2016年4月23日 星期六



Be energetic and concentrateyou must rest.
World class athletes and pianists will control their daily exercises for up to 4 hours. Rest is as important as training plan, which can restore physiological and psychological energy. Without rest, our minds will be tired, in a blank and easily excited.
Many people always work hard with the "full horsepower sprint", which not only exhausting themselves, but also does not guarantee high-quality work results.
If you want to maintain your energy, you have to work for a while to take a break and take a nap. If your workplace is not suitable for you to relax too much, try to heal your mind, close your eyes, breathe deeply and calm your thoughts.
This allows you to focus on your recovery after a break.


  1. 如老闆一般的思考。問一些能夠讓大老闆們精神抖擻或是殫精竭慮的問題。將你的心力投入在這些日常的關鍵工作與決策上。
  2. 專注在最高優先項目上。和你的主管合作,確認兩、三件最能夠提高你公司收入與利潤的項目。確保你的大部分精力是投入在這些優先項目上。
  3. 專注、集中力量。如果你的主管要求你做這些優先項目以外的工作,設法推回去。當然,如果這些工作與預備進行的優先項目有關,就可以安排到你的工作計劃中。
Be a more valuable employee
To run faster than others in the workplace is not to ask you to bootlick to your boss, but to show your value.
The following actions will help you to have a better chance of success in the company:
  1. To think as a boss. Asking some problems which will let bosses exciting or or feel in troublesome. Put your heart on your daily key work and critical decision.
  2.  Focus on top priorities. Work with your supervisor to identify two or three projects that best improve your company's revenues and profits. Make sure most of your energy is invested in these priorities.
  3. Focus and concentrate on. If your supervisor asks you to do projects outside of work, trying to push back. Of course, if these projects are on your priority, you can arrange your work plan.



  1. 改變觀點。不斷快速改變看事務的新觀點,讓自己的心智有更大的彈性。舉例,潛在的客戶、或是你的老闆、或是你的競爭對手,對於這個新構想會有什麼樣的看法?
  2. 重新啟動(Reboot)。每隔工作一小時,或是當你開始感到疲倦了,就擱下工作,休息一下。你可以離開座椅,去澆花、聽音樂、或是就讓自己胡思亂想。這樣的休息可以讓你的頭腦重新啟動。
  3. 讓自己正面思考。負面的情緒會傷害思考、記憶、創意,以及做策略思考的能力。設法讓自己拋開那些沒有建設力的想法,而讓自己多思索一些正面的價值,這樣可以有效改進這些能力。
Train your tired mind
If you're under a lot of stress and you're tired, it's hard to keep thinking and learning new things. Exercising, sleeping and resting, and having a good diet are important ways to keep your brain in good condition.
However, you can also keep your brain good and creative in the following ways:
  1. Change the point of view. Constantly changing the new viewpoint of looking at affairs, making your mind more flexible. For example, what do potential customers, your boss, or your competitors think about this new idea?
  2. Reboot . After working for an hour, or when you start to feel tired, just lay down your work and rest. You can leave your seat, water the flowers, listen to music, or let your mind wander. Such a break can reactivate your brain.
  3. Let yourself think positively. Negative emotions can hurt thinking, memory, creativity, and ability to think strategizing. Try to get rid of the ideas that aren't constructive and think more about positive values, which can effectively improve those abilities.



Be a realistic optimist
If you believe you will succeed, you will succeed, won't you? Not necessarily. Of course, optimism and self-confidence can help you achieve your goals, but this is not guaranteed.  
In fact, if you easily believe in success, you are likely to be disappointed. This is because you may overlook the efforts that must be made to succeed. You can think positively, but you must also realistically understand the meaning behind your achievements. Only by knowing how to succeed can you invest the necessary work and resources.  
Don't dwell on the final results all day. Instead, you should see how to get there step by step.

2016年4月22日 星期五


在準備迎接一項具有挑戰性的工作,無論是一場演講,或是擬定一份商業計畫書, 如果能夠得到他人的回饋意見,通常會很有幫助。例如,他們認為什麼是有利的?他們希望你能夠帶來什麼新方向?

