2017年7月29日 星期六



Let yourself have a moment of silence
We all need quiet moments. Silence can restore the nervous system, help us maintain energy, and make our brain more responsive.
Let yourself have a quiet moment every day. For example, you can shut off your computer screen 5 minutes, let your eyes closed, or out of the office for a moment, looking for a quiet place, get yourself some time relax. If possible, turn off your mobile phone for several hours, or even all day, walk in the nature during weekend.
In order to achieve the full recovery benefits of these moments, do some meditates.

It may sound strange, but it can be as simple as a few deep breaths.

2017年7月28日 星期五



Determine how long you are willing to wait for a promotion
Job performance is an important factor in your career promotion, but the timing of your promotion is also critical.
If you want to be a senior executive, you have to decide if it's worth your wait to get the chance to upgrade
If you are number two person in company in the department, and your boss is young and very capable, you may have to wait a long time to get promotion. However, if you know the boss you are looking for new opportunities, then, you get replaced by the time required, it may not be too long. In addition, how do you also want to watch your colleagues the opportunity? Is he leading you?
If you don't have a lot of opportunities, or if you need a long time, then maybe you have to think about the time to change the runway, for example, looking for new opportunities in other parts of the company.

2017年7月26日 星期三


Make small changes in your journey to balance your work and family life
Who is responsible to support parents? Always want to force balance work and family life, people often feel the need to make drastic changes to get what they want flexibility. But looking for a new job or part-time is not always necessary (and not always can solve the problem).
On the contrary, try to arrange your work schedule or do a small work arrangement to adjustments. For example, you may be once a week earlier time to leave the office, or taking the time to join the family occasional social activity, or after the plane landing straight go home first.

These measures may sound small, but can let you have enough freedom to work now. In addition, it is not enough to hurt you, and your boss will not notice them. Such self-oriented, informal arrangements better than flexibility sometimes.

2017年7月25日 星期二


Learn and grow in existing company before consider to change job
When you want to build your skills for the next career opportunity, it's tempting to find positions in other companies, but it's often easiest to deepen your expertise in your current company.
After all, you've invested time and energy to build your reputation, win trust, build credibility. You're also familiar with corporate culture, and there may be more opportunities in the interior than in the broader industry.
So, you can start something close to home, looking for some special projects or development task. Ask your manager if there is appropriate to talk about options, including any temporary tasks, such as accepting new tasks, agents for colleague’s work during her maternity leave or vacation. See if there are training courses, and your company is willing to pay for this kind of training courses, support your learning and growth?