這時,這位新領導,必須採取快速重組(rapid restructuring),以及隨之而來的快速重塑(rapid
How to deal with the embarrassing situation that colleagues become subordinates?
In an organization, everyone will have friendly colleagues who can talk, gossip, joke, complain and make fun of each other. However, once the organization has to pull one leader from several colleagues, the relationship will change to the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and these behaviors must be restrained. The former peers are now responsible for setting direction, assigning tasks, issuing deadlines, evaluating performance and determining rewards, etc. Yes, he can be a friend, but that's the point. It is necessary to keep a certain distance so that the new supervisor can make feedback and decisions that his former peers may not agree with. In order to do this, the new supervisor must reshape the relationship with each member of the team. If someone can't accept it, he has to look for a better position.
At this point, the new leader must adopt rapid restructuring and the resulting rapid re-contracting.
Reshaping refers to readjusting each other's relationship. We can still maintain our friendship, but we can't stop there.
More importantly, restructuring is to adjust the assignment of tasks to each other in terms of working relationships. Based on your knowledge of these past friends, you know their abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and more importantly, their mutual trust. You can adjust his new job position, raise your expectations for him, and hope that he will improve, and convince him that as long as he meets your expectations, he will be rewarded and rewarded.
Although you should avoid making small circles in your work relationship, it makes people feel that you have a certain sense of morality in employing people, and it also strengthens your leadership prestige and strength base.
This kind of relationship reorganization, in a group of partners, one of them becomes the chairman or general manager, while the other partners become senior Department managers, take rapid reorganization and rapid remodeling, especially to play a role.
With good use, previous partnerships and friends can become a strong team force with good tacit understanding in the new development. Otherwise, you will face the dilemma of fighting alone.
Your attitude and timing are the key.