2015年11月28日 星期六



  1. 每天都讓自己能夠有時間休息。每隔工作90分鐘,就要讓自己休息片刻,否則你的身體將發出警告信號,你也難以保持專注,生產力會降低。休息片刻會來,你會感到恢復精力。
  2. 離開辦公室后,就將工作切斷。如果你不這樣做,你就不可能得到休息的好處。如果你必須回復一封郵件,也先暫時擱置它,等上班時再處理。
  3. 不要只做短期休假。如果能夠有34天的短期休假,當然很好,但是那對你是不夠的。如果你是在從事非常緊張性的工作,你需要一年至少連續2周的長休假,讓你能夠徹底放鬆。
Give yourself more vacation
In a world of growing demand for work, people have less time to leave the office and less time to take vacations. Falling into such a dilemma will only hurt your health and productivity.
How to give yourself more vacation time?
  1. Give yourself time to rest every day. Every 90 minutes of work, rest yourself for a while, otherwise your body will send a warning signal, and you will find it difficult to stay focused and your productivity will decrease. Take a break and you will feel refreshed.
  2. Cut off work when you leave the office. If you don't, you won't get the benefit of rest. If you have to reply to an email, put it aside for a while and wait until you get to work.
  3. Don't just take short vacations. It would be great to have a short vacation of three or four days, but that's not enough for you. If you're working in a very stressful job, you need at least two consecutive weeks of vacation a year to relax completely.

2015年11月27日 星期五


  1. 工作負荷過重。當形勢變得更艱難的時候,我們很容易傾向于更投入在工作上。每天工作10小時無法協助你的公司擺脫厄運,它只會讓你感到更疲倦並且讓你工作沒有效率。
  2. 失去自我。壓力會讓你工作得沒有格調。如果你已經感到失去了自我,或是開始逃避過去對你重要的事情,你應該退一步來評估你所承受的壓力程度。
  3. 過於自我誇大。我們都會認為自己是重要的。然而,除非你的職務可以直接影響到整個公司的發展,否則,你應該讓你的角色適如其分。稍微放鬆自己,不會讓公司垮掉了。
Pay attention to your three stress signals
The economic downturn has begun to affect the mood of most of us.
Note the three stress signals that occur to you:
  1. Overload. When the situation gets tougher, it's easy for us to get more involved in our work. Working 10 hours a day won't help your company out of bad luck. It will only make you feel more tired and inefficient.
  2. Lose oneself. Stress can make you work without style. If you already feel like you're losing yourself, or you're starting to avoid what's important to you in the past, you should take a step back to assess the level of stress you're under.
  3. Excessive self-exaggeration. We all think we are important. However, unless your position can directly affect the development of the whole company, you should make your role appropriate. Relax yourself a little and don't let the company collapse.

2015年11月26日 星期四


  1. 保持團隊正常運行。你應該站在老闆立場,協助協調團隊內的各項工作安排,控制進度與工作品質,不讓在休假中的老闆提心吊膽。
  2. 協助準備年終總結報告與新年度發展計劃。你可以預想老闆休假結束回來后,將有哪些重要的工作。在這個年度交接的時期,通常都會有年終總結報告,與必須規劃新年度的工作計劃。雖然老闆沒有指示你這麼做,但是你可以開始協助整理必要的文件,準備好你的方案。這樣,當他休假回來,可以有效率的掌握組織形勢,給予好的決策指示。
  3. 妥當拿捏第二人(Second Man)的角色。除非老闆有明確授權指定你是代理人,否則你要很謹慎拿捏老闆不在時的角色扮演。老闆不在時,同事會很自然調整看你的眼光,你既不能讓人感覺你趁機怠惰,也不能過於自抬身價,又得讓大家感覺你是有擔當的人。你會希望老闆休假回來后,同事都誇獎你。總之,這是鍛煉你成為明日之星的好時期。

2015年11月24日 星期二





  1. 評估你有多少時間在工作上。你也許確實需要用很長的時間在工作上,但是請評估并確認這樣做是有正當理由的。不要待到很晚的時間來留給別人一種你很打拼,或是你是名不會管理自己時間的人的印象。
  2. 拒絕時間蛀蟲。如果有什麽事情或是某些人會浪費你的時間,就必須把它遏止住。停止出席沒有必要的會議,控制一些臨時的面對面報告談話,並且停止瀏覽一些不相干的網站。
  3. 將非工作時間當成是很稀缺而寶貴的。將你自己的非工作時間,用在對你的有益于你的健康與心靈靜修之上。你將因能夠獲得休息與充電而感到生氣怏然。
Don't let work restrict you
It's easy to get yourself into work, especially when you spend most of your waking time at work. But most people will say how boring their work is.
Use the following ways to balance yourself and make your time more reasonable:
  1. Evaluate how much time you have at work. You may need to spend a long time at work, but please evaluate and confirm that it is justified. Don't stay late to give others the impression that you are a hard worker or that you are a person who can't manage your time.
  2. Refuse time borers. If something or someone is going to waste your time, you have to stop it. Stop attending unnecessary meetings, control some temporary face-to-face talk, and stop browsing irrelevant websites.
  3. It is very scarce and valuable to regard non-working hours. Use your own non-working time for your health and spiritual retreat. You will feel angry at being able to rest and recharge.

2015年11月22日 星期日



Treat your boss and colleagues as if they were customers
When you talk to clients, your manners must look professional. However, can you be so professional when you face employees inside the company?
Whether you talk to your assistant, your boss, or the CEO of a client company, you need to be thoughtful. Even if you just ask a question, it's best to ask a wise question.
When you're doing an analysis briefing, it's best to take a few minutes in advance to think about the key information you need to say, the support details you need, and the planning and follow-up actions you need to follow up. By doing so, your team members will feel your respect for them and win their support in the actual necessary actions.
Being respectful to your internal colleagues, being serious and professional, and noticing your focus, your abilities, and your success with your customers.