2018年8月22日 星期三



No Time for a Vacation? Take a Minibreak
Planning for a vacation can be exhausting, which is why shorter “minibreaks” are so useful. For example, taking a short trip, two to three days long, to somewhere local can help you relax without requiring a lot of planning or logistics. (A minibreak is also useful if a longer trip just isn’t practical for you right now.)
To make the time as refreshing as possible, leave town early on Friday so that you have an extra day to explore the area. Or you might take a single vacation day and use it to reconnect with friends, meeting some for lunch and getting together with others after they finish their workday.
These short breaks may not have all the benefits of a big vacation, when you can completely disconnect for a week or two, but they still give you the feeling of having “room to breathe” — and you can take them a lot more often.

2018年8月21日 星期二



Instead of Complaining About a Colleague, Talk to Them
Let’s be honest: Sometimes complaining about a coworker feels good. But although it helps you release pent-up emotions, venting is a sideways move. In other words, we usually complain to a friend or colleague — and we rarely confront the person we’re complaining about. So the next time you want to complain, try taking it to the source of the problem.
For example, let’s say a coworker yells in a meeting. Your first instinct might be to complain to another colleague about their brash behavior. Instead, take some time to calm down. Think about exactly what bothered you and what you want to complain about (it’s not OK to yell and disrespect others in a meeting).
Decide what you can do to shift the person’s behavior or improve the situation (perhaps saying, “Please don’t shout in meetings — let’s respect each other in our conversations”). And then follow through by speaking to the person later