2016年6月25日 星期六


  1. 人們是否會來找我問工作相關的意見?當同事對你有依賴,表示他們信任你,並且尊重你的能力、智慧與影響力。他們愈傾向你,他們就愈將你當成是公司內人脈網的核心。
  2. 我的人脈網中的人們,他們彼此之間是否聯繫?如果他們相互維持良好交流,就代表你建立了一個凝聚力強的人脈網,彼此有高度的互信,與願意相互支持。資訊與觀點經由多種管道相互交流,因此比較容易協調發展群體。
  3. 我的人脈網中,誰與我有矛盾,或是強烈反對改革?如果沒有這樣與你明顯衝突的人,那麼你還是要關注人們的行為。你可以直接或間接的問問題,猜測他們可能的情緒,然後在心裡記下你所作的觀察結果。
Can you lead the reform? Please evaluate your internal relationships
The main difference between a person's success in leading reform is usually due to the effectiveness of his interpersonal relationships.
To know if you have a good interpersonal relationship, ask yourself the following questions:
1. Will people come to me and ask me about their work? When colleagues depend on you, they show that they trust you and respect your ability, wisdom and influence. The more they lean toward you, the more they see you as the core of the company's network.
2. Are the people in my network connected with each other? If they maintain good communication with each other, it means that you have established a cohesive network of people with high mutual trust and willingness to support each other. Information and opinions communicate through various channels, so it is easier to coordinate the development of groups.
3. Who in my network contradicts me or strongly opposes reform? If you don't have people who clearly conflict with you like this, you still need to pay attention to people's behavior. You can ask questions directly or indirectly, guess their possible emotions, and then record your observations in your mind.

2016年6月23日 星期四






  EverNote團隊長期的開發經驗,以及精深的技術,確保了EverNote的穩定性。歷史也證明了此點,資料再多,也鮮有崩潰。而多平台同步開發的策略,決定了犧牲性能換統一,無法對每一平台分別優化。尤其是Windows .Net架構更決定了windows用戶端的運行速度。

  不高效好用:EverNote快速鍵很弱,更不用說自訂、重複操作的宏錄製了。檔目錄之于Total Commander,文本字詞段篇之於vim,筆記條目之於EverNote,都是管理物件與管理工具的關係。但前兩者可運指如飛,螢幕隨意念變化,軟體與使用者合一,甚至閉目操作;而後者只能看一步走一步,點一下再點一下。
  是用來管理N個小節點(比如 1萬條 0.1 KB的筆記),不適合管理長篇文檔、大型附件。






“EverNote-v3-跨平台跨設備服務 “EverNote-v2.exe” 是完全不同的戰略產品,因而,與任何現有所謂的筆記管理、資訊管理、資料收集、知識管理等軟體,也都不一樣。

  EverNote is new platform for new generation(移動互聯網時代的新資訊管理平台)。




  如果選擇EverNote,就要適應EverNote,而不要想改造EverNote。對比Gmail和傳統的頂級Email client即知:在螺旋式發展的通道中,在物極必反的法則下,應用的簡化,不是退化而是進化——它讓我們再次回歸本質:有價值的是資料本身,而非整理資料的過程。






  1. 幫錯忙。有的時候,你認知的幫助,卻不是別人所需要的。例如,你去幫忙管理,但是人家所需要的是你只是給予領導意見,而不是要你插手。
  2. 在不對的時間幫忙。要讓你的幫助發揮作用,必須是接受幫助者準備好了。有的時候,人家的開放態度會被你錯誤解讀為邀請你介入。有的時候,人家只是提出請教意見,你就開始採取行動,造成了人家的困擾。
  3. 過度幫忙。如果你的幫助,讓人家對你心存感激,你可能因此而不知道節制。你應該等待受幫助者能夠充分消化了你的服務,并再度提出下一步的請求。 或是,如果你的幫助不再有作用,就應該停下來了。
How much do you really help?
In our lives, we are almost at every level, including as leaders, colleagues, friends, and family members, which are asked to provide help (HELP). But do you offer help or interfere with others? Even if you have good intentions, sometimes you will be embarrassed and embarrassed.
The following three help, the best to avoid:
  1. Groups are wrong. Sometimes, the help you know is not what others need. For example, you help manage, but what people need is that you are giving leadership advice instead of asking you to intervene.
  2. At the wrong time to help. If you want your help to work, you must accept the helper. Sometimes, people's open attitude will be mistaken for you to invite you to intervene. Sometimes, when people ask for advice, you begin to take action and cause problems.
  3. Over help. If you help people to be grateful, you may not know how to control. You should wait for the helper to fully digest your service and ask for the next request. Or, if your help is no longer effective, it should stop.


