2016年1月9日 星期六


  1. 過度銷售。當客戶已經顯露出她即將決定購買時,最好不要對你的產品再加油添醋吹捧。這樣很可能會激起客戶想起讓她拒絕購買的理由。
  2. 降低自己的權威。不要在準備開會、或是預備演講時、甚至預備提交報告時,說你還沒有準備好。這樣會讓你的聽眾或是讀者感到不受尊重,並且看低了你的權威。
  3. 對很鮮明的主張進行挑戰。當人們多半已經相信了某種主張時,不要輕易嘗試挑戰其基本假設或基本立場。如果你說“這輛車不會故障”,反而會引發人們懷疑這車子何時會故障。
He that talks much errs much
Some people like to say a few more words about his concept, products and speeches, thinking that it can add more luster.
However, in some situations, it's better to close your mouth:
  1. Oversale. When a customer has revealed that she is about to make a purchase, it's better not to flatter your product. This will probably arouse customers to think about the reasons why she refused to buy.
  2. Reduce your authority. Don't say you're not ready when you're preparing for a meeting, a speech, or even a report. This will make your audience or reader feel disrespected and belittle your authority.
  3. Challenge very clear ideas. When people have mostly believed in an idea, don't easily try to challenge its basic assumptions or positions. If you say "this car won't break down", it will cause people to wonder when it will break down.

2016年1月8日 星期五



People in the workplace, pay attention to their own Public Relations
Intelligence quotient! EQ! Financial intelligence!
Money is also very important. To entertain friends, to dress up, to show their basic tastes in life, there is no need for $$!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------People in the workplace, in fact, is not just work, nine to five this simple. In the short and short eight hours, in fact, each of us has to face a lot of things, such as simple, cumbersome, important and boring, self-interest, irrelevant and so on. And the interplay of sophisticated human feelings, workplace hidden rules is dazzling. It can be said that the workplace is like a battlefield in which all the survivors are warriors. These warriors depend not only on luck, but also on the real skill of survival.
Public relations, we often hear the word. As the name implies, public relations is public relations. Nowadays, there is a kind of industry that takes this as the research and processing object, that is, the PR company we usually know. PR company can provide many services, such as consulting services, business etiquette training, event planning and so on. And what I am most interested in is that PR company accepts some cases of crisis public relations commissioned by companies in business crisis. When the entrusted company is in deep commercial crisis due to emergencies, and the corporate image and reputation are declining in the public opinion, PR company is often needed to carry out crisis public relations, so as to minimize the impact of emergencies on the company.
We are all people in the workplace, in the vat of the workplace, just as an enterprise is in a complex and competitive business circle. No matter what position we are in, we face many kinds of problems every day, such as unreasonable calls from the front desk, excessive requests from the Secretary to the boss, difficult customers from the salesman, and so on. Sometimes in addition to their own business to deal with, there are internal affairs or internal problems to face and so on, a little carelessness, there will be a crisis immediately, light downgrade pay cuts, heavy fire. Therefore, pay attention to our own public relations, but also a compulsory course in the workplace.
In my opinion, to strengthen the ability of public relations in the workplace, we should focus on three aspects: Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Quotient and Financial Quotient.
Intelligent Quotient Public Relations (IQ Public Relations) is to strengthen their professional literacy and improve their professional and technical standards, so as to avoid mistakes that should not be made in dealing with substantive work matters, at the same time, it can make the company perform better and lay a solid foundation for future promotion.
EQ public relations, I need not say more about this, a person's EQ level, to a large extent, determines the future career development of this person. When the leaders still need to be aware of the autumn, as the subordinates of the civilian people, they should learn to observe words and expressions. Instead of advocating flattery, only those who learn to control their own emotions and understand the position of others can go further in the workplace without being excluded.
Financial and business public relations, with the basis of the first two quotients, promotion and salary increase is only a matter of time, so it is also important to learn how to manage their wealth. In addition to their own personality charm, expanding human resources, improving the quality of life, enhancing their own value and so on, are all linked to wealth. Learning to manage finances, with a certain economic basis, we can control more social resources and make use of them for our own development.
Workplace PR is not only the fur listed above, but also according to the characteristics of the individual's own workplace, there will be many special cases, we have to look up and down.


  1. 保持文明對話。不要將對話搞成有贏有輸的局面。如果一場對話弄成火爆,對話的各方都會落得很狼狽。
  2. 不必預先演練。通常,如果你預期即將來臨的對話會觸及困難的內容,你會習慣于預先演練,想好你預備如何說。但是,這只是對話,不是演戲,你只需要知道你的立場,然後在對話時保持開放的態度,多聽,再回應從容,即可。
  3. 不要預先作假設。除了你知道自己的立場、目的與底線外,你事先並不知道對方會如何出牌,多猜無益。因此,在對話時,你完全可以多問對方的意見。


如果你發現你太向別人常說Yes, 嘗試以下的招數: 
  1. 設定你的目標。通常我們不知道如何說No是因為我們自己並不知道自己究竟要做什麼。請花一些時間將自己想要達成的目標,以及如何實現它的方式寫下來。
  2. 將你給出去的承諾做出優先次序。將你目前已經給出去的承諾列出清單,並且做出優先次序。在低優先次序的項目,應該是No”的項目。
  3. 將說No成為你的默認回答。除非你任何新進來的項目可以滿足幾個設定條件,否則都以說No為默認回答,例如,這個新的項目是否能夠幫助你獲得專業或是對你個人有實際利益?或是,它可以幫助你達成設定的年度目標?
How to turn Yes to No.?
It is difficult for most people to say NO to others. It is almost impossible for some people. But sometimes, saying No to others is critical to your success.  
If you find that you often say Yes to others, try the following tactics:
  1. Set your goals. Usually we don't know how to say No because we don't know what we are going to do. Take some time to write down what you want to achieve and how to achieve it.
  2. Prioritize your promises. Make a list of the promises you have given and prioritize them. Projects with low priority should be "Say No".
  3. Say No as your default answer. Unless any new project you enter meets a number of settings, the default answer is to say no. For example, can this new project help you gain a professional or practical benefit for you personally? Or can it help you achieve the set annual goals?