What advice should you give priority to?
In preparing for a challenging job, whether it's a speech or a business plan, it's usually helpful to get feedback from others. For example, what do they think is beneficial? What new directions do they want you to take?
However, too much feedback often leaves you at a loss and makes you forget one of the most important things: your own thoughts.
If you get stuck in a situation where you don't know where to start because you have too many opinions, take a deep breath, calm down, and think about what you want to do and how you want to do it. This will restore your confidence and trust your own ideas.
When you have constructed your own ideas, go back to your trusted think tank or consultant and listen to their feedback on your ideas.


  1. 你過於關注細節。你可能正在過度關注一些瑣碎的細節。你應該問自己,究竟哪些才是最關鍵的,而將你的關注重心只集中在這些最重要的項目上。
  2. 你將自己放在優先次序。如果你總是將自己的興趣放在最優先次序,就沒有足夠的空間讓他人表現發揮。你應該顧及在你周遭的人的需要。
  3. 你將發生的每件事都當成獨特的。狹隘的領導者傾向于將每件事都重頭做起,因為他們將每件事都當成是個別獨立的。你應該觀察其中的共同性,並且找到可以比照處理的原則或是規律,這樣會讓你的工作比較容易進行。
Three signals that you have to broaden your horizon
A leader's ability to make good decisions can be helped or hindered by the lens size of the world. If your lens is too narrow, you will only focus on yourself or your team's development, and not see the changes in the outside world.
Here are three signals to let you know that you may be too narrow-minded:
  1. You pay too much attention to details. You may be paying too much attention to trivial details. You should ask yourself what is the most critical, and focus your attention only on these most important projects.
  2. Prioritize yourself. If you always prioritize your interests, there is not enough room for others to express themselves. You should take into account the needs of the people around you.
  3. Think of everything that happens as unique. Narrow leaders tend to focus on everything because they see everything as individual. You should observe the commonalities and find principles or rules that can be compared to make your work easier.

2016年4月21日 星期四


  1. 檢視你的過去記錄。你會很容易懷疑自己以及自己的能力。但是,如果你檢視一下你過去的記錄,你會發現你的成功還是超越了你的失敗。而且,更有價值的是,你在錯誤中還是生存下來了,而且你獲得了寶貴的教訓。
  2. 關注在你的強處。大多數的人都會擁有部分的核心能力,而在大部分的領域只是表現平庸,而在少部分領域比較弱。你應該充分運用你最強的實力,然後管理好你的平庸與弱點,使它們不至於降低了你的有效表現
Strengthen your self-confidence
Confidence is a dynamic emotional state, just like the muscles on the body, which must be exercised in order to be strong.
There are two ways to boost your self-confidence:
  1. Review your past records. It's easy to doubt yourself and your abilities. But if you look at your past records, you will find that your success is beyond your failure. What's more, you survived your mistakes, and you learned valuable lessons.
  2. Focus on your strengths. Most people have some core competencies, but in most areas they are mediocre, while in a few areas they are weak. You should make full use of your strongest strength and then manage your mediocrity and weaknesses so that they do not reduce your effective performance.


  1. 給自己找一位你很樂於和他一起工作的夥伴。當然,你不必一定要從你現有的工作夥伴中尋找。你可以從你外部的人脈關係中來發現這麼一個人,他能讓你尊敬、有共同的熱情,能夠互相包容。
  2. 給自己找幾個自己很有興趣去解決的問題。例如,和朋友定期約時間見面,討論如何協助年輕人做好職業經理人與做好創業的準備工作,這讓我們共同分享一些寶貴的經驗,自己也覺得對社會有貢獻。又如,自己空出一些時間,在博客上分享一些管理實務,也算是自己整理一些有用的管理實務經驗,自己感覺有些積累與貢獻,心中很滿足。
Without retirement, it can make work interesting
You don't need to retire before you can enjoy life. As long as you take "work attitude" from your work, find the joy of your work.
You can try to do this:
  1. Find yourself a partner who you are very happy to work with. Of course, you don't have to look for your existing partners. You can find this person in your external relationships, who can make you respect, share a passion, and be tolerant of each other.
  2. Find yourself some problems that you are very interested in solving. For example, making regular appointments with friends to discuss how to help young people prepare for career managers and entrepreneurship allows us to share some valuable experience and feel that we have contributed to society. For example, I spare some time to share some management practices on my blog. It is also my own experience to sort out some useful management practices. I feel that I have accumulated and contributed a lot, and I am very satisfied with it.

