2018年9月1日 星期六





2018年8月31日 星期五



When You Ask a Colleague for Help, Be Clear and Specific
Asking for help can be uncomfortable, so most of us avoid it, or do it awkwardly. But you can’t always tackle a full plate of work alone.
To get support from your colleagues, figure out what you really need. What task can someone else do that will save you a ton of time and that doesn’t take a lot of explaining?
Next, identify the right person to hand it off to. Choose someone who actually can help in the way you need. Then make a clear request, being specific about what you want them to do, and when.
This is where most of us bungle it: Because asking for help is awkward, we say something vague (“Would you like to…” or “If you have time…”), which undermines the request. Accept whatever help your colleague offers — even if it’s not exactly what you asked for. And don’t forget to say thank you. 



Don’t Let a Promotion Hurt Your Work Friendships
It’s good to have friends at work, but those relationships can get complicated. If you’ve been promoted above your friends, and people who used to be peers are now your direct reports, you might feel unsure of how to act toward them.
You can reduce any strain on your friendships by being open and honest. Talk to your friends about the stresses and responsibilities of the new position. You may think that what you’re dealing with is obvious, but that’s probably not the case.
Explain the tensions you feel between valuing your friends and, for example, having to evaluate them or assign them work. Discuss how to strike a balance, whether it’s avoiding work-related topics when you’re socializing or agreeing to keep each other in the loop (when you can) about what’s going on.
You don’t have to lose your friends when you’re promoted — but you do need to be careful in how you interact.

2018年8月29日 星期三


  1. 把你的閱讀集中在一個主題上幾個月。你越深入研究某個主題,你就越有可能在未來學習它。
  2. 定期歸納你所學的知識。當你讀完一些東西後,問問你自己:“這裡有什麼關鍵的啟示?”“如果你不能給自己解釋一個想法,你可能沒有很好地學習到它。
  3. 偶爾中斷吸收新資訊。反思你過去讀過的東西是處理它的一個重要部分——不斷吸收新資訊可能會干擾它。給自己時間複習、思考和應用你已經讀過的內容。
Do You Retain Enough of What You Read?
We’re consuming more information than ever before — but retaining all that knowledge is another story. If you find yourself struggling to use what you read (or even just remember it), you probably aren’t learning productively.
To be a more efficient learner, try three things.
  1. Focus your reading on a single topic for several months. The deeper you go into a subject, the stronger a foundation you’ll have for learning about it in the future.
  2. Regularly synthesize what you have learned. When you finish reading something, ask yourself, “What are the key takeaways here?” If you can’t explain an idea to yourself, you probably didn’t learn it very well.
  3. Take occasional breaks from consuming new information. Reflecting on what you’ve read in the past is an important part of processing it — and constantly taking in new information can interfere with that. Give yourself time to review, consider, and apply what you’ve already read. 

2018年8月27日 星期一



Work in a Family Business? Create Your Own Network
When you work in a family business, you may assume that you’ll inherit the family network. You might be handed a few contacts, but you still have to be proactive in building your own rolodex.
Form connections with both peers and people from your parents’ or even your grandparents’ generation. Having contacts from a variety of backgrounds and experience levels will help you get many points of view. Think about which relationships with existing business partners can be transitioned across generations.
Maintaining those longstanding ties is important, but it won’t happen on its own. You should also have two or three close advisers, people you trust to give you feedback and advice.
They don’t have to be people your age; sometimes older colleagues can give you the same perspective that your parents would, for example — without the emotional baggage. And don’t be afraid to use your family brand. If your last name can open doors, take advantage of those opportunities.