  1. 考慮相關度在你分享個人資訊前,問一下自己是否與當時的情境可以切題, 你要分享的對象和你有如何的親密度。你應該確保你的貢獻對建立大家的信任與協作是可以產生貢獻的。
  2. 了解潛規則。在某些社團中,通常只願意支持與接受某些特定的人來說個人的故事,其他人若是如此做,會被視為破壞社團的和諧度。因此,你應該先了解你所處的地區或組織的運作規範,了解其潛規則,知道什麼情況下最好保持沉默。
  3. 避免透露很私人的內容。在某些場合,說些私人故事是可以放心的。但是,在其他合,你最好不要這樣做。
Be careful to show yourself
A growing team usually encourages potential leaders to show their true feelings and intimacy with their colleagues. But sometimes, sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences will also have side effects.
The following is a way to demonstrate effectively and appropriately.
  1. Consider the correlation. Before you share your personal information, ask yourself if you are able to relate to the situation at that time and how close you want to share. You should make sure that your contribution can contribute to building trust and collaboration.
  2. Understand the hidden rules. In some societies, they are usually only willing to support and accept personal stories of certain people, and if others do so, it will be considered to destroy the harmony of the community. Therefore, you should first understand the operation standard of your area or organization, understand its hidden rules, and know what is best to remain silent.
  3. Avoid revealing very private content. On some occasions, private stories can be reassured. But on other occasions, you'd better not do so.

2016年6月22日 星期三


  1. 建立內容。寫博客文章、作播客、發表視頻,或是建立微博鏈接等,都可以展示出你的專業,讓人們從你發表的內容品質對你做出評判。但是你也要注意你過往的歷史與信用度。
  2. 找到同僚。和某人建立起相互推廣的合作關係。在一些聚會中,你們可以相互提起對方最近的成就,或是帶動起一些你的夥伴專長的話題。
Let people see your potential
It is not easy to overcome people's views on you. But when opportunities arise, you will want your boss, colleagues, or potential customers to recognize your abilities and know what you are doing.
How do you do it?
  1. Set up content. Writing blog articles, podcasts, publishing videos, or establishing micro-blog links, can show your major and make people judge you from the quality of the content you publish. But you should also pay attention to your past history and credit.
  2. Find colleagues. Establish a cooperative relationship with someone. In some gatherings, you can mention each other's recent achievements or bring up some of your partner's expertise.

2016年6月21日 星期二


  1.  你希望被別人看成是什麼樣的人?
  2. 你在未來12個月希望達成什麼成果? 
我是一名______, 我可以提供_______” 
What is your personal brand?
A good personal brand can let people know your characteristics and what you can offer. The conclusion that your brand can be summed up in a sentence can play a very good role.
How do you do it? First of all, ask yourself two important questions:
  1. What kind of person do you want to be seen by others?
  2. What do you hope to achieve in the next 12 months?
The answers to the two questions will be put in the following sentence pattern:
"I am a______,, I can provide you_______"
Once you have such a brand statement, make sure that you do so. Ask others to give you advice and supervise you to accomplish your goals and lay down your leadership brand.


  1. 運用網路社群。這是具有豐富思想的人的一個優勢。他可以在博客上寫日誌, 將自己的思想與知識分享出去,並與粉絲對話,取得他們的認同,或是得到回饋。
  2. 建立11的人脈關係。如果你覺得私下對話會讓你感到比較得心應手,你可以邀請辦公室內不同部門的人,個別安排午餐或是喝咖啡約會,這樣可以讓你建立非常堅強的人脈關係網。
  3. 佈置精巧裝飾。小東西經常可以發揮大作用而不需你說任何一句話。例如,在你的辦公室牆上或是你的辦公桌上擺上你的獎狀、證書,或是與大人物的合照,這些都會強化人們對你有深刻的印象。
Actively build your personal brand
There are many ways for active people to build personal brands, such as taking leadership positions in professional organizations, holding meetings, or getting public speaking opportunities, etc. In fact, an active person can also develop other ways of building a personal brand based on his personality, such as: 
  1. Use the Internet community. This is an advantage for people with rich ideas. He can write about magazines on his blog, share his thoughts and knowledge, talk to fans, gain their approval, or get feedback. 
  2. Establish a connection of 1 to 1. If you feel more comfortable with private conversations, you can invite people from different departments in the office, arrange separate lunches or have coffee dates, which can help you build a very strong network of people. 
  3. Exquisite decoration. Small things can often play a big role without you saying anything. For example, placing a certificate, or photo with a big shot on your office wall or on your desk will reinforce people's impressions of you.