2016年1月7日 星期四


  1. 承認已經很久沒有聯絡了。向他正面承認已經很久沒有聯絡了,並解釋你在其間為何一直保持靜默。你可以試著這樣說:“自從上次與你會面後,有很長的時間沒有聯絡了,但是在這些年來,我經常想念你,並且一直希望能夠再和你聯繫上。”
  2. 解釋為什麼現在才恢復聯繫。你不需要隱瞞你的動機。如果你確實希望他作個工作推薦,或是給予其他的協助,直接了當的告訴他。
  3. 提出將作出回報。作出互惠能夠讓彼此的友好關係保持長久。你可以向他說你將很快的時間內,或是未來作出回報。
How to restore contact with those who have lost contact for a long time?
It's embarrassing to get back in touch with someone you haven't contacted for a long time, especially if you want to ask him for some help.
However, it's much easier to get back in touch than you think, and you don't need to be guilty.
Next time you want to get back in touch with an old colleague or old friend who has been out of touch for a long time because you want a job, a job change, or other opportunities, try the following:
  1. Admit that I haven't been in touch for a long time. Admit positively to him that you haven't been in touch for a long time, and explain why you've been silent during that time. You can try to say, "I haven't been in touch for a long time since I last met you, but over the years, I've missed you a lot and I've always wanted to be in touch with you again."
  2. Explain why contacts are resumed now. You don't need to hide your motives. If you really want him to make a job recommendation or give other assistance, tell him straightforwardly.
  3. The offer will pay off. Making reciprocity can keep a friendly relationship with each other for a long time. You can tell him that you will be rewarded soon, or in the future.

2016年1月6日 星期三


我們應該如何應付這樣的二手緊張狀況? 請嘗試以下的作法:
  1. 改變你的反應模式。與其被這些二手焦躁的人影響到自己的情緒,還不如帶著體貼的心去對待他們,並且想象自己可以如何幫助他們。
  2. 以正面態度回應負面的行為。如果這些焦躁的人挖苦你,向他們微笑。如果有人打電話給你,你要說:“很高興和你談話。”,而不要說:“我正忙著呢。
  3. 調適心情。在你進入一個可能充滿緊張的環境前,先想幾件會讓你愉快的事情。提醒自己,一切都會很棒的,這是很有力對抗二手緊張的力量。
Don't let second-hand tension affect your mood
Our minds are susceptible to other people's emotions. Whether we see an angry taxi driver or a busy boss, we get irritated whenever we see someone else looking nervous. This is especially common in offices, where you often see people muttering to themselves or performing restless limb movements.
How should we cope with such second-hand tension? Please try the following ways:
  1. Change your reaction pattern. Instead of being influenced by these second-hand anxious people, we should treat them with consideration and imagine how we can help them.
  2. Respond to negative behavior with a positive attitude. If these impatient people make fun of you, smile at them. If someone calls you, you should say, "I'm glad to talk to you." Instead of saying, "I'm busy. "

2016年1月4日 星期一


Get rid of depressing work situations
No matter how exciting the work is, there will be dull and depressing days. It's hard to avoid being in the same office every day and getting along with the same people. So how do you recognize that you are in a depressing situation, or even that it's time to consider leaving the job?
First of all, don't assume that the depression will disappear automatically. You can start making some changes on your own so that you can get through. For example, you can write down what you have accomplished each day, identify which tasks can motivate you, and which ones can make you exhausted or bored.
Second, imagine how you can change your role in something that attracts you. You can talk to your boss and see if you can arrange challenging tasks with your expertise or volunteer for projects in other departments.
But if the situation doesn't improve after you've made some attempts, it's time to consider changing jobs.

2016年1月3日 星期日


  1. 放慢決策腳步。當你對來臨的機會說“No”時,容易進入緊張的情緒狀態,因而失去了理智處理資訊與考慮可以以其他方式處理的選擇。放慢腳步,可以讓你做出更周全、更正確的決策。不要著急著必須當下做出決定
  2. 多練習幾次。要說出“No”,一開始會讓我們感到不適應、有些尷尬。但是,多練習幾次,就可以改善如此的感覺。
Rejection is a key ability to succeed
The average person is faced with opportunities to grow, and generally receives a welcome attitude. However, when you are successful, you have to prioritize many opportunities, or you will be over loaded, overly committed, and inefficient.
The following approach will allow you to feel more comfortable when you refuse to do so:
  1. Slow down the pace of decision making. When you say "No" to the opportunity, it is easy to get into the emotional state of tension, thereby losing your sanity, dealing with information, and considering options that can be dealt with in other ways. Slowing down allows you to make more comprehensive and accurate decisions. Don't worry that you must make a decision right now.
  2. Practice more than once. To say "No", at first it will make us feel uncomfortable and awkward. But practicing a few more times can improve this feeling.