2018年7月13日 星期五



To Use Your Time Better, Track It
It’s hard to know whether you’re using your time efficiently. Even if you’re always working hard — and stressed out — are you sure you’re spending your time on the right things?
To find out, try a time-tracking exercise. For 30 days, use a spreadsheet to log how you spend your time, measuring it in per hour increments. It might sound arduous, but this exercise can yield some surprising insights.
For example, maybe one of your goals is to read more, in order to explore new ideas, but you’re struggling to find the time. The exercise might reveal that you could combine exercising, cooking, or commuting to work with listening to audiobooks or podcasts.
Time tracking might also show you that you’re especially likely to waste certain hours of the day (say, evenings spent scrolling through social media) and that certain tasks carry disproportionate psychological weight (such as managing your email).
Only by tracking your time can you truly figure out whether you’re spending it well. 

2018年7月11日 星期三



Help Your Boss Be Aware of What’s Happening on the Team
Bosses have a lot to deal with, so it’s not hard for them to miss day-to-day issues with their employees. If your team has a problem, and your boss doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on, try to help them catch up.
Without being overly blunt or critical, provide a social reading of the situation that your boss is missing.
For example, you could offer observations such as: “Did you notice that Li;ly is a bit down this week?” or “Have you noticed that everyone seems stressed out lately?” You could also say something general, such as: “Would you mind if I shared some observations about Marco with you?”
Make your suggestions with tact; your goal should be to enlighten your boss, not to chastise or embarrass a colleague. By showing your manager issues they otherwise would’ve missed, you can be a lens through which they better understand the team — benefiting everyone.

2018年7月10日 星期二



Perfectionists, Think About When You’ve Succeeded Imperfectly
Being a perfectionist isn’t easy, especially if your desire for everything to be just right causes you to put off decisions, worry over sunk costs, or ruminate over failures and weaknesses.
To help yourself ease up, try focusing on and learning from your successes. Ask yourself: Have I always done everything flawlessly? (Probably not.) Have I always been certain of success in advance? (Unlikely.)
Remembering times when you succeeded despite being imperfect will give you the confidence to tweak your processes and decisions based on what has worked in the past.
This can be especially useful if you tend to carefully research and plan your approach to work before starting it. You can also identify a successful role model who keeps their perfectionism in check.
How is that person able to be effective without succumbing to perfectionism? Observe what they do and learn from it.

2018年7月9日 星期一


  • 識別你的情感訴求。你的個性特徵是什麼?你可以說你有瘋狂的幽默感,或者你善於組織事情。花點時間,你為什麼認為人們對你的品牌有吸引力?
  • 描述你自己。說你的品牌,你是誰?為什麼人們喜歡和你一起工作?
  • 確定你的專業。你做什麼,人們希望你為他們做什麼?

Establishment and Development of Personal Brand
Personal branding is the process of developing a "logo" around your name or career. You use this tag to express and communicate your skills, personality and values.
We can all become a brand and develop our ability to stand out and be unique. This uniqueness attracts people to our products, our services, and even our information. Your personal brand should be about who you are and what you can offer.
Why is a personal brand suitable for everyone?
Personal brand should be important to everyone. Personal brand is not only an entrepreneur who owns his own business, but also a recipe for you to stand out.
If you don't develop your own personal brand, others will imagine you in a random way with their knowledge, out of your own mind. Developing your personal brand is an active way to control your career development and how you are perceived in the market.
A strong personal brand can affect your ability to get the right job, promote and improve your ability to attract talent and capital.
So let's look at these tips that can help you create your own brand:
Build platform
If you want to own a personal brand, you need a website to create your virtual platform. Your website should be your name. You also need a social media account that represents your brand. You will use these platforms to share your voice.
Recognize your uniqueness and strengths
Think about the characteristics and advantages you have in your career. Have you entered a situation where everyone says so? If you don't know, ask people what they think of you.
Strengthen your strengths
Once you discover your uniqueness and strengths, perfect them.
Learn everything you can and become an expert in that field. You can never stop learning. Read, absorb and teach.
Share your knowledge
Learning is not enough. You have to teach it and share your knowledge by helping others. This is done through video, social media and online and offline writing. This is how you prove that you know what you have and benefit from it.
Be yourself
Find your own style. You don't have to do what other people are doing, just follow the crowd. Use your style and uniqueness to attract the jobs and customers you want. Find your own style, create a new set of footprints for others, and let others follow your footsteps.
Determine your values and priorities
Have a clear understanding of your personal and career goals, both short-term and long-term. This will help you not only identify the most important things, but also invest your time. Use your values and priorities as a compass to guide you in your actions and decision-making process.
This will ensure that you stay on track.
Modify Your Personal Brand Role
This will help create your brand. Your role can be created by:
  • Identify your emotional needs. What are your personality traits? You can say you have a crazy sense of humor, or you are good at organizing things. Take some time. Why do you think people are attractive to your brand?
  • Describe yourself. Talk about your brand. Who are you? Why do people like to work with you?
  • Determine your major. What do you do and what do people want you to do for them?
Use these exercises to create a strong personal brand role that you can always mention when you create content that supports your brand.
Building a personal brand takes time and effort, but it's worth it.
The demand for personal brands must continue to grow. It's something that nobody can take away from you. It can run through your entire career. It's a leadership requirement to let people know who you are and what you stand for.