2016年4月20日 星期三


  1. 坦誠開放。貼心的說出你自己也在面臨如何安排工作與家庭生活、個人生活的挑戰。讓員工感受到你不是一名只會關注工作的領導者,你也有人性上的需求。
  2. 認知別人也有生活需求。尊重每個人除了工作,也必須安排家庭生活與個人生活。鼓勵員工說出他們在工作之外的日常活動。
  3. 支持員工發展工作與生活平衡。請員工說出你如何可以協助他們改善他們的工作與生活之間達到平衡。當員工可以實現出他們想要的行為活動模式,他們會更願意在工作上努力付出。
Balance employees' work and life

Everyone wants to balance their work and life. As a leader, how do you deal with this challenging problem for your employees? They look at you in their eyes, at your own patterns of behavior, so that they know how to organize their work and life.
You can do this:
  1. Open and honest. Intimate, you are also facing the challenges of how to arrange work and family life and personal life. Let employees feel that you are not a leader who cares only about work, but you also have human needs.
  2. Knowing others also needs life. Respecting everyone, apart from work, family life and personal life must also be arranged. Encourage employees to tell them about their daily activities outside work.
  3. Support staff development and work life balance. Ask employees to tell you how you can help them improve their work and life balance. Employees are more willing to work hard when they can achieve the behavior patterns they want.


與其在你的辦公桌狼吞虎嚥三明治,或是塞什麼垃圾食品到嘴巴里,不如一周安排1 – 2次比較休閒式的午餐。這樣不僅可以增進同事情誼,也可以讓你健康而有工作生產力。

Arranging a casual lunch

Many people have had the experience of making leisure lunches more productive and interesting.
Being able to chat lightly with colleagues or clients over lunch and have a good cup of coffee can make you feel like you're in another world.
Chewing slowly helps your health. And talking with your colleagues can help deepen your relationship.
Instead of gorging on sandwiches at your desk or stuffing junk food into your mouth, schedule a casual lunch once or twice a week. This will not only enhance colleagues' friendship, but also make you healthy and productive.


  1. 努力改善。一旦你認知自己的弱點,設法改善它。給自己找個導師,要求老闆或是同事給予強勢的監督,糾正自己的錯誤。或是,乾脆去上課。
  2.  轉包。將自己放在你最能表現優勢的工作角色上,將你不擅長的工作指派給能夠做好工作的屬下,或是外包給有能力的團隊。
  3. 另謀出路。如果以上的方式都行不通,就到了你自己必須另謀出路的時候了。待在一個你老是得裝模作樣,設法掩飾自己弱點的崗位,不是長久的辦法。
How do you face your weaknesses?
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. You'd better honestly admit that you have weaknesses.
What should you do?
  1. Try to improve. Once you recognize your weakness, try to improve it. Find yourself a mentor, ask your boss or coworker to give a strong supervision, correct your mistake, or simply go to class.
  2. Subcontract. Put yourself in your most powerful job role, assign what you don't do well to a team that can do good work, or outsource it to an able team.
  3. Find a way out. Perhaps, it is time for you to find another way instead of must stay in one. You can’t always have to try to hide your weaknesses in long time.

2016年4月18日 星期一


  1. 打個電話給客戶或是你的工作夥伴。如果你正好還沒有回復他一封電子郵件,打個電話給他;或是走到你的工作夥伴的桌邊,和他說幾句話。這樣做,他們肯定會很感激你這樣的體貼。
  2. 整理桌面。在平日裡,你很難找到一個片段時間來整理你堆積了一堆檔與雜物的桌面,何不暫時不理你的FacebookLINE、郵件系統,將桌面整理乾淨?
  3. 專注在一項艱難的專案項目上。平時你很難有多餘的時間,這個時候,何不集中你的精力來關注一個專案項目,將資訊與你的思路都整理清楚!

