六個可以幫助你提升專注力的方式。當你全神貫注於完成某件工作而非一心多用,工作效率也會大大提升!
1. 睡眠充足
2. 寫下那些使你分心的人事物
3. 關掉電子設備
4. 撥出時間
5. 不斷練習
6. 適當休息

2017年4月23日 星期日


  1. 對自己的行為負責。對你自己在對話中的言行態度,必須負責,例如說:“我說話太大深了,因為我很積極。對不起,我也不願意讓我們對話陷入爭吵。”
  2. 保證對話成功。你可以這樣說:“我承諾與你合作,讓我們討論出彼此可以接受的成果。”
  3. 指出應該有的討論途徑。你可以說:“我們這樣討論,似乎不太對勁,不能的到結果。我們是否可以換個角度來談談看?”
  4. 安排對話規則。說,“我們可以暫時休息嗎?也許我們該訂出一個討論的規矩。”
  5. 改變對話速度。說話太快會帶來壓力或受到威脅的感覺。放慢你的對話。多傾聽,而非搶著回應。
  6. 強調已經達成的協議。說,“我們可以先將剛才達成的協議重點,做一下記錄嗎?”同時,重申彼此產生的共同興趣、信任的內容,或是對話的過程。
Avoiding dialogue go apart
We talk with other person will often fall into debate, that making apart. The following six methods, you can avoid dialogue into a stalemate or crack:
  1. Be responsible for our own actions. Be responsible for our own words and attitude in the dialogue. For example, say: "I speak too deep, because I am very active. Sorry, I don't want to let us talk in argument."
  2. Make sure the dialogue is successful. You can say, "I promise to cooperate with you and let us discuss what is acceptable to each other. ".
  3. Point out that there should be some ways of discussion. You can say, "We don't seem to be quite right about this discussion. We can't get the result. Can we talk about it from another angle?"
  4. Arrange dialogue rules. Say, "Can we rest for a while? Maybe we should make a discussion rule."
  5. Change the speed of conversation. Speaking too quickly can cause stress or threat. Slow down your conversation. Listen more, not respond.
  6. Highlight the agreement had been reached. Say, "Can we take notes for what we reached agreement on?" At the same time, reaffirming the common interests, each other trust, or the process of dialogue.


同時,你要對想要去的公司私下做好盡職調查(due diligence,免得你又遇到相同的遭遇。

How do you find a new job after your company has difficulty in operating?
When your company gets into business difficulties and includes a scandal, you may worry about your future career opportunities. How do you search for a new job?
Fortunately, here are some ways that you will not be affected by your work skills and personal reputation when you look for new positions.
You can first find out where your colleagues are going to develop their new jobs. Those companies are willing to work with a co-worker in a difficult company may be able to tap their positive potential.
When you're applying for a job, don't hide the relationship with your former employer in your resume. If you have a high position in your company or have a prestigious degree, place these on your resume.
At the same time, you have to do due diligence to the company you want to go to, so that you don't have the same experience.