2016年9月3日 星期六


  1. 清楚分配你每天的工作時間。訂出每天的工作時間表,並且遵守它。如果你沒有將工作與生活的時間分清楚,沒有在該工作的時候在桌上工作,你會感到有罪惡感。
  2. 在該開始工作的時間工作。當你不再需要早上9點開始上班工作,你很容易讓你的時間輕易流失。即使你設定早上5點為你感到最清醒的時間,時間到了,就應該起床工作。
  3. 該休息的時候就休息。一個人工作容易專心,但是也容易疲勞。不要因為你沒有一天工作滿8小時而感到罪惡。當你完成了你該做的工作,就應該休息。
Work at home and make full use of time
Working at home is really hard. At home, there is a lack of office friendships, which will make you feel lost to the outside world or let your work eat your life.
However, because working at home is more flexible, you should better grasp and make the work easier, but also maintain the productivity.
  1. Clearly assign your daily work time. Work out a daily working schedule and follow it. If you don't get a clear picture of your work and life and don't work at the desk at work, you will feel guilty.
  2. The time to work at the beginning of the work. When you don't need to start work at 9 in the morning, it's easy for you to lose your time. Even if you set the morning of 5, the most sober time for you, it's time to get up and work.
  3. Take a rest when it's time to rest. It is easy for a person to concentrate on his work, but he is also prone to fatigue. Do not feel guilty because you have not worked for 8 hours a day. When you have finished what you should do, you should rest.