Put aside your Facebook, LINE, e-mail, to do more creative work!
Many people are inseparable from Facebook, LINE, and e-mail all day long, and occasionally when these communications tools crash, they are panicked about how to schedule their time.
Try it. When your Facebook, LINE, email system is on the machine, or even if it's not on the machine, you put off these communications tools and do something else, for example:
  1. Call the client or your partner. If you haven't answered an email yet, call him or walk up to your partner's desk and have a word with him. In doing so, they will be very grateful for your thoughtfulness.
  2. Tidy the desktop. On weekdays, it's hard to find a piece of time to sort out a pile of files and junk tabletop. Why don't you ignore your Facebook, LINE, mail system and clean up your desktop?
  3. Focus on a difficult project. It's hard for you to have extra time. Why don't you concentrate on a project and sort out the information and your thoughts?
If you don't have Facebook, LINE, e-mail system, your productivity will be higher.


  1. 繼續工作,但是不要超時。現在的許多工作都要求你能夠做多層次、交叉性的思考,要能夠解決問題,並且要與人多互動交往,這些都能夠讓你的頭腦維持良好運作。但是,你要注意不要做到疲勞而傷害了你的腦細胞。
  2. 尋找好創意與有豐富思想的人。不要老是讓自己待在舒服的區域,出去發現哪裡有好的創意,去認識那些能夠對你提出挑戰的人,會要求你改變思考模式的人。
  3. 要休息、要運動。頭腦和心臟一樣,都需要靠著氧氣與血流來運作。現代腦科學研究得到結論,要你的頭腦維持良好運作的最好方法,是去運動。所以,每天留一些時間給自己走出門外,到外面去散散步,呼吸新鮮空氣。散散步也能夠讓你的頭腦清靜下來,在和緩的呼吸下,思索長遠的人生,或是關鍵的問題。
Keep your mind in good shape
Working long hours can really hurt your brain cells. You have to keep your brain in good shape.
How do you do it?
  1. Continue to work, but don't timeout. Now many jobs require you to do more thinking level, cross, to be able to solve the problem, and to many people and interact with each other. These can let your mind maintain good operation. However, you have to be careful not to do the fatigue and hurt your brain cells.
  2. Looking for good ideas and rich thoughts. Don't let yourself to stay in the comfort zone, found out where there are good ideas, to know who can challenge you, will change the mode of thinking for your people.
  3. To rest, to exercise. Your head and heart have to rely on oxygen and blood flow to operate. The best way to keep your mind functioning is to exercise. Take some time every day to go outside for a walk, breathe fresh air. Walk also can let your mind quiet down, and in the next breath, thinking long-term life, or the key problem.


  1. 不要依慣性做事。想想有哪些新方法來工作,試著用新的作法來解決老問題。
  2. 嘗試找出變化。當你第一次開始時,你多半會看到可以做些變化的空間。但是,幾年後,甚至是當你受到一些挫折后,你會開始感覺要做出改變是太困難了。記得提醒你自己,即使能夠做的有限,但是還是有機會改變的。要求自己將不可能扭轉為可能。記得提醒你自己,即使能夠做的有限,但是還是有機會改變的。要求自己將不可能扭轉為可能。
  3. 重新檢視工作次序安排。當你開始感到無聊時,想想看在你未來90天內想要達到哪些工作目標,必須完成哪些工作,重新調整你的工作次序。將你的能量與情緒調整到能夠實現這些變化。
How to combat work boring?
When you feel bored with your job, it's easy to complain about the company, your boss, or your colleagues, but you can change the situation yourself.
Below, tell you how to stop working boring:
  1. Don't work on inertia. Think of new ways to work and try to solve old problems in a new way.
  2. Try to find out the change. When you first start, you will probably see can do some changes in space. However, after a few years, even when you have some setbacks, you will begin to feel to make a change is very difficult. Remind yourself, even if can do is limited, but still have a chance to change. Ask yourself will not be reversed as possible. Remind yourself, even if can do is limited, but there is still a chance to change. Ask yourself will not be reversed for possible.
  3. Review work arrangement. When you start to feel boring, see you in the next 90 days to reach those goals, what work must be completedRe-adjust your work order. Make your energy and mood adjustment to achieve these changes.