- 建立信任基礎。盡可能低調組織層級作用。在開會時,宣佈歡迎任何觀點意見,會議中不分階級大小,大家可以坦誠溝通。如此,可以舒緩掉有人擔心會受到排斥的感覺,也能夠促進更好的協作關係。
- 分享議題與資訊。發出會議通知,列出會議議程,并附上相關的參考資料,讓大家知道預備要討論內容,并可以預先做回饋意見。
- 鼓勵直率的發言與關切。用公開而無價值判斷的語言來溝通,傾聽并尊重相關的討論會話。謝謝願意分享的人,并向他們確保不會因為他們的言論而遭遇負面的對待。
How to set up a social circle, including the interpersonal relationship in the office, is very difficult. When someone feels excluded, it's hard to expect him to be productive, innovative, or collaborative.
As a leader, you must establish a working environment that does not make people feel excluded.
- Building the foundation of trust. Keep organizational hierarchy as low as possible. At the meeting, it was announced that any views and opinions would be welcomed. We could communicate frankly in the meeting, regardless of class size. In this way, it can ease some people's fear of rejection and promote better collaboration.
- Share topics and information. Send a notice of the meeting, list the agenda of the meeting, and attach relevant reference materials, so that you know what to discuss, and can give feedback in advance.
- Encourage Frank speeches and concerns. Communicate in open and worthless language, listen to and respect relevant discussion sessions. Thank those who are willing to share and make sure they are not treated negatively because of their comments.