2016年6月20日 星期一


  1. 確保你的線上與線下言行是一致的。如果你的熱情與專業在環境工程,你的線上身份介紹應該如實反映,而非你只是喜歡食物與小狗。
  2. 策劃你的搜索結果。招聘公司會在網上搜索你的資料。你應該在FacebookLinkedinTwitter或是博客與其他社交媒體上,用你的實名,而非匿名或是lovely666之類的賬號名稱。在華人社會盡量使用中文姓名
  3. 建立起你的名聲。在參與網絡論壇或社群時,多專注在你的專長知識。你不需要是最積極的份子,但是你和他人的互動會產生積極的結果,讓你建立起意見領袖的形象。
Take the initiative to maintain your online reputation
Whether you are looking for a job or not, who knows which day you will be seen by a company or a friend to recommend to you a new job or a business opportunity to introduce you. In today's Internet world, you are exposed to the human market at any time. You must pay much attention to your online reputation.
The following points can help you control how to let others see you online.
  1. Ensure that your online and offline actions are consistent. If you are passionate and professional in environmental engineering, your online identity presentation should be truly reflected, rather than just you like food and puppies.
  2. Plan your search results. The recruitment company will search for your information on the Internet. You should use your real name in Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or blogs and other social media, rather than anonymous or lovely666 account names. In Chinese society, Chinese names are used as much as possible.
  3. Build your reputation. When participating in online forums or communities, concentrate on your expertise. You don't need to be the most active person, but your interaction with others will produce positive results, so that you can establish the image of opinion leaders.


  1. 關注在相關性,而非最近發生的。你最近的工作經歷不應該成為你先說話的內容。想想你的聽眾是誰,將你相關的技能與經驗融入到他關切的方向上。
  2. 關注在你的技能上。你不需要有行銷的背景才能成為好的行銷人才。你可以說說你的相關技能如何可以適用在所需要的議題上。
  3. 連結你的故事。你不需要像寫履歷表一般介紹自己,但是要將相關有力的內容連結成一個有凝聚力的故事,並說明它如何效用。
How do you introduce yourself perfectly?
Being able to introduce yourself skillfully in 30 seconds is not only suitable for job interviews, but also plays a grand role when you are ready to establish new connections. Here are three tips to help you introduce yourself perfectly.
  1. Focus on relevance, not recent. Your recent work experience should not be the first thing to talk about. Think about who your audience is and integrate your skills and experience into the direction of his concern.
  2. Focus on your skills. You don't need to have a marketing background to become a good marketing person. You can talk about how your skills can be applied to the issues you need.
  3. Connect your story. You don't need to introduce yourself as a resume, but connect the relevant content into a cohesive story and explain how it works.

2016年6月19日 星期日


  1. 與人聯繫。人際關係經常可以改變工作狀態。你可以與其他部門的朋友或是上級領導,或是你外面的朋友聯繫看看,看看是否有其他工作機會。
  2.  幽默一些。如果你在工作上不愉快,還是要設法讓你的生活有些幽默。幽默不僅能夠協助你度過困難的日子,也能夠讓你保持有正面的能量。
  3. 不要停歇。也許最重要的,就是當你有空時,繼續努力更新你的履歷表,看看人才市場網上的徵人廣告。
Get rid of the bad work situation
In the economic downturn, few people will consider resigning. This means that many people will be trapped in what they do not like or even inhumanity.
To get rid of such a bad working situation, try to do so:
  1. Contact with people. Interpersonal relationships often change the state of work. You can contact other departments' friends or superiors or your friends outside to see if there are other job opportunities.
  2. Humor. If you are unhappy at work, try to make your life a bit humorous. Humor can not only help you through difficult times, but also enable you to maintain positive energy.
  3. Do not stop. Perhaps most importantly, when you are free, continue to work hard to update your resume and see the advertising on the job market.


  1. 現有人脈關係比金錢更重要。你也許會認為新工作或是創立事業,會帶給你更多財富,但是你有沒有考慮過你將切斷許多你已經建立起來的寶貴人脈關係?當你想要有新的事業發展時,別忘了評估你的現有人脈關係是否可以有效帶到新工作上。
  2. 轉換工作沒有像你想像中的那麼緊迫。內心急切想要換工作的人,通常傾向于疏忽於對你新東家或是新事業作足夠詳細的瞭解與評估。建議你在逃離現有工作前,先做好對新工作的策略評估。
  3. 你可能對自己過度樂觀與自信。多數想要轉換跑道的人,對自己的能力與可能獲得的發展機會過度的樂觀與自信。在你離職前,建議你對自己再做客觀的評估。
Think again before you resign

It's often heard of young friends who are ready to leave for startups or switch runways. 
This is not to blame, people are always not satisfied with the reality of work, but also have a vision for the future. 
However, when you're ready to hand in your resignation, take a deep breath and think about it: 
  1. Existing connections are more important than money. You may think that a new job or starting a business will bring you more wealth, but have you ever considered that you will cut off many of the valuable connections you have built up? When you're looking for a new career, don't forget to assess whether your existing connections can be effectively brought to a new job. 
  2. The transition is not as urgent as you think. People who are eager to change jobs tend to neglect to understand and evaluate your new employer or new career in sufficient detail. It is recommended that you make a strategic assessment of your new job before you leave your current job. 
  3. You may be overoptimistic and confident about yourself. Most people who want to switch tracks are overoptimistic and confident about their abilities and the opportunities they might have. Before you leave your job, it is recommended that you make an objective assessment of yourself.