- 每天都讓自己能夠有時間休息。每隔工作90分鐘,就要讓自己休息片刻,否則你的身體將發出警告信號,你也難以保持專注,生產力會降低。休息片刻會來,你會感到恢復精力。
- 離開辦公室后,就將工作切斷。如果你不這樣做,你就不可能得到休息的好處。如果你必須回復一封郵件,也先暫時擱置它,等上班時再處理。
- 不要只做短期休假。如果能夠有3、4天的短期休假,當然很好,但是那對你是不夠的。如果你是在從事非常緊張性的工作,你需要一年至少連續2周的長休假,讓你能夠徹底放鬆。
Give yourself more vacation
In a world of growing demand for work, people have less time to leave the office and less time to take vacations. Falling into such a dilemma will only hurt your health and productivity.
How to give yourself more vacation time?
- Give yourself time to rest every day. Every 90 minutes of work, rest yourself for a while, otherwise your body will send a warning signal, and you will find it difficult to stay focused and your productivity will decrease. Take a break and you will feel refreshed.
- Cut off work when you leave the office. If you don't, you won't get the benefit of rest. If you have to reply to an email, put it aside for a while and wait until you get to work.
- Don't just take short vacations. It would be great to have a short vacation of three or four days, but that's not enough for you. If you're working in a very stressful job, you need at least two consecutive weeks of vacation a year to relax completely.