2016年9月2日 星期五


  1. 強勢推銷若是你過於堅持己見,很容易讓對方找機會辯駁,不然就退縮不前。你最好溫和地匍匐前進。
  2. 做出妥協妥協不代表投降。如果可能,不妨傾聽對方的意見,然後將他的想法也融入到你的解決方案中。
  3. 假設你還會有機會說服是個過程不是要一錘定音你可以多傾聽提出新的構想再測試被接受度然後再繼續修正
Avoid making mistakes when persuading others
In today's society, it is not easy to ask others to accept your opinions and do things. You also have to explain to him why he has to do it. Therefore, persuasion has become a fashionable art of communication.
To be able to influence others, avoid the following most common mistakes:
  1. Strong marketing. If you insist too much, it's easy for the other party to find an opportunity to argue, otherwise you will back down. You'd better crawl gently.
  2. Make compromises. Compromise does not mean surrender. If possible, listen to the other person and incorporate his ideas into your solution.
  3. Suppose you have another chance. Persuasion is a process, not a final word. You can listen more, come up with new ideas, test acceptance, and then continue to revise.

